Cold's summer backlog of doom

I promise I will have played all of this by October. In order of priority.

(Spoilers - I won't.)

Why is the progression so damn slow on the switch version which is $35

This one's a push - but i'd like to 1CC Greg. It's kinda a long shot for a legendarily brutal game.
Go for the Hard 1cc if i beat SDOJ
PLAYED - Dang it actually is rad as hell. Feels kind of obscenely broken in balance terms and is frankly, very weird looking, but exudes some creepy vibes i kinda love. 9/10
Ok it's more like I'm a bit of a way through it and need to keep going.
Played, 8.5/10 great version of a sloppy but lovely and experimental rhythm game.
The cytus songs in djmax absolutely slap, and back in the day i loved the PS mobile (lol) version of this. Worth a shot, and the aesthetic is dead on.
SHELVED: 1/10, Absolute joke of a game lol.
PLAYED: One of those very middle of the road, good but not particularly interesting Shmups. Fine. 6/10
Provided that the update for cozmic revelation comes out.
9/10. It's not accent core but Strive is a great romp. Nerf Sol
PLAYED: Utterly rad Cave shmup that im really glad to have tried, with an excellent aesthetic and some great boss fights, but suffers from some fairly awkward control and movement restrictions which make certain moments feel worse than they should. Good fun though.

7/10 - We live in hell.
SHELVED - Fun sense of humour and all, but its one of these shmups which are way too slow - 6/10
Nope, this fucking sucks. 1/10
Fata Morgana is one of my favourite games. I've been putting this off because i've been a little worried it wont live up to it but i really should just get round to it, huh.

COMPLETED: 7/10 - Wild but too long even for a 4 hour game. Cool art project. Someone check IOI is ok.
TLB2 is still one of the prettiest games on the Neo Geo, and has an obscenely good sense of atmosphere. Shame the gameplay is just worse than Samsho, but hey ho. 8/10
Feeling like a replay of this is in order
see previous.

PLAYED: 8/10. It's not a shmup. It's weird and cool though, and the soundtrack slaps really hard.
Ok i'm just finishing this one off rn.

COMPLETE - 10/10

I've written a full review which i think does the game more service. Find your true path.
6.5/10 - A sloppy, but still fairly entertaining sequel to NMH that is dissapointing in that regard, but viewed on it's own merits, is a bonkers enough 5 hours to be worth your time.
Contingent on a Saturn emulator working for 5 minutes.
I spent £30 on this shit im gonna try it properly.

PLAYED: It's Raiden IV but with an additional soundtrack that's... worse? 6/10
Good shmup! You cant buy it!

Playing this singleplayer was not the finest idea, it kinda just sucks. Maybe if i can persuade someone to join me. 4/10
COMPLETED: 10/10. Best PS5 game.
I fear I am too dumb for this game. I shouldn't but i do.

SHELVED - 6/10 - QOL fucking sucks but otherwise cool.
This game seems right up my alley, gonna give it a whirl
Everyone says this is the good touhou

10/10, it is indeed, the good touhou
9/10 - A wondeful gaiden chapter for travis that fills in the hiatus and clears out grasshoppers baggage all the same. Incredibly cathartic storywise, let down by levels that just drag on a bit too long.
Incredibly poor netcode dooms this game, especially releasing so close to strive. Its a real shame, because it seems otherwise to be an excellent fighter - but going online and finding your links aren't working because the game is delaying you by 4 frames - that's some bullshit.
The more time passes, sadly, the more i dislike this game. A great concept with some ludicrously good execution at times and a loveable core cast is let down by very weak core gameplay and a story that just moves so damn slow for no real reason.



3 years ago


5 games added - Returnal, Resi 5, The last Blade 2, Outer Wilds, Razion

Nier Replicant 1.22, Raiden Mikado Remix, and Requiem For Innocence have been completed :D

3 years ago


Added kane and lynch 2, battle traverse (hard 1cc), days gone, guilty gear strive and G-darius Ver.2

Resi 5, Hotshot Racing have been tried.

3 years ago


Returnal and Kane and Lynch 2 Completed.

Days gone tried (its shit)

3 years ago

28/5 Added 5 more games

The last of us part 2 (Replay), Saga Frontier Remastered, Virtua Fighter ESPORTS, Touhou UFO, Blaster Master Zero Trilogy.

Played a bunch of others.

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