I don't like Star Wars and think the universe is boring and stupid. This game was OK, though. Story and setting was still boring and stupid, but it played pretty nice. The map was absolute ass, though, almost stopped playing because of it.

First played it on 360 and got stuck at the Gargoyles. Shelved it for a couple of weeks, came back, beat them and then it clicked. Subsequently sunk hundreds of hours into it and it became my new favorite game ever, surpassing Starcraft and Baldur's Gate 2. Most rewarding gameplay ever.

What a train wreck. Characters that look and behave like they sprang from the crazy mind of a drunk 16 year old, gameplay was boring as shit and too many cutscenes. Never go into it, but finished it anyways, because the internet basically said FF VII is the greatest thing since sliced bread (which isn't even that great, to be hones).

Was expecting a lot and was only disappointed a tiny bit. It's a very good game, but reviewers make it out to be this life changing experience, which it wasn't for me. It had some very good ideas, but wonky controls and some shoddy design get in their way sometime. Still, a very good game to sink some time into until you've finished it.

Plays like ass, dungeons are mostly fun, other stuff wasn't so good for mine. Very overrated.

One of the most overrated games series in my opinion, although the first one was nice on Gamecube. Hilariously bad voice acting by most involved, story that doesn't really make any sense and gameplay is just OK. Liked it back in 2004 or so, but I was a teenager then, and (most) teenagers are stupid idiots.

Terrific voice acting and the quests and storylines were very good. Never really got deep into the gameplay systems and played it on the easy setting. Liked it enough. DLCs were very good.

Loved it back on 360 in 2011 or 2012. Music was terrific. Nowadays I see how shallow it really is in many places, but had fun when I played it anways

Same as Doom (2016) for me, although it evolved in its gameplay. Just a fun romp, technically brilliant and it just works.

Overly long and drawn out game, story was entertaining enough, but pacing was definitely too slow. Very good graphics, gameplay was good. Technically very sound.


Most suprising fun game I played in a while, back when I did. First person shooting that went away from skeetshooting style of CoD and the likes. Lovely soundtrack, too.

Never quite gelled with me as much as it should have, but it was a pretty good game. Did not always enjoy the planetary design and running around small, spherical levels, but it was decent enough to get me to finish it on Switch.

Used to play it over at a friend's house, liked it back then, then played it later when I bought my own N64 around 2000. Loved it. Simply a fun game

Looks as nice as it plays. Sleek, fluid, decently acted for a change. Had a lot of fun and was decently scared.

Couldn't get into it, stopped after 30 minutes or so. Either not my type of game or it is just shit. Due to other reviews, I'm leaning towards the former.