Games with Non-Human Protagonists

Video games are said to be the ultimate power fantasy, but sometimes you just wanna be a dog, or a bug, or an alien.

Like my Transformation Mode list, no licensed games. I'll have my hands full listing all Sonic games and stuff, don't wanna have to try and hunt down every single Godzilla or Ninja Turtles release too.

If a protagonist/player character is a human analogue, like Link from the Legend of Zelda, they do not count.

You play as the nameless Knight, a bug-like being who is more than meets the eye.
It's a game starring a cat in a world of robots or something.
Battlemode lets you play as a smattering of demon types, including the Pain Elemental who is essentially an evil meatball with arms.
Whilst the majority of the cast are humans or cyborgs, there are a few oddballs like Winston the gorilla or Hammond the hamster.
You're a robot, Harry.
For about half of the campaign's levels, you are in control of the Arbiter, an alien warrior of the villainous Covenant.
Play as the Shinto Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu, who takes the form of a wolf in this game.
Honk if Thather's dead.
The multiplayer horde style mode finally allows you to live out your fantasy of being a Krogan. Oh, I guess the other races are there too.
I don't know what the Prince is, but he's definitely not human.
You play as some tentacle flesh blob that rips and tears its way to escape a containment facility. Real John Carpenter's Thing vibes, just without the body copying.
In the Locust wave based horde mode, Beast Mode, you can take control of various Locust forms, including non-humanoid ones like the corpser.
You play as a shark that can evolve into stronger Jaws meets Pokemon?
I believe this was like Hotline Miami but with a gorilla.
Though human in shape, you appear to play as some sort of rock-like being with a miniature black hole for a head.
Abe is an alien after all.
You're an alien soldier. Go figure.
You play as Crypto, a Roswell Greys style alien and harvest lots of humans....and cows.
Take a guess at what Ecco is from the title.
I'm not sure what Knack is even supposed to be. A Lego Goblin perhaps?
This one casts you as a cybernetically enhanced rabbit (or maybe a hare?). I guess somebody thought the world needed more Cyberpunk Watership Down.
Not sure what animal the lead is supposed to be, certainly isn't human though.
You play as a bunch of different animals I believe.
In this now deprecated asymmetric multiplayer game, one side would play as normal humans in an FPS style, but a single player could the monster, a creature whose gameplay was completely different as a 3rd person action/stealth hybrid.
I think it's like X-Com but with animal people.
Are you though?
You play as a different alien man in this one.
Maybe one of the earliest examples, players take control of one of three giant monsters to lay waste to a city.
Play as a dog and do exciting things like taking dumps.
The player character is some sort of blob string thing.
Arachnophobes be ware for this bizarre Wii exclusive where you swap between a tarantula and a scorpion.
You take the role of a goblin assassin, I think.
I hear it's like X-Com but you're the aliens this time.
Take a guess as what you play as here...
You are cast as some sort of alien ship that looks like discus.
You play as some weird alien ball with limbs.


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