2022 was a good year and I spent way more than I needed to on games - most of which were mid! But there were still a lot of highlights and fun laughs over vc. My tastes didn't evolve much, but I felt my linguistics and understanding of old favorites maturing.

This is EVERYTHING ranked - plus blurbs for the Top 50.

(Set to 'List' view for best reading of the blurbs, or 'Grid' for best display of overall ranks.)

Excluded replays:
-Dynamite Headdy -Vectorman 1/2 -Star Allies -Time Crisis 3 -Sonic CD -Ninja Gaiden -Knuckles in Sonic 2 -Barney's Hide & Seek Game -Darius MD [Extra] -GG Aleste -Jurassic Park (Arcade) -Warlords -Sonic & Knuckles -Sonic Classic Heroes -Shinobi III

Excluded new plays:
-Super Cream 64 -Radar Mission -Top Pro Golf 2 -Answer These 10 Questions And I'll Tell You What Kind of Lover You Are -Death Crimson -Two Girls Punch Me Repeatedly -Prehistoric Isle 2 -Boxy & Prisma -New 3D Golf Simulation: Harukanaru Augusta -New 3D Golf Simulation: Waialae no Kiseki

What the fuck do you mean data east made this. The joe and mac guys? The 'bootleg plug-in-play in the wal-mart discount bin' guys? The 'this month on NSO SNES' guys?
This artform is truly about weird polygon creatures shooting each other with laser beams for fun. Just as a giggle. A hallway nerf gun fight.
Aw jeez rick, oh no, augh, i ended up in golf hell rick, they put the green on a steep mountain rick, awww, thats pretty bad y'know cause like, if you hit the ball too far it falls all the way to the bottom, and then you have to start over again rick, auuugh, that's pretty fucked up isn't it rick, jesus christ
Low-poly golf got me acting strange. You lose a bit of your senses when you see a 3-D shoreline crashing against the waves on a 1988 processor. There's better golf games mechanically but I think T&E Soft's classics are the best for getting a 'clean' golf experience: Just enough read tools to have full control over your decisions, but not so many that you're controlling the world itself. A good golf game reminds you that you're a participant in a larger plane, and the forces of wind and luck will have the final say in your fate.

Also a proxy for Harukanaru Augusta and Waialae no Kiseki: Essentially the same game across different courses.
Konami spent 2 decades being beat-em-up's false prophet but I gotta give credit where due: Turtles in Time's SNES port cleans up really well. All those tv-quality sprites finally put to good use in something with impact and a satisfying rhythm.
Beat-em-ups, run-and-guns, shmups - all very contextually similar in abstract, and Sunset Riders blends tropes across all 3 for one of Konami's best arcade gigs. Yee-haw.
Absolutely uncontested best beat-em-up ever made. Perfect injection of combo tech and character action sensibilities into the classic big-button schemes of SoR2. No game ever made me shout 'THEY GET IT, THEY GET IT, THEY GET IT' like this did.
Regrettable for being a retread with mostly no improvements and lots of little bastardizations to the original. But, it's still Battle for Bikini Bottom, and it was a fun replay to break in the new gaming setup.
Treasure from another mother. Not the tightly-knit epic the original RKA was, but its wild movement tools and wonderful MIDI-orchestral sounds make it almost as perfect. SNES action doesn't get as hyper-adrenaline-infused as this.
Shmups as jazz: So much shit on-screen and so many weapon types all set against chill house beats. Masterful contrast and the total peak of the SNES' STG library.
My fetish is playing historically-hated Sonic things and finding out they actually kick ass
Frontiers releasing the same year I graduated, moved out, started solo gamedev and became part of a real community was a spiritual closure I didn't know I needed. Corny as it is, Sonic was there for me from the beginning, and Sonic Team couldn't have picked a better time in my life to pull of a NieR-esque flick about embracing yesterday to chase tomorrow. It could've stopped at being the first spiritually-fitting Sonic in decades, but they cracked out one of the best 3D Platformers in the process. The design and execution is amazing, and even the rougher edges hardly impede the core loop of exploration and movement. I cried and screamed constantly and loved every minute.

Sonic Frontiers 2 will be the first 11/10
The most appropriately-peanuts Peanuts game ever. What else would be more fitting to the meandering everyday of Snoopy than terrible point-and-click platforming, slide puzzles, and a 2 hour fetchquest minigame?
Ok, real talk? Cardfighters Clash kinda has a terrible structure when engaged as an RPG. The card drop randomization is awful and the late-game bosses cheat. But I didn't care man, I loved the main mechanics and I loved collecting the cards: That was enough to get me over the hump. I GET TO BUILD DECKS WITH THE POWER STONE GANG!
The best realization of the 'collect a lot of little things that amount to a huge violent arsenal' roguelike structure. So many deck types to build, so many potential synergies, and even the weakest tools can be blown into game-breaking ballistas. We come to know roguelikes now as the 'dopamine machines' thanks to garbage like Vampire Survivors and the borderline idle-game structure they popularized, but STS couldn't be further from that. You WILL die. You WILL suffer. Even on your best runs, you WILL come out with broken ribs and gouged eyes. But it's so so worth it to build yourself out as an unsung mastermind killing-machine. Gave me the same theorycrafter high from playing Pokemon TCG in middle school.
Lots of people's ideal platforming control schemes are conked-out MMX-style speedrun tools with millions of multi-directional airdashes and parkour. But I think I found my soft spot in rigid-style controls supported by a few touches. Skyblazer is a solid realization of Hook's floaty heaven-chasing platforming with strong level design and aesthetic.
It's killer when you get a taste of the weakest spice and it still has more potency than a monster truck. If this is considered the LOW point of the series, I absolutely need to feel the highs right now.
Somehow turned out to be my favorite Compile shmup of what I've played so far. It's not their most distinct work but the merit of playing a meaty 8/10 on the fucking Game Gear is surreal.
top 5 beatemup from 4th gen and it was shocking when people told me 'yeah the remake is just objectively better in every way'
Not a piece that hit me hard personally, but its ripple effect on the last half-decade of world and systems design is mindblowing. Gaming's new Evangelion - not because it's a norm-defying masterpiece, but through its synthesis of the experimental and psychologically-wrought into a single AAA experience. Been the best catalyst to 2017-2022's top hits.


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