The Games I Finished in 2023

Nothing here!

That ending..
It's Bloodborne dude
Some polish here and there and maybe a longer runtime would make this perfect
Probably won't play a better FPS campaign in a long time
I could barely keep my eyes opened in the beginning of Journey due to its very slow introduction, luckily it picks up and has some of the most beautiful moments in all of gaming honestly, and that OST..
After the great experience I had with AC2, Brotherhood was just more of the same but less in many ways. It just didn't work for me, sadly
Huge surprise for me and easily the best action horror game I ever played. An absolute joy
Jill is hot
M4, Pt. II
I liked the first one more but ME2 was still a fun time, I should finish the trilogy this year
First metroidvania that I loved. More to come in the future
Gripping characters and world unlike any other, Disco Elysium lived up to all expectations
Awesome game that I almost love as much as the sequel. The soundtrack is incredible
Like a Dragon 7 was so refreshing and new in the first few hours, this feeling began to wear off as the game got slower and slower with a LOT of filler, sadly. Could've been top 3 Yaki game easily had it been more tight, very excited for LaD8 though
One of the most fun games I played all year, perfectly paced with a fun storyline, set pieces, combat, bossfights, Hi-Fi is firing on all cylinders
Super cool experience, very intrigued how the sequel expands on it
Despite my problems with SM2, it is still an incredibly fun game that I still come back to often just to swing around for a while, it never gets old
This open world gameplay loop just worked for me, I had a lotta fun for most of my 40+ hours. The sequel needs to improve on the story and characters
It is what it is
Thoroughly enjoyed this despite knowing it is not actually the end for Kiryu like it was promised. Seeing him absolutely clueless in the role of a dad of a toddler was hilarious
One of the boldest sequels ever and it fucking works! What an experience
Paced liked shit but that last act made it worthwhile
I do not agree with the overwhelming positivity around this game, a large port of it is filler and repetitive, even though it's pretty short. Nonetheless it is still packed with a lot of awesome moments for the fans of the series and ending was possibly the most emotional in the series. Genuinely made me cry like a bitch
Fascinating art style and world. Lotta suprising elements here that I did not expect, it is not just a simple puzzle game and that's what I love most about it
Glen Schofield best dev in the biz
Give me Sekiro style combat and I will have fun
Climbing has never been so fun in a game. It somehow never gets old or boring and the ending caught me off guard with its pretty style
Possibly the most interesting entry in the series, playing as Haruka, fighting a bear in the woods as Saejima.. while it's not one of my favourites, it is still Yakuza, and that is a guaranteed good time


5 months ago


15 hrs ago

MGR doesn't need a longer runtime. It's perfect as it is

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