Double feature roulette

How it works:
1. Generate a random number between 1 and whatever the number of games on this list is (might be here - ).
2. The number determines which game from a pair you'll be playing first (each pair starts with a game with a note on it).
3. If you've already played one of the games / have no interest in it, you can check the note for some alternatives.
4. Play through the games one after the other and share your thoughts (if you want to of course).

As for suggestions:
- the games must be from different franchises, different developers and should have a different publisher
- the two games combined shouldn't take more than 15 (ideally <10) hours to finish, or to more or less see what they're about (the latter applies to games with no ending, e.g. rogue-likes or multiplayer games)
- the games need to be similair in some sense - either if it comes to the story, main mechanic, general vibes, setting or anything else you want (the same genre is not enough)
- you can also submit some alternative titles for your games, or the ones that are already on the list

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