30 vgm challenge

stole from dalaamclouds before everyone else jumped on, i just forgot to finish it. oopsie! template here. tried to value variety over listing my overall absolute faves ever. hopefully i didnt miss up any links cause im about to go to bed
please listen to the M1+2 track

Final Boss Music
Sacred Defender
Music That Makes You Nostalgic
Stormwind City
Music From a Handheld Game
Belch's Factory
Music That Gets You Pumped
Zanza the Divine
Music You Constantly Have Stuck In Your Head
Roll Me In
stuff gets stuck in my head for like a week straight and then disappears forever so I'm basically treating this as a wildcard, at which point there's no way I could make a list without putting this on it
Underrated Music
Infinite Amethyst
i think "underrated" and "overrated" are pretty silly labels - i only get to put this here because of how much pushback i saw against lena's tracks just because she's not c418
Town/Village Music
Music Associated With Frustration
Chanson d'Automne
(it's because i got hive cluster)
Racing Game Music
Main Menu
Cover of Music By a Different Artist
i can't think of any covers so have an arrangement instead
Game Released the Year You Were Born
Astral Observatory
Music You Never Get Tired Of
Shape Memory Alloys
Boss Battle Music
Music that makes you sad
Puzzle Game Music
Affection Air
Licensed Game Music
Indie Game Music
Make This Right
8-Bit Music


2 months ago

love to see zeroranger
soooo many times i almost put furi in mine and if i did...... it'd be this one

2 months ago

fantastic taste ^_^

2 months ago

@moschidae thank you c:

@beautifulbrute I love zeroranger's music and still listen to some of it pretty regularly, but sacred defender is just unreal. Listening back to it for the list made me feel like I was back in that part of the game again
I really like the whole of furi's ost and there's a lot fighting for my top place (you're mine and something to remember are up there) but make this right just does all the right things to my brain lol

2 months ago

I don't get what this is? Beat 30 video games?

2 months ago

@redbackloggd just listing off videogame music as per this template, nothing too spectacular lol

2 months ago

Oh lol ty

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