Lead female protagonists predating Lara Croft

trying to avoid games where there are multiple playable characters and the girls are treated as secondary to the lead male(s). if one is mentioned here, it's because a factor of the game treats the female character(s) equally or more prominently than the male(s) - featuring them in the title and/or box art, shared presence in marketing materials, making them the P1 option by default, etc.

i'm sure i've only scratched the surface. recommend me any i've missed!

Fringe case? Axel is the designated white male protag but Blaze is purported to be the leader and character that initiates the team's call to action in both 2 and 3's story.

Also notable to me bc a lot of early action games (hell, most today) give women weaker offense and defense stats, but blaze is actually the game's all-rounded character.
Morrigan undebatably replaced Demitri as lead mascot character after 1
Justice and World are both notable mascot characters and the rest of the cast is prominently female ala Puyo
"Admittedly a bit debatable but 2 elevates Grace to playable main character status with around equal playtime compared to Gabe and she does a lot of the legwork of solving the mystery of the plot."

TECHNICALLY as the player, you control Wanda and assist Mario indirectly.
michelle heart is the technically P2 and doesn't appear heavily in the original promo material but post-release crossover media always features her over her male counterpart
cursor defaults to kunoichi on character select and she's most prominently featured in box art
Kunoichi is P1 in arcades, don't know about cd ports
pc-engine version
Mary is the default P1 character in the Master System version


1 year ago

This is not the list we deserve, but the one we need.

1 year ago

Umihara Kawase
Chop Suey

1 year ago

how the fuck did i forget umihara oh my god -

1 year ago

For some more Sierra games,

Phantasmagoria 1

The Lara Bow Duology (The Colonel’s Bequest and Dagger of Amon Ra)

Pepper’s Adventure in Time

Gabriel Knight 2 (Admittedly a bit debatable but 2 elevates Grace to playable main character status with around equal playtime compared to Gabe and she does a lot of the legwork of solving the mystery of the plot.)

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