30 Days VGM Challenge (PhantomJack Edition)

Inspired by Lemonstrade's list. This was a hard one to make I'm not gonna lie. I decided to add a little more to this challenge by adding in their respective composers and providing explanations as to why I selected them.

Here's the template if you want to do one yourself.

30 - Credits Music
Composers: Masanori Adachi, Taro Kudo

Here we are, the end, and what better way to conclude the challenge is with Super Castlevania IV's Ending theme. This theme feels like you've accomplished something big in your life, even if it's small like beating a challenging video game. A musical composition that makes you reflect on your journey, reminding you that the obstacles you've overcome were all worth it in the end. A triumphant end that sends chills down my spine.
29. Final Boss Music
Dancing Mad
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

Yet another one I would love to talk about in full-length someday, Dancing Mad is a marvelous feat of what the Super Nintendo is capable of. It tells the story of a nihilistic and maniacal villain in four parts in a 10-minute song (if you take out the loops) creating something hauntingly beautiful. It's an elaborate work of art that I will point to when someone mentions the term "Final Boss Music."
28 - Music That Makes You Nostalgic
Wind Garden/Gusten Garden Galaxy
Composer: Mahito Yokota

The definitive childhood video game soundtrack for me. With its sweeping orchestral and lighthearted nature that feels both adventurous and blissful, it creates an incredible experience the player will remember, and it's no wonder why this is one of Mario's iconic pieces.
27 - Music From a Handheld Game
Map (Day)
Composers: Daisuke Matsuoka, Asuka Itō

When I couldn't think of anything else, Tomodachi Life has my back. I wish Nintendo would port this over to Switch and let the Miis do whatever they want again.
26 - Music You Like From a Game You Haven't Played
Composer: Masakazu Sugimori

I remember first hearing this in the February 2023 Nintendo Direct, and I have to say that it's a good theme. I would love to get Ghost Trick sometime.
25 - Music That Gets You Pumped
Composer: Hiroyuki Fujino
Vocals: William Aoyama (from INTERSECTION), and Beverly

This was a backup game if I can't think of anything else without repeating a series, which is exactly the case here. I haven't listened to this song in a long time, but this kicks ass.

I need to continue with Astral Chain sometime.
24 - Music You Constantly Have Stuck In Your Head
Magical Sound Shower
Composer: Hiroshi Kawaguchi

I'm a Magical Sound Shower guy and I always will be. I can never get enough of this.
23 - Underrated Music
World 1
Composer: N/A

This song is so good that we don't even know who composed it.
22 - Town/Village Music
Traverse Town
Composer: Yoko Shimomura

This is THE town theme for me. Feels like this could've been a real place in one of Disney's parks if they weren't stupid.
21 - Music You Associate With Frustration
Bravely Folk Song
Composer: Takayuki Aihara

Cervantes' AI can piss off.
20 - Music From a Racing Game
White Land I
Composer: Yumiko Kanki

I need to play more non-Nintendo racing games, but White Land I is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about racing game music.
19 - Cover of Music by a Different Artist
Original Composer: Ippo Yamada
Remix by GaMetal

I also want to cover this song in full length someday in another list, but for now, this is my favorite remix of one of my favorite final boss themes in all of gaming. It has the tempo of the original getting that sense of desperation, and adds in the part exclusive to the Mythos version creating something far more intense.

I love Mega Man music, and Cannonball is one of the reasons why.
18 - Music in a Game Released the Year You Were Born
Sky-Sub Level/Treasure Challenge 2 (Whatever the hell it's called)
Composers: Norio Hanzawa, Minako Hamano

"WOW" and "WHEEEEEEAAAA" intensifies
17 - Music You Never Get Tired Of
Busted Bayou
Composer: David Wise

This is a track that I would love to talk about in-depth in like a retrospective at some point, but Busted Bayou represents the genius of David Wise. Free from the limitations of the Super Nintendo, this man has never skipped a beat, bringing in so many instruments that correlate with the aesthetic of this particular silhouette level, never feeling out of place, all combined to create something that's a buffet to the ears. The same thing can be applied to the whole soundtrack of Tropical Freeze, it's so damn good.
16 - 16-Bit Music
Light Plane
Composer: Soyo Oka

Perfect for flying.
15 - Boss Battle Music
Vs. Dragaux
Composers: Shiho Fujii, Asuka Hayazaki, Shinji Ushiroda

Perfect for squatting. Leave it to Nintendo to make a boss fight against a giant muscular dragon slap so hard.
14 - Music Featuring Vocals
Main Theme
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu

