bad ranking of games I played in 2022

This list was inspired by everyone else making stuff like this. I played a lot of wonderful games this year so I figured I should make it. First time plays only, unless I haven't played the game for many years. Don't take it too seriously, this is just more of my fake gamer propaganda. Especially for games that are meant to be played many times, the things that make those kinds of games are probably gonna fly right over my head unless it really clicks with me the first time. Most of these games are really good!

Happy new year!

What you think it is, a must-play. For anyone who plays games.
The Intercept move completely changes Ninja Gaiden and makes it worth going through the trouble of downloading the Hurricane Packs. Actually, I recently received a tip from a certain someone that they're working on it for Insignia which would be just swell. Can't wait.
If you play this PS3 version, please set the resolution to 480p. The game is way too clean otherwise.

Anyways this is one of those games that everyone needs to play at least once in their life, so you should definitely get around to doing so if you haven't yet. PLEASE do not play the 2018 remake, at least for the first time. It is absolutely emblematic of everything wrong with computer game remakes and preservation. It makes me sad that people will champion things like that. You do recognize that the remake existing in the form that it does will block off any chance for the original to be preserved again, right? Right? You do recognize that it will be the only version of the game that a vast majority of people can access in the future, right? I'm sorry, it just makes me sad. I don't get why people would want that to happen to a game unless they don't actually care about it. I mean, it's one thing to use the chance to remake a game to do something creative with the original idea of the game, something that can exist in equilibrium with the original. Something that can build upon it to do things that wouldn't be possible with a completely new game. It can play on your expectations and use your memories of the original game to do new things. That's not what this new Shadow of the Colossus is. You might think it's fine now, but think about what it'll be like in 100 years. Nobody will know what this game originally represented.

I'm sorry, I complain about this stuff too much. I just can't not think about it!
I'm too stupid and not experienced enough with shmups to tell you what makes one good. That said, I can tell you that this game is good. Not why, just that it is. I really wanted to go knee-deep into the genre this year which I don't think I've really succeeded at. Even so, I still played a lot of them and this one is probably the best in the most normal shmup-ey way. Which is to say that the bullet patterns were just stimulating enough, the scoring system is just nuanced enough, and making things go BOOM feels awesome.
Sega is really good at separating lots of cool stuff for this game across different versions. It would be too convenient to have this all consolidated into one version.
An awesome collection for fans. I love watching him waddle around the 3D world he's such a good boy
the sprite size and physics-based throwing stuff from Cotton 2 wasn't intended for a game with so many bullets and explosions. Leave that to other shooters. It's still a pretty good game, and it has some of what makes Cotton 2 the best game ever made in all of the timeses, but doesn't quite stack up. It feels a lot more slapdash.
For whatever reason this one didn't quite click with me in the way that Puyo Puyo 15th Anniversary did.
For whatever reason this one just didn't click with me in the way that other Capcom fighters have, including Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. I never felt like I was doing something cool on purpose, shit just sorta happens. Maybe this game is too much for my feeble mind.
boss theme is very good.
Competent game, phenomenal soundtrack.
Go into the settings and turn on only the driving stages.
Daytona has never clicked with me in the way other Sega racers do. Sorry
Sega CD version
This one lacks a lot of the style and energy of the other Cotton games. It feels a lot more generic and forgettable. Bland!
fine game that stinks with context.
some people really like this one and I don't really get it to be honest
the soundtrack and visuals are absolutely amazing. This would be the best game ever if they, you know, didn't fuck it up.
I'm sorry Toilet Kids fanbase.


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