My Favorite Moments in Games

Not a ranked list. Please view notes.

Portal 2
Portal 2
The final time you fire the Portal Gun. What a great and epic moment that is set up for without you even realizing it. The ending as a whole is also very good.
The Witness
The Witness
Discovering the "other side" to this game. This was something Jon Blow talked about a bit pre-release, and I was on the lookout for whatever this hidden, surprise THING would be. When I found it, I immediately knew that was what was being talked about.
The finale. 'nuff said.
Death Stranding
Death Stranding
Die-Hardman's confession & the twist that follows that.
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
"I know you will!"

This ending, along with this whole game, has a beautiful, impactful simplicity that the rest of the series, as much as I like it, doesn't have.
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
The final playable segment. The New Donk City Festival is also good but that gets enough praise.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
The intro cutscene. The ending is very good, yes, but not Team Ico's best ending (the best part of it is the VERY end, which has a great and optimistic finality to it). The 1st colossus appearance often gets mentioned as well, but the intro is more legendary than both to me.
Katamari Damacy
Katamari Damacy
End Credits/"Katamari of Love"
No More Heroes
No More Heroes
Letz Shake & Henry's entrance. This is a little quaint and probably predictable to many people today, but this floored me when I first saw it in 2007.
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Changing the path for the first time.
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
"You don't know how special he is."
The best story moment in any Resident Evil game.
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II
"Looks like my summer vacation is over." One of the best title cards in all media.
Tomoko's second level. If you don't mind spoilers, read my review of this game for a description of that.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
"Serious Moonlight". How Suda made this happen I really can't fathom.
The intro, the Resonance Cascade, and its aftermath. This is something that was still really cool when I played it a few years ago but when it released it must have been incredible.
Spec Ops: The Line
Spec Ops: The Line
The specific bit where you go on a zipline and shoot a guy. Encapsulates a lot of the game right there. The White Phosphorus of course is also pretty great.
The Wonderful 101
The Wonderful 101
The last couple chapters of this game are so good, and I didn't really appreciate it until I saw a Let's Play of it a couple years ago, despite having played it close to release. It's Kamiya's best story by a country mile.
Final Boss/Ending/You Were There
God of War
God of War
Kratos retrieves his past.

I don't overhype this game, but as someone who is specifically a fan of the original trilogy, that sequence was very meaningful.
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - End of Zoe
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - End of Zoe
Joe gets the AMG-78 weapon. RE at its silliest and kind of coolest.
Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
Raven Beak/the finale. They actually made a good ending to Metroid, and Raven Beak is just an awesome and unique villain for the series.
Noby Noby Boy
Noby Noby Boy
The Fairy's Letter. This only appeared once the game was beaten and I did not have access to my PS3 at that point so I had to watch it on Youtube. In the letter, the fairy explains that they were able to connect the galaxy, but that it was achievable because they are in a video game, and in the real world, things are not so easy.

It's very frank and not, like, a cute fourth-wall-breaking moment or anything, that's not really the focus. Hard to explain but maybe just look it up.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
The Shimenawa man. Such a weird bizarre beautiful scene.


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