Reviews from

in the past

The Disney Afternoon Collection. Часть 1. Disney's DuckTales (1989)
Мило. Простенько, но со вкусом. Для меня, как представителя поколения Z, постепенно постигающего артефакты прошлого, приятно было наконец-то пройти ретро игрушку, после которой не хочется бить лбом об стены. Отношение к игроку крайне благосклонное, и я ценю это. Если экономить дестрактиблы, то рандомно попадающихся в них хилок вполне хватит для спокойного прохождения. Благо, отсутствие таймера позволяет. На одной из локаций есть возможность перманентно повысить количество хит поинтов, что предоставляет тактическое преимущество в последующие попытки прохождения начинать его именно отсюда. В общем, это я к тому, что игра само собой ископаемое с ограниченными жизнями, но этим она не душит тебя настолько, насколько могла бы. Подлянки имеются, но многие из них имеют предупредительное свойство, после которого только от тебя зависит, наступишь ли на те же грабли снова или нет. Всё же хит поинтов и хилок хватает, чтобы учиться и запоминать.
Финальный босс сосёт. При чём это вампир, поэтому сосёт во всех смыслах. Скучный и затянутый ван трик пони с одним единственным паттерном атаки, представляющим из себя рандомный по траектории проджектайл для отскока на нём. И ты прыгаешь и отходишь, и прыгаешь и отходишь, лишь бы это чмо высрало наконец нужную вариацию, и длится это целые минуты. При чём, что иронично, от того какой он затянутый и унылый, этим же он и сложен, ибо так и байтит на то чтобы зажадничать и попробовать себя в неоправданно рисковых прыжках. Впечатление такой уникум, конечно, подпортил.
Из хорошего могу подметить культовый саундтрек, что для 8-битного пиликания образца 1989 года действительное цепляющее музыкальное наполнение, не надоедающее по мере прохождения. Тему Луны вы наверняка слышали хотя бы в этих ваших ДикКоках и прочих Рельсах.
Что удивительно, это первая ретро игра, после первого прохождения траить которую я был не прочь. Не без мотивации от стимовских ачивок, конечно. Траить "спидран", завершившийся отметкой в 27:51, проблем и нервотрёпки мне вообще не составило.
Хороший допотопный платформер, который помог мне избавиться от предрассудков и предвзятости по отношению к старью.

Lo mejor de este juego sin duda es la música y el estilo visual. También que el combate y las mazmorras son bastante simples, y te ayuda a desconectar el cerebro y pasártelo bien fácilmente.

Lo peor es sin duda toda la narrativa. La historia es súper genérica, y los personajes malísimos (los protas son los más sosos que he visto en mi vida). Y la verdad es que aún basándose sólo en ser divertido he visto otros juegos del género que lo son mucho más.

En general un juego carreadísimo por lo bonito que es y que en todo lo jugable está ok. No me arrepiento de haberlo jugado: me ha dado unas cuantas tardes divertidas pero nada mucho más allá.

I don't know how to feel about Blue Archive.

On one hand, Blue Archive's lax gameplay provides me some comfort. It's neither frustrating nor too limiting. Its also chockful of QOL, but is somewhat ruined by the fact that its client isn't the best. Music does go hard, and the game seems to be generous enough.

Obviously, there's another side to that coin, and that is Blue Archive's writing and aesthetic is loudly perversive. It's overly sexual, and is made even worse by the game's high-school setting.

Do I recommend this game? I don't know. If you get satisfaction from Blue Archive through its character-design, I'd rather not talk about it.

As a free game, it knows what it wants to be: A short Contra-like videogame with well crafterd levels that don't overstay their welcome. It also features some extra challenges for players who want an extra step in difficulty, but the reward itself comes once you've done everything the game has to offer, so it felt kinda pointless.

idk why people are dogging on this game its so fucking fun i love it

why was this made, why was the zombies impossible to play and just.. idek.

If you like hurting people, play Hotline Miami (2).

If you enjoy action roguelites, build variety, and want a shitload of guns to try out, play SYNTHETIK.

If you fancy some bullet time, play the original Max Payne or F.E.A.R.

OTXO is fun for the first couple of hours but doesn't hold together well enough to be played over and over like you would expect from a roguelite. All runs start to feel exactly the same way too soon.

should've stopped at 3 this is so awful it hurt. the zombies was so easy, the multiplayer was bad and the campaign.. oh wait there was none.

Solid hybrid of old dungeon crawler and turn-based combat.

Por um tempo curto Metroidvania era o meu gênero favorito dos games, muito por conta de Castlevania SOTN. Eu amo as mecânicas de exploração e a recompensa delas, e além disso o combate se misturando com tudo isso. Por fim, o tempo foi curto, pelo fato de eu acabar enjoando muito rápido do genêro, e até pouco tempo o meu metroidvania supremo era o Aria of Sorrow. Hollow knight eu até tentei jogar na epóca, porém eu como tinha dito estava enjoado do gênero. Eu acabei dropando Hollow knight mais ou menos no ano novo de 2021, e de fato eu acho que precisava disso. Precisava amadurecer mais um pouco para simplesmente me agraciar com o mais novo supremo metroidvania que eu ja joguei.

