They're Cool Games, But I Ain't Playing Them

High profile, widely acclaimed games that seem exemplary made and deserving of praise... and I just don't have any interest in actually playing them. Sure you "Don't know till you try" most of the times, but I have a hard time giving games a shot when I don't have even a modicum of curiosity. I'm someone who needs some hook based on my personal preferences, and I'm not willing to go out of my comfort zones often. I'm fairly content in the kinds of games I know I enjoy. This could change with time, and I won't ever critique something that I haven't played myself; but at this moment none of these will be on my wishlist.
Some are whole series, others are just that particular entry. Also if I added every single game that this applies to I would die, so I suppose you could ask if a particular game would be on the list or not (so long as it vaguely fills the top criteria of positive notoriety)

Whole series
Whole series
Whole series
Survival games in general
And sequel.
Whole series
Whole series
This particular entry, not whole series.
Whole series
Whole series
Whole series. Maybe except Revengance
Just Persona 4
Classic Resident Evil
Whole series
Team Ico in general
Whole series
Most Sonic games
And 2
Just Galaxy 1 and 2
Whole series
Whole series


You're breaking my heart with the galaxy games, pvz and katamari. Any particular reason those specifically dont interest you?

2 months ago

1. Galaxy games look very rudimentary when it comes to platforming obstacles and exploration, in addition to them looking so slow to play (of course to account for the gravity mechanics, but still).
2. Maybe you can explain it but every time I look at the PvZ it just looks so cluttered with so much going on that it's hard to process things. Maybe it's fine in the early game but I have seen clips that made me go "This hurts to look at"
3. I don't jive with the aesthetics or music. It's too nonsensical and bizzare to me. I do like silliness in games and media, but I also need things to ground the nonsense otherwise it's way more distracting then charming.

Good games, just not for me.
Ah well
My guy is stuck in 2002 when it comes to Zelda

2 months ago

@The_Gaming_Dog12 Honestly the aesthetics are the one enticing thing about it to me. Gameplay is where it loses me :/
I haven’t played it either, it does look a little slow

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