38 Reviews liked by Null_Will

This has reignited my enjoyment of Rise. I've beaten the main story but I've sunk 60 more hours into the game without really thinking and playing this every day without getting bored of it at all. There's so much to do and it's so much fun to do all of it. The fact that there's still much more coming up through 2023 is really exciting too, and I know I'm going to get a lot more enjoyment out of this game.

I don't really have any criticisms. This is the best Monster Hunter since Generations Ultimate, and the only reason that game is better is because it has Ahtal-Ka. I love this game so, so much.

While lacking in levels and some inconistency polish the first entry has, it widely compensates and outright out dates it's combat with superb refinement unique additions along with such a large variety of bosses tones genres and a balls to the wall splash of creativity that I've never seen in any other art form. Buy it and you're in for unforgettable trip on death road
I'll never forget the first time Playing this. Was one hell of a day and I had no idea what was instore for me. Oooo and what the fuck every hour with my buddies watching till the end. It was my first time without anything spoilt for me and I was not ready. My first kill had me and the Bois cheering with the line "GET THE FUCK OUT" and then the kill screen showed up and my head absolutely grooves Everytime I see it. Even with 140+ hours in. I just can't find anything else like this that scratches such an absurd raw violent what the fuck itch anywhere else that just for some reason speaks to me like no there piece of media ever. This game rules and deserves on better hardware/to have suda full development time and budget control the next time round. I can't get enough. Fuck head.

This was my first Metroid and I maybe spooked myself by playing the most smooth and refined one yet. Every ten bloody minutes I kept saying wow, or holy shit I love Metroid. This game flawed me on so many rewarding accomplishments that were never pandered to me or spelt out to me. I felt a great synergy with Samus and it's free of so many design trends that plague modern gaming that I'm not a fan of. Consistent fun beggining to end. Music may not be banging like the other titles but it does everything so damn right there's nothing to complain for me. One of the best games I've played. Made me feel smart

My favourite re just like countless others. My favourite mix of action and horror. I do enjoy the tank controls. Adds a certain tension to the game along with how it feels intentionally designed that way to not be cheap or unfair by having enemies slow crawl or heavy telegraph their movements. Along with plenty ie frames for a lot of actions like pickups and suplexing. Oh yeah you can suplex nuns 10/10 thing to do and I heavily the game being skill based as it rewards the player who is better equipped and more patient making it a blast to speedrun. I'm gonna give this game a proper rant review one day but it really is one of the greatest titles of all time

This was the first game since me being a child to have me boince up and down on my bed with utter excitement. I had no knowledge of the series beforehand but I dives into everything afterwards once I beat the game I got sucked into being a massive fan. Hype hype hype. Complexity hidden under simplicity and so much polish and freedom in the combat. This was the game to improve me playing everything else and opened my third eye. It also reevaluated my thoughts on other games and their combat systems. Made me realise how low the standard is/ how many mistakes other games make when it comes to basic mechanics. I'm surprised it grabbed me so hard but I've played through this title around 18 times and that was the first time a game has pulled me so hard

Best in the series still. While it may not have the most easy to pickup controls like 5/4 it has the most complex gameplay still and has the coolest bosses in the series along with level design challenging the player with unique tasks both intrinsic and extrinsic. Score is utter awesome and the story is probably an all time beloved. Reccomend the subsistence version as the camera in base is rough. But bro. What a thrill

Beat it again. Every fucking time I finish this game I cry. I go quiet and fucking glue my eyes to the credits and sigh. This shit is literally masterpiecery. Start here if you're not sure if the older games look fun or you want your brain to make sense. Cause fuck man. Every goddamn time

Absolutely captilised on the giddy feeling on owning a new console with the best launch game I've played and it's free and preinstalled??? Dam. Play it. Beat it. And 100% it. So tightly paced short and sweet super good time

Wii Sports 2. What else can I say

I've yet to complete but I've suibken enough time to know this is a legendary action game. You get. To. Pick. Your own combos. Each button remappable to whatever move you want. So much relentless fun and so well designed fun and fair but also one hell of a challenge

The story alone is why it's up here. I used to resent the title and then when I got to playing it, it was channelling my feelings about the fact I wasn't playing snake as one of its core messages. Talking about the indictment of legacy, the pre conceived expectations of sequels and so much more it aged so well and is super scary to think about how much came scarily relevant now.

This game was burried hard into my subconscious. I knew I heard if it before and saw it as a kid. I remember my parents shying me away from it at a young age. And I thought really fucking hard and then I started searching everywhere for it. Gave up cause I wouldn't be able to find the money for it let alone a copy that would bankrupt me. After months of me crying and pondering about this game that was so far from reach. I saved juusst enough from a copy that was decently priced and had everything intact. Thank god I bought a wiiu as well. And this game has given me so much wonderful suprises references and a mix of emotions and attachments I didn't expect to have experienced. Having to literally masturbate my copyright free beam Katana while suplexing day to day goons in between doing mundane chores like mowing lawns or picking up trash to pay for fights. I couldn't get enough of how unique this was to me. Wonderfully odd and well written and everything had its purpose. The fact you had to drive to location to location and save it hard earned money for expensive clothes and upgrades. And the fact you for scammed for it all in the end(later retconned) made me feel like an actual fucking idiot. It also served great distraction from the combat as replaying the game allows one to skip all chores and side missions due to how new game plus works+economy which makes the game 1/3 shorter but also more repetitive as the games combat after long periods of time subjected to it in sequence gets repeated due to the lack of depth. Hence why I feel like the side stuff and gigs will have two audiences. 1 they'll find it annoying and like a complete pace breaker or 2 enjoys the added variety that adds to the overall enjoyment of start to finish. For me it definitely adds some much needed extra 'mini games' to help make the game feel less repetitive much to the popular contrast where most feel like it adds repetition. Like Travis touchdown is literally a loser who watches anime has and anime body pillow and the game forces me to jerk off. It was perfect to all my personal dream check boxes and more that it's my favourite series now. Premise so simple yet subtext so deep and utterly enthralling. Also the theme catchy as hell. May have some rough dough edges but it's got a heart of gold and I wish people would play this more.

A playable developer biography. Combat although not my preferred way of nmh was actually a step forward for the series. Fun bosses cool levels with a unique era of games and genres. Collaborative effort of suda and indie Devs which half this game is a love letter to. And not in a cheap way either addressing the love and hate for the medium in very personal ways and also having a massive analysis on the current state of Travis while giving a huge sevwl on his character arc. This game blew and for me excited to read text goddamn it. Loved it all and should not be overlooked by any no more Heroes fan or suda fan. Also funny 10 hours of gaming a day

Made me want a switch instantly. I dig the movement. Levels. The tech. Non linearity of the levels. Freedom of choice. The score. The absolt hype and bosses were pretty good given the mechanics on hand. Also the hat is one of the single simple to understand yet adds so much depth and variety to the game with like over 60 things to control with unique movesets and behaviour. It's so much damn fun. Nothing wastes your time. Never wanna put it down and it was my first switch game I beat multiple times without owning a switch in the first time. My very few speddrunnin fun time first time was 13 hours and I did like 5 hours my last. It's so damn tight

I'm on board with the statement of best game of all time. Shapes and shit. Super simple could be shamed as 'baby game' but this rocks my ass and is hard because you're dumb idiot lol I lose