are we there yet

games that seem too content-heavy, bloated, unnecessarily slow, or are too long to finish to the point of overstaying their welcome. mmos and open world games are excluded for virtue of their natures as genres, and older jrpgs are treated a bit lighter than other genres. suggestions welcome. note that this doesn't necessarily mean anything about the quality of the game or whether i personally like them or not

Suggested by rockman
this edition in particular exacerbates it; the bloat is relative to its genre, being around 3-5x as long as genre games tend to be
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by GutterTrash
Suggested by Mariel
Suggested by GutterTrash
Suggested by killbutt
Suggested by Mariel
Suggested by Androu1
Suggested by a friend
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by Rockman
Suggested by Birdy
Suggested by killbutt and chandler
Suggested by GutterTrash
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by chandler
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by rockman
Suggested by Androu1
Suggested by GutterTrash
Suggested by GutterTrash
Suggested by Rockman
Suggested by Rockman; counts for entire series
Suggested by Thebustman

GutterTrash also suggests every "Ubisoft tower" game in general would count
Suggested by Rockman
Suggested by Androu1
Suggested by PalapaSlaps
Suggested by Rockman
Suggested by rockman


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