Twennytoo Five Hundo

In future year AD2022 I apparently logged 500 video games (mostly just played, not finished - can you even imagine). Am I proud of it? Of course not, brother, pride is a sin. Here they are in their entirety in order of play:

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
It's fine!
Tiny indie platformer that had been sitting in my Steam library for ages and could be finished in no time, so I threw it on. One of those you play once and never again, but neat idea.
Rockman & Forte: Mirai kara no Chousensha
Rockman & Forte: Mirai kara no Chousensha
I SAID no thank you!
Warriors Orochi 4
Warriors Orochi 4
I started this but then realised I could get the Ultimate version instead. Whoops!
Thunder Force V
Thunder Force V
They do the Lightning Strikes Again bit in this one too, and it still rules.
River City Ransom: Underground
River City Ransom: Underground
Even worse than regular River City Ransom, because it introduces a bunch of characters who would be cool in any other game but are stuck in this one.
Cyborg Justice
Cyborg Justice
Replay. Very cool concept but sadly a little clunky in execution. A game where you wish there had been a sequel to really refine things.
Alien Storm
Alien Storm
Replay. Thought this game was cool as hell as a kid, and hey, I still like it! The first-person sections are still very fun. Did this have Menacer support?
Mega Man Battle & Chase
Mega Man Battle & Chase
Not really a kart racer guy but this seemed decent enough. Did you know Yoshinori Ono of SF4 fame was the composer for this? Crazy!
Night Slashers
Night Slashers
Pretty standard gameplay-wise but the horror setting makes it stand out. I definitely want to give that fan remake a bash.
Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force
Mad Stalker: Full Metal Force
I don't really remember anything about this, but I shelved it, so I must have thought it was decent enough to go back to at some point.
Death by Degrees
Death by Degrees
Replay. Bad. Everyone knows it.
Lords of Thunder
Lords of Thunder
The start of a run of PC-Engine/CD games I decided to play. Pretty rough and unpolished but it looks cool and the soundtrack is awesome.
From what I remember this was the sequel to Sorcer Striker? Hasn't really stuck in the mind much for me. Dimahoo is a very fun name to say though. Dimahoo, Dimahoo, Dimahoo!
Danmaku Unlimited 2
Danmaku Unlimited 2
Has the same problem of being visually unremarkable that 3 has, but I was actually able to finish this one, so that means it's great, excellent, etc.
Charlie Murder
Charlie Murder
This is in the same vein as something like The Dishwasher for me - i.e., games that I assume you're probably into if you like Jhonen Vasquez.
Thunder Force VI
Thunder Force VI
These polygonal entries don't ever really seem to have the oomph of their 2D counterparts, but it's still a good game and I had a big smile on my face when the one boss shifts into TFIV player form and Lightning Strikes Again starts playing.
Border Down
Border Down
I don't think I really got this one. Might need to replay.
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition
Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition
Wanted to replay the Blade Runner game after watching some Trancers and gave this a go. Decided it just looked a bit too weird at higher res/framerate and dropped it to go back to the original.
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
You walk around in eight directions and you shoot stuff, but it's worse now.
Robo Army
Robo Army
Another kind of drudgy SNK effort but worth a look for KOF history reasons.
A better beatemup than the original game is, but still not particularly great.
Getsu Fuuma Den
Getsu Fuuma Den
Gave it a bash because of the associations it's had with Castlevania, but I wasn't that into it. That one track is still a banger though.
Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch
Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch
The amount of work that's gone into this is insane, and it wasn't for nothing: this game is very cool! I need to play more.
Arabian Fight
Arabian Fight
The huge sprites and zooming and the cut-ins are all cool for the time but I don't remember it being very hot to play. Arabian Magic kind of wiped most of my memories of this away.
Midnight Fight Express
Midnight Fight Express
Hilariously edgy and kind of janky but it has that same fun quality of a Hotline Miami where positioning, prioritisation and full use of all your tools pays off big. Also very satisfying in its scrambliness when you don't do any of those and are just using everything around you on the fly.
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Not great. I'm not sure why they bothered to make a musou of Berserk in the first place given how few characters fit the style.
The Death and Return of Superman
The Death and Return of Superman
Replay. This game is very, very boring, and at no point do you ever actually feel like Superman in it. Why am I not punching all these little Igors and weird goatmen into space? Why am I having to combo them?
The TakeOver
The TakeOver
Why does this game look like this? Who put them up to it?
Shock Troopers
Shock Troopers
You walk around in eight directions and you shoot stuff. Sometimes that's all you need!
Hakai-ou: King of Crusher
Hakai-ou: King of Crusher
