Nothing here!

Emily my beloved.
Played through 7 times. Picked the same ending every time.
Persona 2 fanboys were right. The series really do be all downhill from here.
My only regret is that Silverman-san didn't have more dialogue.
Persona 3 Portable fanboys were right. The series really do be all downhill from here and also better than FES.
Reminiscent of many late nights spent texting friends in high school. 10/10 would resurface old trauma again.
Despite having Sumika, it's still a good VN.
Sayori's done it again.
tfw so good at the game you don't even see any porn.
So good it spawned its own subgenre of roguelikes.
One of the first Rift Wizard likes and it proudly wears it on its sleeve. Knocks it out of the park with a unique take on its progenitor's systems that gives the game a wildly different identity.


Bro it's just Minesweeper how difficult can it get...
Played on hard. Absolutely miserable gameplay that I suffered through a second time after realizing I missed a character over halfway the game. Fun matchmaker tho.
The game that made me realize how much more I appreciate smaller scale narratives. Every moment spent in Baldur's Gate 3 was me wishing the party members had a fraction of the character your companions in this have. This is how you do a sassy protag.
The only reason I suck at this game because I main the high skill floor high skill ceiling high skill expression character and every other one is braindead.
Spend hours carefully crafting a party of casters for gameplay I can't stand only to not cast any spells and steamroll through a bland story and a mythic path that goes out of its way to make every waking moment miserable. Some of the party members are cool tho.
I seethe. Nothing is more terrifying than your own teammates incompetence/negligence/malice.
I like when the funny meme man says Kiriyu-chan.
The brothel run by the succubus is the best part of this game.
Thank god there's an over 6 hour long commentary narrated by an Irishman with a nice voice telling me why this game is good.
I did the main story as well as many other side factions and people still told me I did it wrong.
The last 2 cases are good as long as I pretend the first day of case 4 doesn't exist.
Vine planet was cool. That's about it.
When the aesthetic can''t carry the sleeper gameplay loop.
Open world design and its consequences...
I will forever hold this game in contempt for popularizing lock-on.
It's like DMC3 without the cool cutscenes.
This coulda been a good game.
Let me change the fucking sensitivity.
Friede is contender for best fight in the series tho.
Thank you for reminding me to take my migraine prescription.


An argument for why people who play games for the narrative and those designing games with them in mind don't deserve rights.
Just as bad to experience as its previous installment but with slightly better controls.
My aversion to this game's controls was so strong that I actively wiped the fact I was playing it from my memory as a self defense mechanism to prevent myself from experiencing it again.
Why was such a unique concept been forever tarnished by some of the worst execution I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing.
I don't like this game. Were someone to tell me they liked this game, I'd think less of them as a human being. This game contains what is likely the single most insufferable fictional character in any piece of media I've ever experienced, and I hope every individual that contributed to bringing him into existence is barred from ever exerting creative control over any piece of media again.

1 Comment

4 months ago

so true

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