Games with interesting mechanics,ideas and creativity

Either using any hardware or something different and still fun to play

Npcs schedules. It's worldbuilding and open world
The solar sensor in the cartridge that actually wants real sunlight. Making it a base mechanic
The strand system, actually helping each other. making delivery idea for a AAA game
Talking to virtual girls. Real time dating
Combining devil May cry and resident evil
If you have a music cd you can actually play these in game and game will make custom level for it
Entire base rolling system
The meat timer
Soul system / phantom mechanic. Making soulslike subgenre


Holding hands... and being able to protect someone
Cinematic espionage action
Hack n slash mecha
The story itself and some ending changers
Hovering around and world building
Combining rpg elements and metroid like gameplay. Making metroidvania genre
Rpg elements into racing with some cool story too
Hack n slash formula
Espionage and stealth mechanics
A side by side gameplay. Absorbing bullets
Outrun formula with tricks
Using ds's features for it's puzzles
Changing platforms with Perspective
Gigolo mode
Using vita's camera and making some photos appear ingame
A perfect 2d to 3d transition of difficulty
First person shooter with rhythm
Using vocals in it's music and very difficult drift system
Effecting other gameplay scenarios and it's impossible n64 port
Creating tactics subgenre
Being able to Parry everything. Making it harder to master
Being able to change every move. Making it the best 3d beatemup
Virtual pet mechanics
Comic book style storytelling


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