Some sections ended up just being way too frustrating for me to actually finish this game, but everything up to that point was absolute top notch kusoge. Amazing how janky and low-rent one game can be. Highly recommended.
Shadow Force
Shadow Force
I think this is the one where you can possess enemies? Not great but an interesting attempt.
Fashion Police Squad
Fashion Police Squad
Fun throwback shooter - I'd never heard of it but a friend said hey, you might like this and they were right. Nice!
Guardians of the 'Hood
Guardians of the 'Hood
Digitised guff.
Batman Returns
Batman Returns
Genuinely pretty cool, slamming people into the background rules. I didn't really feel like finishing it at the time but want to go back to it. Boss fights are a bit crap though.
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Replay. It's some more Tower of Doom. It's good!
Riot City
Riot City
Backloggd tells me that I played this, so I must have. I must have!
Streets of Red: Devil's Dare Deluxe
Streets of Red: Devil's Dare Deluxe
Mechanically fine but the style just isn't my thing.
Rival Turf!
Rival Turf!
I've got no problems with avoiding this particular turf altogether. Stinks.
Dragon's Crown Pro
Dragon's Crown Pro
A good take on the formula laid down by the D&D games. Just went on a bit too long for me at the time, but I want to get back to it.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake
Panzer Dragoon: Remake
It's Panzer Dragoon, it's fine, but it's always a little weird to me to play these remakes with modern graphics but unchanged gameplay. Always just feels slightly off.
Oriental Legend
Oriental Legend
Another forgotten Legend.
Crime Fighters 2
Crime Fighters 2
Played under the name Vendetta. Konami's first real pretty good effort. OTGing people is good and punching people's fingers so they lose grip and fall off the stage: great.
The up/down/middle system of blocking and attacking is interesting enough for the time I guess, but this is too jank to really be fun.
Ninja clowns
Ninja clowns
Not much to say about this. Not good.
Don't have much to say about this other than I think I appreciate this style of dungeon crawler more than I actually enjoy playing them.
Cool game. Iceman's post-mission dialogue is incredible.
Streets of Fury EX
Streets of Fury EX
Actually pretty good! Just a shame that it contains Doug "The Nostalgia Critic" Walker. If you play it, just try to pretend he's not there.
Sengoku 2
Sengoku 2
Absurd amounts of creativity, just throwing wild scenarios and locales at you constantly, but feels pretty dated to play. SNK Style! There it is!
Another game where if I'd played it at the time I would probably love it, but now just doesn't really hold my attention.
Battle Bakraid
Battle Bakraid
Similar to Battle Garegga, so it's decent enough but not one of my favourites. The number of ships available is pretty good!
Shin Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun: Kunio-tachi no Banka
Shin Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun: Kunio-tachi no Banka
I feel that I have nothing but hate in my heart for Kunio-kun and his dumb little buddies.
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Hagane: The Final Conflict
Essential Amemiyacore. Very fun movement and awesome art direction - the Zeiram hat is flying around in here! Watch out!!
Spider-Man: The Video Game
Spider-Man: The Video Game
All the big colourful sprites are cool but I wasn't that into it at the time. I might give this one another go.
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Much better than the original. Weird, kind of grotesque designs and Winkysoft doing a Winkysoft as hell soundtrack. Final boss music just sounds like a Masou Kishin track, which is a-OK by me.
The Cyber Shinobi
The Cyber Shinobi
Decidedly less cool.
Scott Pilgrimcore. Nope.
Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls
Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls
Played this to test out an Apple TV I had to get for work. Thoroughly depressing.
Double Dragon IV
Double Dragon IV
Trying very hard to be the NES games, but not quite managing it. A bit sad about this one.
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn
This game can fuck right off. Honestly.
Rayxanber III
Rayxanber III
Can't really remember it, just know I didn't finish it.
Jesus, these avalanche sections! Whose idea was this?
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman
Replay. Initially played the PSP release of this but never finished it, so grabbed the Steam release when it hit and went through it. It's funny!
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate
It's Warriors Orochi, it's good. I think this one isn't quite up to the same level of 3 Ultimate, but you're still guaranteed a fun time. The designs of the new characters are very funny to me - stupid sexy Hades!
Way of the Passive Fist
Way of the Passive Fist
Cool stuff here, almost rhythm-game like. Some of the bosses can be frustrating but I had a good time with it.
Panzer Bandit
Panzer Bandit
Better than Guardian Heroes, although I didn't finish it at the time. I remember thinking the combo system was actually pretty good. Will get back to it.
Pu Li Ru La
Pu Li Ru La
A lot of bright, creative designs but the gameplay is very basic. Can't hate though, fun name to say.
Gaia Crusaders
Gaia Crusaders
Impressive amount of playable characters by the end of the game but otherwise not really all that great, I thought.
Understandably similar to the sequel. Love that box art.
