Trying to make sense of everything I finished this year, albeit briefly. Also a ranking, I guess?


I feel like this game would mean a lot more to me if I played it at a previous point in my life. I can certainly appreciate its pacing, there is not a single moment that lingers on for too long, but there is little for me to latch on otherwise. Most of the characters were a bit stale, Glen and Magus aside.
The most disappointing game I have ever played.
I would be kinder to this game were it only overambitious, yet the various controversies regarding it left a very bad taste in my mouth.
A very flawed battle system and lesser retreats of the previous' games Disney worlds make this a slog to play. Unfortunate, since I do enjoy the events taking place within Castle Oblivion quite a bit. Riku's route has a better battle system, yet a whole lot less story.
An expansion that lacks a lot of what made The Painful work for me. Also attempts to answer questions regarding the previous game's world that did not need to be answered. Not bad and relatively quick to breeze through, but also a rather unnecessary addition to the series.
Felt very predictable when compared to the Zero Escape series. I also had a significantly harder time latching onto AI's characters, some of which can be obnoxious at times. Date would make for a more tolerable lead were it not for his constant perversion.
A cute and relatively brief horror experience. Somewhat obtuse at times.
A charming title held back by a questionable battle system and a rather week first third.
Certainly a Mega Man game. Bass was fun to play as, I guess.
Mixes things up with the introduction of the gear mechanic, but it's not that big of a game changer. One of the better Classic games.
An interesting take on the concept of intrusive thoughts, but too short to leave much of an impression.
A fun and fresh continuation of the ideas set up in Apollo Justice. Plays around with the series' structure in unexpected ways. If only the cases were a tad less predictable. Still, I am xcited to see how the sequel follows up on the loose ends of this game.
A platformer with a fucking flowchart, now there's a concept! My biggest issue are probably the secret exits, most of which are a pain to find, as well as the repetitive minigames. Other than that, it's a solid game. The series is starting to come into its own.
A bit too slow for my tastes, but I love of this game goes out of its way to subvert 2D Mario tropes.
A rich, detailed setting, coupled with some of the best character writing I have ever seen. The theme of moving forward is one I relate to on a very personal level.
Hits uncomfortably close to home at times. I see myself in Charlotte in a lot of ways, specifically with regards to retreating into fantasy, far away from reality.
Very fun 3D Platformer and arguably the biggest step forward the mainline Kirby series has taken since Superstar. Additional level objectives give some light "How was I supposed to know this"-type Dreamland 3 energy, but it's no biggie.
A charming platformer that takes full advantage of its simple set of mechanics. Also has a surprisingly heartfelt ending.
A fun spectacle that is lacking in mechanical depth. You get to own a Libertarian at the end.
Goes hard. A gripping story that may not have as much thematic weight to it as the previous game's, but makes up for it with sheer emotional investment. Despite being a lot more slow-paced than the previous games, MGS3 is a joy to play. Situations can be approached in so many ways, thanks to the vast amount of options available at the player's disposal. This is best illustrated through The End, a boss so based that you can outright skip him through two different methods.


A depressing look into a broken world.
I am not particularly interested in puzzle games as a whole, but this one is easy and brief enough to have kept me entertained all the way through.
Has some frustrating moments towards the end, but is a very atmospheric experience otherwise. The supposed antagonist is such a tragic character.
Story mode is essentially a tamer Octo Expansion. Fun, but there wish there was more variety when it comes to level objectives. Also not a fan of many of the new lore additions. The multiplayer is absolutely fantastic though and has become a part of two of my friend circles.
Has some of the wackiest level gimmicks in any platformer I have ever seen. The timer mechanic is so fucking cool, too. Caps off every level in a nice way.
Very fun story! Takes some time to get going though, as does the game itself. There are new mechanics being introduced up to the halfway point. A lot of the side-content is quite memorable, too. I was genuinely invested in Pocket Circuit.
Upon realizing just how open-ended this game is structured, I began to appreciate it a lot more. Fuck the Bell Gargoyles, I'll always do Queelag first from now on. Unfortunately, the only level unlocked after completing Anor Londor that is genuinely interesting to traverse is the Duke's Archives.
Incredibly fun action game. Starts off a bit slow, yet gets increasingly more complex as it progresses.
Went into this fully aware of the big twist, yet I found myself captivated by the story regardless. Silent Hill 2 is by no means relying on that revelation, and noticing small details that lead up to it was interesting in its own right. James is a fascinating lead, one whose actions leave so much room for interpretation.

1 Comment

1 year ago

It's painful and funny at the same time to see SMTV so low on the list lol

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