Ranking My 5/5 Games (They Aren't I Lied to You (They Actually Are, You got Pranked xD))

Hi area 42.


2 years ago

rayman origins on vita is so godlike
legends better
looking at your game ratings, pretty damn based ngl

2 years ago

I really like Legends but I dont see it as better, the design from origins made it possible for you to finish the level in time challenge while being on path to collect the necessary lums for the other medal, while in Legends the game wants you to constantly stop what you're doing to try and find secrets, which is also fun but disrupts the fluidity of the levels
to each their own

2 years ago

Origins is also way better than Legends on Vita in particular since Origins on Vita is probably the most polished handheld port I've ever seen. The use of the touchscreen was totally unintrusive and even worked very fluidly with the overall design. I could use the Vita's touchscreen to pop bubbles for hearts, drag coins around, pick up easter eggs, etc not to mention it just looked so crisp on an OLED screen and had neat bonuses from costumes to story content. Those costumes and touchscreen mechanics are completely removed in the Vita port of Legends and other than the music levels the level design just isn't as interesting as Origins' in the first place for its new levels
i disagree, i found the levels as a whole, more refreshing and fun in legends than origins. wii u version best btw

2 years ago

Wow I didn't knew the port was that good, platformers working well with touchscreen is not something I expected to read on backloggd.

2 years ago

Legends definitely tried more unique stuff like with that stealth level, polymorphy sequences, or that one level where the tower is falling down and you kind of dont move, but the levels does, I can see why most people prob preffer it over Origins

1 year ago

A nice variety of games.

1 year ago

Umineko peaked with episodes 5 and 6 indeed
Based & Erikapiled

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