Arabian Magic
Arabian Magic
Very cool game! Combat isn't really anything all that special but all the stages are so fun and adventurous and, well, magical. Made me want to watch a Sinbad movie, a feeling I have never had before in my life.
The Tick
The Tick
Replay. So, so boring, which is a huge shame considering the license. Come on.
Gundam Evolution
Gundam Evolution
Not interested at all in Overwatch and its ilk but I gave this a go because it's Gundam. Looking down ironsights? In a Gundam game? You're having a laugh mate. Also if someone picks the suit I want I can't pick it? Seriously? Is this what these games are like? I thought we solved this shit in Champion Edition. Absurd.
DJMax Respect V
DJMax Respect V
Oh, this is just Beatmania. Well cool, I like Beatmania! Also I'm terrible at Beatmania!
Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons
Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons
This has about as much relation to actual Double Dragon as the movie does. Total slop, don't even think about it.
Armed Police Batrider
Armed Police Batrider
Really cool just how many combinations of your team are possible. This kicked my ass and then I read the review on here about difficulty scaling with credits. Absolutely fiendish.
The Combatribes
The Combatribes
Now this is how you do an arena brawler, Renegade! Silly and fun. Bouncing someone's head off the concrete as an OTG attack is extremely satisfying. "The Slash Skate Screamers" is an incredible name for a gang.
Don't have much to say about the game, but Joe Madureira should be outlawed.
King of the Monsters
King of the Monsters
Replay. Another one where I think I like the idea of it more than I do actually playing it. When characters from it show up in other SNK things I think that's cool!
City of Heroes
City of Heroes
Replay. I've been dipping in and out all year, only at this point that I decided to actually log it. This game is always going to hold a very special place in my heart, even if I've done pretty much all I want to do in it.
The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story
The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story
Disappointing. I like the concept but the gameplay is just clunky and dull, and the story didn't really end up anywhere I liked either. I guess I'm glad hokey FMV guff is still getting made though.
Two Crude Dudes
Two Crude Dudes
Replay. I finished this as a kid and remember thinking it was cool. Adult me is less enamored with it.
Treachery in Beatdown City
Treachery in Beatdown City
Thought this might be cool but as soon as I saw the battle system I nope'd straight out. Not in the market for turn-based beatemups, sorry.
Wasn't really into this either. Wouldn't be the Game Gear if it wasn't hit or miss, I guess!
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja
Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja
Replay. Bad Dudes is not a good-ass game.
Decent enough for an arcade movie adaptation, although it's a little long. It's Irem so it looks good.
Eight Dragons
Eight Dragons
A throwback to Renegade, so not something I really want to bother with.
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
Level design is more straightforward (blander) than the Gunvolt games but it's still really fun because Copen. Designs of the girls are still prison sentence bait.
Definitely seems like Psikyo games follow a formula. Not my preferred style but this game still has some charm to it.
Sengoku Ace
Sengoku Ace
This shifted between regular respawning and moving back to checkpoints on death, which was very annoying!
Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider
Doing A Henshin in this game does not make you any more powerful than you are as normal-ass Takeshi Hongo. What the fvkk. This one hurt.
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger
A much worse NES platformer that I played for the license.
Chaos Field
Chaos Field
Game was fine, but the thing that stuck with me the most was the music.
Kinda-sorta wearing a management game skin, but really this is a choose your own adventure book. I got the best ending though, so hooray!
Got suckered in by the Hiroaki artwork. Lackluster beatemup for anime perverts. I'm good, thanks.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Heartless Lullaby
Vampire: The Masquerade - Heartless Lullaby
I've played all of 10 minutes of this so far, can't say anything.
Gunbird 2
Gunbird 2
Same as Gunbird.
Gourmet Warriors
Gourmet Warriors
Looks really cool, but I wasn't too bothered about finishing it. I'll pick it back up at some point.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Not amazing but a pretty charming little game. Parrying blaster bolts back will always be fun.
The Warriors: Street Brawl
The Warriors: Street Brawl
Nothing like the PS2 game, but a lot like a whole bunch of garbage beatemups. Don't bother with it.
DJ Boy
DJ Boy
Bad. Move on.


1 year ago

I adore the dedication to adding notes to everything, even if they're just like two words. Hachoo sweep.

Bayou Billy is one of the most unfun NES games I ever played, goddamn what a slog-filled and mean-spirited game.

1 year ago

Damn this is impressive

1 year ago

Did you complete Ring Fit?!

1 year ago

@Vee this took me days lol
@Dalaamclouds that's not the word I'd use but thank you!
@letshugbro good lord no. new years resolution though!

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