30-Day Video Game Music Challenge

Idk, saw this challenge going around and wanted to take a crack at it with my scuffed taste in game music. I will be attempting the hard mode where you don't use repeat games for the music. Enjoy.
Template here: https://imgur.com/aGSVjXC
Also here's a link to the playlist I made of it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8_j9m_uVN57_1h0ZKVnhmsGqHoemeomS

Day 1 - Title screen music

I nearly cry every time I listen to this theme, it just encapsulates childhood nostalgia and pure joy to me.
Day 2 - Opening level music: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

This music always gets me into the mood whenever I start another playthrough of this masterpiece.
Day 3 - 8-Bit music: Shovel Knight Plague of Shadows

Coming back to the hub where this plays was always something I looked forward to, 90% of that was because of Mona granted but the other 10% are due to this banger of a track.
Day 4 - Music from a console exclusive series

I didn't really know what to put here so I just slotted in the main theme from Ultimate because I didn't see any other place to put it.
Day 5 - Hub world or overworld music

Just some nice calm music that fits the studious environment it's trying to sell well.
Day 6 - Music that makes you feel relaxed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvsxfgABQss

Just a hauntingly beautiful track that plays within what I believe to be the scariest Resident Evil.
Day 7 - Music from an indie game

No matter how many times I had to grind my way out of Tartarus to this theme it somehow never got old.
Day 8 - Music from a shooter

It was always gonna be a Doom game, it was just a matter of finding the most hype sounding track in one.
Day 9 - Music from a licensed game

I was tempted to put Lego Star Wars here but that's all just music from the movies, the music from this game is original and really good.
Day 10 - RPG battle music

Just such a hype remaster of the original song, the grand orchestra really makes you feel the scope and urgency of every and any given battle.
Day 11 - Puzzle game music

Valve: It's just a funny puzzle game, you don't have to go hard on the soundtrack
The Guy Who Made the Soundtrack:
Day 12 - Music that makes you sad

Video game music doesn't typically make me sad but this is the closest thing to sad I've felt in a game recently so that's why it's here, it's not even so much any specific version of the song that makes me sad, just what it means by the end of the game.
Day 13 - Music you like from a game you don't like

This goes for the whole series really, not my kind of games but they have fantastic music.
Day 14 - Music featuring vocals

This song unironically goes so hard. Anyone who's played this game knows that this is the objectively right pick for this category.
Day 15 - Boss battle music

It was really hard choosing which Cuphead boss fight track should go here, but ultimately this track just goes the hardest imo, it's just so frantic and smooth at the same time.
Day 16 - 16-Bit music

So much good music from this game, and just from the 16 Bit era in general, but I always had a soft spot for this track.
Day 17 - Music you never get tired of

This song just never fails at bringing me inexplicable happiness, I will actually never get tired of it.
Day 18 - Music in a game released the same year you were born

This game has such a good soundtrack, but Lonely Rolling Star just blows every other track out of the water imo.
Day 19 - Cover of music by a different artist

The Game Awards orchstra is always the highlight of the show for me and this one has to be one of the better ones they've done. Technically it is a cover of songs from six games but the Resident Evil 2 section at the end goes the hardest imo.
Day 20 - Music from a racing game

The saxophone on this track just sends me, I don't know what else to say man.
Day 21 - Music you associate with frustration

I had this game as a child and this is where all my attempts at playing it died, the music isn't doing it any favors either.
Day 22 - Town/village music

This track just tugs on my heartstrings and makes me happy, the way you are responsible for building the town itself and the story within it makes Tarrey Town really feel like home and the music when it's completed only amplifies that feeling.
Day 23 - Underrated music

This whole series is really underrated, I miss the days when I would get home from school, set this game up and just vibe on Patrick Warburton's flying ship to this banger of a main theme which, fun fact, is composed by Hans Zimmer.
Day 24 - Music you constantly have stuck in your head

Let's just be honest, who doesn't have this song constantly stuck in their head?
Day 25 - Music that gets you pumped

I don't think I need to say anything about this pick, the song is the definition of the category.
Day 26 - Music you like from a game you haven't played

I haven't played this game yet (plan to soon) but I've heard this song in several places when this game is referenced and thought it was really good.
Day 27 - Music from a handheld game

I feel like this song just perfectly encapsulates the wonder of taking a journey through one of the best Pokemon games every created, and it's all confined right there the device in your hands or pocket, even with the DS' audio compression this song still sounds great.
Day 28 - Music that makes you nostalgic

I spent so much time on Club Penguin in this shop specifically, whether it was playing the pizza minigame which was easily the fastest way to get coins, or just vibing with the atmosphere, Club Penguin was a big part of my childhood and this music reminds me of simpler times.
Day 29 - Final boss music

Just incredibly good final boss music, really makes you feel all the emotions and all that's at stake.
Day 30 - Credits music

The perfect credits music imo, something about it just really encapsulates the feeling of the end of a long journey, and it's applicable to most things really, not just the great game it came from.

1 Comment

14 days ago

Really nailed the feeling of the Mario 64 credits

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