Mario Games Played Ranked

An Attempt to catalog one of my favorite franchises.

I played this a ton as a kid. My sister and I will still break it out from time to time.
Mario Kart peaked on the GameCube.
The least memorable Kart game.
Remake this, you cowards!
I grew up on this game, and still break it out with my sister every now and then.
As far as on the N64 Parties go, this was definitely the least impressive.
Good, but lesser to it's immediate successor in every way.
Favorite of the Parties. I've spent many, many nights laughing with friends with this game. Amazing games, great boards, fun gimmicks, and ran great on the GameCube.
Definitely the least memorable of all the Parties.
Never really got too into the Mario sports games. This is the one exception, for some reason it grabbed onto me as a kid. I never owned it, but I rented it from Blockbuster at least a dozen times and played it for hours on end.
Nothing will ever top this.
It was fine as a remake. The multiplayer mode was surprisingly fun.
Respect for it starting it all, but judging it alone, it does not stand up to later games.
This game was weird and has a weird backstory
I remember my mom somehow, inexplicably knew all of the secrets to this game and showed us as kids.
Fun, but I didn't play it for too long before getting bored.
I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it was. This was a love letter to all of the previous Mario games.
The minigames were fantastic, but the boards were mostly uninteresting.
I wish I loved this one more, as it seems to be a crowd favorite. The other 3D Mario games were better.
Not only is this very easily my favorite Mario sidescroller, this is probably in contention for my favorite sidescroller ever.


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