japanese ps2 jank

dunno quite how to describe but there's def something here. trying to play more of these eventually
third-person japanese action games with mechanics that are an acquired taste? <- outdated, now just fucking whatever
just doing one from each series for now

better known as EDF


2 years ago

have you played Spy Fiction my dude?

2 years ago

totally forgot about that game, perfect choice. only game I've played so far on here is gungrave... just got and modded a ps2 recently so this is partially my running list of oddball titles I've read about over the years that I wanna check out

2 years ago

Nice yeah, I may actually use this as well, it is excellent. Only ones I've played are Drakengard and Spy Fiction & Extermination because they are Swery joints. On a related note I feel like Deadly Premonition is the honorary king of this list because it was originally supposed to be a PS2 game .. wonder if it would have popped the same way if it had been. Probably not because besides that game, maybe Bullet Witch, Nier, EDF, probably some others, this spirit was gone by 7th gen. Actually that sounds like a list someone (more knowledgeable than me) should make ...

9 months ago


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