Nintendo DS Playlist

Coming in 2022 baybee. Play along if you want!






2 years ago

This is a great list!! I would like to humbly suggest that you add one of the pokemon ranger titles to this list if you feel you have the time (my personal favourite and recommendation is Guardian Signs). It is a cool series that makes use of the stylus in a really great way, which makes the games unique to the console in a way that is not easily replicated elsewhere. This is already a very full list of excellent titles so understandable if you just dont have the space to add more. Loving the podcast and looking forward to hearing you dig through this library. Thanks and enjoy!

2 years ago

I'm very much looking forward to hearing you guys do this episode next year. I have a couple games I'd like to mention, just to make sure they weren't simply overlooked.

The "obvious" one is Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, which may not be a high priority especially since you guys have talked about preferring newer/different Metroidvania games and you already have the two DS Castlevania entries marked down, but I think it's different enough from the others that it's worth a look.

The other two are the GameCenter CX games, the first being released in America as Retro Game Challenge, the other never getting officially localized but there's a solid translation out in the wild. I actually didn't know about the GCCX show before playing the first one ages ago, and I think they're pretty wonderful encapsulations of a certain era of playing and falling in love with games as a kid. They're sort of collections of throwback games, the first being more of an NES riff and the second closer to SNES. And they were developed by indieszero, who more recently made the Theatrhythm games and Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory.

Unfortunately I think all three can run a bit expensive, but if you manage to find a way to play any of them I think they're worth checking out! Can't wait to hear more DS talk on the podcast moving forward.

2 years ago

This episode is going to rule.

2 years ago

I cannot wait for this episode! This has inspired me to dive back into the DS library. Love the show!

2 years ago

Definitely check out Henry Hatsworth.

Can’t wait for the wrap up!

2 years ago

Holy crap. I had forgotten Another Code Two Memories

2 years ago

So many great titles in here - lots of nostalgic entries for me, and a bunch that I'm looking forward to diving into for the first time. As for me, the only things missing are Metroid Prime Pinball (admittedly non-essential) and Front Mission (admittedly a SNES port). I think Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume is also definitely worth checking out. Can't wait for the special!

1 year ago

I know you said in the 3DS ep that you haven’t played much DSi; I’ve been trying a bunch out recently and I strongly recommend the titles by Q-games, which is the studio founded by the wunderkind creator of the original Star Fox (look him up, wow, I’d watch his biopic). They put out a few incredible DSi games, but their tower defense game Starship Defense is so so incredible. I’ve been obsessed with it since I started and I highly recommend it.

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