Jogabilidade[5/5]: Simplesmente perfeita! Moldada da melhor forma possível. Entregando principalmente velocidade e muita mecânica. Acho que essa é a parte principal desse jogo! O fato de que não é necessário você desbloquear as habilidades que te permite alcançar novos lugares, e usar das próprias mecânicas do jogo, mostra como ele foi perfeitamente moldado e muito bem feito.

Dificuldade[4.5/5]: A maior parte do tempo o jogo é bem fácil, ficando mais difícil para o final do jogo. Eu até acabei passando mais dificuldade para o final por que não sabia que dava para melhorar o ferrão do personagem durante a gameplay, então de certa forma, joguei o jogo da forma mais difícil sem querer, e sinceramente não tive tantas dificuldades. Acho que a dificuldade é bem acertada nas DLCs, trazendo alguns bosses do jogo principal mais fortes e rápidos, e alguns bosses novos que são difíceis demais! E eu gosto dessa dificuldade do jogo, não é apelativa e principalmente te força a bolar estratégias e a se acostumar com os times dos bosses. Acho que se não fosse a facilidade que tive na maioria dos bosses o jogo teria sido mais marcante nesse fator.

Direção de arte[5/5]: Hollow knight é maravilhoso de lindo! Acho que nunca vi tanto amor pelos cenários de um jogo. Cenários vívidos, cheio de detalhes, muito bem desenhado, característicos e bastante memoráveis! Acho que nunca me apaixonei tanto pelo cenário de um jogo. Acho que esse é o ponto crucial de hollow knight, o designe dos personagens é marcante e você consegue distinguir cada um, com sua beleza e também o inseto no qual representa. Acho que hollow knight até o momento é o jogo que tem a arte mais linda que já vi até hoje.

História[5/5]: Hollow knight tenta fazer algo parecido com dark souls, porém em uma versão mais light, de dar poucos detalhes da história, que é contada muito das vezes observando o cenário, ou então lendo a descrição de itens, completando o diário do caçador ou as vezes em alguns dialógos de NPCs(os famosos sonhos também). A história as vezes é direta o que torna uma versão mais light de narrativa parecida com DS. E de fato eu curti bastante a história de Hollow knight, apesar de encararmos o boss final como um vilão, acredito que no fim não se tem um vilão ao certo, e sim uma consequência de ações tomadas que gera o estado final que se encontra Hallownest. E de fato, é muito bem escrito e rico em detalhes. Acho que só pelo fato da história se contada de várias formas e visões diferentes enriquece para mim a narrativa de hollow knight.

Trilha sonora[5/5]: As OSTs desse jogo são realmente maravilhosas! Eu amei cada OST principal de cada cenário e suas variantes, além de claro amar a OST de city of tears que na minha opinião é uma das melhores. Cada cenário tem sua OST marcante e muitas vezes a musica ainda fica rebobinando na sua cabeça mesmo com você não jogando o jogo. Que trilha sonora maravilhosa tem esse jogo sinceramente! Acho que as OSTs acabam até amplificando a mistura de sensações que esse jogo traz.

Gameplay[5/5]: Até o momento eu acredita que Aria of Sorrow era o metroidvania supremo, mais pelo fato de que o jogo além de trazer a exploração e recompensa de SOTN, ele também nos a diversão de poder usar os poderes dos inimigos, além de incentivar você a obter a habilidade especial de todos, o que me fez amar esse jogo e não conseguir parar de jogar ele por horas, além de zerar ele diversas vezes. Porém, hollow knight hoje, apesar de não trazer grandes revoluções no gênero, ele traz até o momento, balanceia perfeitamente a recompensa por exploração e combate, fazendo com que toda Hallownest seja marcante, seja por conta do cenário, inimigos, bosses, musica ou a própria dificuldade de exploração com trechos plataformer. Por fim acho que toda essa combinação faz com que hollow knight tenha sido para mim até o momento o Metroidvania perfeito.

Conclusão[4,916/5]:Acho que Hollow knight se tornou para mim o meu jogo mais favorito atualmente. Eu nunca me senti tão apaixonado por metroidvanias e além disso, me marcou com seu universo rico em detalhes e beleza. Acho que por um bom tempo não terei um jogo tão divertido quando Hollow knight foi e ainda é para mim. No momento da review ainda estou fazendo o panteão para conseguir o 112%, então de certa forma, eu ainda não consegui largar hollow knight. O fato de eu estar fazendo tudo o que da pra fazer no jogo mostra o quanto me apaixonei por ele. O metroidvania perfeito, que me fez viciar em seu universo, algo que não sentia a muito tempo. Estou ansioso para Silksong, e espero que novamente possa sentir o quão maravilhoso é esse universo.

don't get me wrong it was a good pokemon but my gosh this was so slow when you'd play through it.

4 stars for actual game but im gonna have to give it half a star because my playthrough was ruined by fromsoftware elitist fans who have been ableist and stupid as shit to disabled people asking for an easy mode or using summons.