This song also needs no introduction either, it's so damn good.
13 - Music You Like From a Game You Don't Like
Composer: Ryo Yamazaki

This boss theme goes so hard, and then 30 seconds later he's down.
12 - Music That Makes You Sad
Memories of Green
Composer: Yasunori Mitsuda

Beautiful is what I describe this song when I first heard it when playing through Chrono Trigger recently for the first time. But now this song will always remind me of my uncle as he passed away back in early February of this year. He had smoking problems that permanently affected his health, but despite all his health problems, he was always happy to see me, so this made it all the more devastating when I heard that he was no longer with us. This tune will resonate in my soul, just like my memories with him.
11 - Puzzle Game Music
Connected (Yours Forever) (In-Game Mix)
Composer: Hydelic

This whole soundtrack is a vibe, and nothing encapsulates this more than the main theme itself, because no matter what we are or where we are, we're all connected in this life.
10 - RPG Battle Music
Last Surprise
Composer: Shoji Meguro
Vocals: Lyn Inaizumi

This song is memeable I know, but it’s such a good song. Nothing exemplifies the battle theme more than the lyrics saying "We are better than you" and taking down enemies in the most stylish way possible. Guess you can say they never saw it coming.

Okay I'll stop.
9 - Music From a Licensed Game
New York's Only Spider-Man
Composer: John Paesano

I need to play more licensed games with good-ass music.
8 - Music From a Shooter (First or Third-person)
Fight or Flight
Composer: Machine Girl

I need to play more shooters.
7 - Music From an Indie Game
Scattered and Lost
Composer: Lena Raine

The song and level design in Chapter 3 is genius. At first glance, helping Mr. Oshiro clear out all the junk that is scattered around seems simple enough, but the additional instruments say otherwise, transforming into something intense and anxiety-inducing, symbolizing the song as you progress further inside the hotel.

This straightforward task that Madeline thought would help this lonely soul out only exacerbates his mental state as his thoughts become Scattered and Lost, representing the theme of the song itself. Nowhere is this more eminent when the percussion kicks in as Mr. Oshiro's instability increases trying to harm Madeline in the process. There are many songs from Celeste I can put in here, but Scattered and Lost is a great example of dynamic music.
6 - Music That Makes You Feel Relaxed
Riding - Night
Composers: Manata Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata

There are a lot of chill songs that I can put here, but the horse-riding music in BOTW is something special. The Day and Night variants both capture the environmental but minimalistic vibe that the soundtrack is going for.

The piano keys bounce around from side to side if you're listening to this on headphones/earbuds until the violin starts kicking in and plays a bit of the Zelda main theme, which gives the Night variant the slightest edge for me. I also love the fact the song matches the time with the horse's hooves when the horse is cantering speed, it's a nice little attention to detail. When you hear these two themes, you never want to get off your horse, that is if you stay as far away from the enemies as possible.
5 - Hub World or Overworld Music
Time Station
Composer: Soichi Terada

Video games and Jungle/DnB music really go hand in hand with each other, and this one is no exception.
4 - Music From a Console Exclusive Series
Between Heaven and Earth
Composer: Takeru Kanazaki

"As big class reunions go... This one's gotta be the worst in history."

What once was a field of friendly competition of three separate houses became a war zone. Blue skies have turned into clouds and fire, and "Heaven and Earth" insinuates that people are going to die in this battle no matter what. It's a brilliant contrast to Blue Skies and a Battle whether you are a fan of this game or not.

There are some fantastic songs in Three Houses, and originally I wanted to use one of the final battle themes (Apex of the World, God Shattering Star, and A Funeral of Flowers), but instead of sharing my bias (God Shattering Star), I wanted to choose one that we all can collectively agree that this is a wonderful song.
3 - 8-bit Music
Butter Building
Composer: Hirokazu Ando

When I think of Kirby's Adventure, Butter Building always comes to mind. Such a good song.
2 - Opening Level Music
Escape From The City ...for City Escape
Composer: Jun Senoue
Vocals: Ted Poley

This song and level need no introduction at all. It has everything an opening level needs; a strong opening that sets up the adventure, and a great introductory level that let's you get a feel of Sonic himself while committing multiple acts of vandalism, it's awesome!
1 - Title Screen Music
Composer: Keiichi Okabe

This is a hauntingly beautiful song, giving off this empty feeling that correlates to the world you're setting foot in and the theme of existentialism quite well. Even after witnessing all the endings and deleting my save file after obtaining my platinum trophy, this song never fails to give me a little chill.


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