I genuinely will never interact with anyone who says "youre bad if you use summons" i do not give a shit, yes its easier and you can say the boss is boring now, but i dont give a shit. I cant play games like elden ring without help because im fucking disabled in my prominent hand so having to make my fingers work and do everything needed to beat a boss drains me mentally. Oh and thats not even it because there will always be that one mentally unwell basement dweller who says "git gud"

Buyer's remorse.

Palworld is an elephant in the room. There's some novelty here and there, similar to Minecraft's kitchen-sink mod-packs. On the other side, Palworld is slop. Like a big-glowing, exclamation marked, light-bulbed, yellow-painted, with arrows all over, walking talking red-flag of a video game.

I've had my time with it, but I'd rather not do it again.

This somehow felt too long despite only taking five hours to finish. Felt this particularly during the "comedic" portions of the game, which didn't start out well and only got worse the longer they dragged.

Combat was frustrating. The characters movements aren't fluid enough that it ever felt properly action packed, but there was too much happening on the screen for it to be technical either.

Combined with a kind of flimsy story, this was a waste of a decent enough setting premise and some fun music.

The game is different from its predecessor but has its own charm.

Quirky "Zelda but about the parts of corporate work that blow" rogue-lite.

The greatest, classic Pokémon experience you can have. The series peaked here.

Cool idea to make an "endless" King's Field style of dungeon crawler. However I fear in being procedurally generated to this extent, it may have traded quality for quantity to a level that makes the game less interesting.

7'scarlet shows its age as an Otomate release in both features and structure. It's missing what is now the standard (like a flowchart and skip-to-choice), and the strange way later endings are unlocked and accessed certainly is an experience because of it. It's also really bad at foreshadowing; after playing Virche Evermore and seeing good examples of this, playing 7'scarlet a second time while knowing everything really has no particularly satisfying payoff.

I really like this game, though. It's partially horror and involves some instances of blood, violence and death, but it's one of the coziest games I own. The soundtrack and backgrounds are so comfortable and relaxing the majority of the time. I may not be completely sold on much of the romantic content, but I am sold on the protagonist — with a beautiful design and convincing big puppy dog eyes, I can imagine why these guys would fall for her. It was nice seeing her, Yua, Yuzuki, and Okunezato again!

Anyway, I'm glad this game ends after Yuzuki's endings and there's no secret route whatsoever❤️

Refines some rough edges the previous game had, but falters when it comes to the combat. It feels better to play on the surface, but look a bit more into it and you’ll find a combat system with less impact and flexibility than it’s predecessor.

Besides the gameplay, I also felt the story and music were less memorable. As well as the more colorful visuals taking away some of the personality the original game had in strides.

This review contains spoilers

Unfassbar geiles Remake, grafisch gesehen wirklich ein Meisterwerk, selbst auf meiner alten Radeon 570 Series sieht das Game so unfassbar schön aus und läuft so flüssig wie die vorherigen Remakes. Das Einzige, was mich etwas triggert, ist, dass das Ende sich etwas zieht und der Endboss sehr ernüchternd ist. Da ich das Original noch nicht gespielt habe, aknn ich auch noch nicht sagen, wie gut es adaptiert wurde, aber als Remake ist das Game unfassbar gut. Sehr sehr empfehlenswert, mein GOTY 2023, evtl sogar 2024. So schnell kann dieses game kein Anderes toppen.

pretty enjoyable and fun soulslike with so many little flaws...
> there are like 4 mandatory bosses and really only the last one feels like somewhat proper boss, two others are just big enemies with minions and remainder is 100% parryable, with very clear attacks
> cool memory system which require to read items' descriptions and pay attention to the environment... unless you don't wanna 100% the game so whenever you're in distinctive room you just scroll through inventory to check if any gear can be remembered here
> rough-edged map? like missing floor or wall textures, soft blocks, dead ends you can go in but can't go out... i know some of these things are meta jokes but come on, that's way too much for all of them to be intentional
> big and interconnected, ds1-like world feels great and gives you lots of "a-ha!" moments... but i feel like it's TOO big and TOO interconnected, some shortcuts lead to locations i have no desire and no need to return to; because of that i kept forgotting about these actually helpful shorcuts, there's just too much of them (but maybe that's nitpicking, i guess all of them are useful if you're 100%-ing the game or want to remember as many items as possible)
> and so on, and so on..

See Assault on Egreth Castle, because they're two halves of the same thing.

The ZorkQuest games are among the earliest of visual novels, and while I have no interest in getting into the semantics of what is or is not a "visual novel" right now, in the case of ZorkQuest there can be no other possible designation. They are in no way puzzle games, nor are they roleplaying games or even adventure games. They are graphical, and that seems to be their primary selling point, as they do involve creative use of an Apple II's visual capabilities. They also... HAVE sound, as much as anything on an Apple II ever does.

The only interaction that a player has with the game, other than passively observing it, is in jumping between character perspectives to choose which scenes actually play along the pre-determined narrative. That interactivity is... kind of neat, but the thing must then inevitably live or die on the strength of its writing, and Assault on Egreth Castle is definitely nothing special. It's a competent but generic tale of fantasy tropes that would sufficiently entertain a child for a couple of hours.