Twennytoo Five Hundo

In future year AD2022 I apparently logged 500 video games (mostly just played, not finished - can you even imagine). Am I proud of it? Of course not, brother, pride is a sin. Here they are in their entirety in order of play:


Cutthroat Island
Cutthroat Island
It's no Skull & Crossbones.


Never let something like a license stop you from making the Gundam game you want. This is pretty cool but it's also a shooter where you're bumped back to a checkpoint whenever you die, which is infuriating when you're as bad as me.


Controls can be quite awkward a lot of the time and there's some real bullshit sections, but it's a good take on a mech game still.


Cyborg Justice
Cyborg Justice
Replay. Very cool concept but sadly a little clunky in execution. A game where you wish there had been a sequel to really refine things.


It's fine. I don't like that title though.


Dancing Sword: Senkou
Dancing Sword: Senkou
Don't remember much of this beyond there being some long button combinations you had to do for specific sections.


Dangun Feveron
Dangun Feveron
Unique presentation although I didn't think it was an especially great game. Great title though.


Danmaku Unlimited 2
Danmaku Unlimited 2
Has the same problem of being visually unremarkable that 3 has, but I was actually able to finish this one, so that means it's great, excellent, etc.


Danmaku Unlimited 3
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Decent enough indie shmup, although it doesn't really have much visual personality.


D. D. Crew
D. D. Crew
Looks and sounds pretty good but is just doodoo otherwise. It's embarrassing that stuff like this was getting released by this stage.


Dead Island Retro Revenge
Dead Island Retro Revenge
An interesting deviation from the standard belt scroller formula, but not very engaging beyond that.


Deadly Strike
Deadly Strike
A Simple Series game, and boy, does it show. There's a character that's clearly just supposed to be Tetsuya Watari though, and that's good.


Death by Degrees
Death by Degrees
Replay. Bad. Everyone knows it.


I've only played up to the initial reveal - it seems cool but I'd rather play it on PC.


Denjin Makai
Denjin Makai
Thought this looked cool but was otherwise unremarkable. Outdone by the sequel.


Desert Child
Desert Child
Still sitting unfinished. A cool look and concept but the race gameplay feels a bit sparse. I'll get round to it eventually.


Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders
Detective Di: The Silk Rose Murders
Gave this a go because I've been interested in seeing the Tsui Hark film. Not really all that much to it and environments felt quite drab to me. Worse ways to spend the time though.


Devil Daggers
Devil Daggers
It's pretty cool, isn't it? I noticed the other day that I've finally been knocked off the top of my friends list by a few seconds. Raging. Will have to go back to it!


Die Hard Arcade
Die Hard Arcade
This is how you use a license, because it is 10x funnier to try and pass this off as a John McClane adventure. Mental game. There's a review on here that calls it the father of the Yakuza series and they're completely right.


From what I remember this was the sequel to Sorcer Striker? Hasn't really stuck in the mind much for me. Dimahoo is a very fun name to say though. Dimahoo, Dimahoo, Dimahoo!


DJ Boy
DJ Boy
Bad. Move on.


DJMax Respect V
DJMax Respect V
Oh, this is just Beatmania. Well cool, I like Beatmania! Also I'm terrible at Beatmania!


Replay. Old reliable. I love how the big blue laser looks.


DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
Another good DoDonPachi. No really, I love that big laser!


DoDonPachi Resurrection
DoDonPachi Resurrection
Another shmup I am never, ever going to 1CC.


Dolphin Blue
Dolphin Blue
Metal Slug-ish. Not as good as any of those but still okay!


Double Dragon
Double Dragon
Now we're getting it. Still very playable and has one of the best title themes of all time.


Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone
Not a good game at all, but the obvious big thing here is that it's one of the first instances of microtransactions, and is pure evil.


Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Mainly played this port to hear the music. Sadly not as good as I was hoping, but this version also has a bunch of low-rent cutscenes where the Brothers Lee are Kenshiro clones with turn of the 90s anime hair. Dope.


Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Replay. King shit. Double Dragon II is a good-ass game.


Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons
Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons
This has about as much relation to actual Double Dragon as the movie does. Total slop, don't even think about it.


Double Dragon IV
Double Dragon IV
Trying very hard to be the NES games, but not quite managing it. A bit sad about this one.


Double Dragon Neon
Double Dragon Neon
At least, another actually good Double Dragon game! It can be frustrating at points (staring directly at the final boss) but I think the dodge stuff is really fun. Not huge into the 80s throwback stuff, it's always under about ten separate layers of irony, but it does have the single best rendition of the Double Dragon theme.


Understandably similar to the sequel. Love that box art.


Down Load 2
Down Load 2
Pretty standard shmup but with all kinds of weird cyberspace environments and enemies, it's really cool. The cutscenes where the main character enters cyberspace are the good stuff. The final boss of this game is Cyber-Hitler's skull, which has skeletal spider legs.


Dragon Ball GT: Transformation
Dragon Ball GT: Transformation
About as good as GT: Final Bout, i.e. not very.


Dragon Blaze
Dragon Blaze
Okay I don't remember this one.


Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Another PS+ game. I guess I don't mind Minecraft, but I haven't put much time into this because it keeps trying to get me to do story stuff that I don't care about.


Dragon Quest Heroes II
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Leans more towards Dragon Quest than it does towards musou for my liking. Takes forever as well.


Dragon's Crown Pro
Dragon's Crown Pro
A good take on the formula laid down by the D&D games. Just went on a bit too long for me at the time, but I want to get back to it.


Played this after watching the absolute garbo movie. Not particularly good, not sure why you'd want to play it over any of the more famous PS2 racing games outside of being a really big Stallone fan.


Dungeon Magic
Dungeon Magic
Another one where I think it's conceptually really cool but doesn't quite live up to it in play. Maybe I'll give it another shot at some point.


Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
Replay. It's some more Tower of Doom. It's good!


Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
Replay. Hell yeah man. A super ambitious game that combines Cool Adventures with some absolutely primo Capcom art work. I went through it solo but I bet this'd be a total blast on Fightcade. Only complaint is that the controls can be a little fiddly.


Dynamite Cop
Dynamite Cop
More of the same from Die Hard Arcade, and I'm perfectly fine with that.


Dynamite Düx
Dynamite Düx
Pretty standard stuff for the time, I guess. It's interesting to see what characters Sega were throwing out before they came up with Sonic.


Dynasty Wars
Dynasty Wars
Wanted to like this more than I did (due to it being a few characters removed from being called Dynasty Warriors).


Earth Defense Force: World Brothers
Earth Defense Force: World Brothers
Okay idea but I don't think EDF gameplay needed streamlining. Also pretty racist!


EA Sports UFC 4
EA Sports UFC 4
Free on PS+. I don't follow the UFC (a friend of mine refers to it as a putrid cretin spectacle and I may be forced to agree), and maybe that's just as well cause if I did I'd have ended up wasting my money on this. Series peaked with Undisputed 3, all downhill from there.


Eight Dragons
Eight Dragons
A throwback to Renegade, so not something I really want to bother with.


Elden Ring
Elden Ring
DIdn't like it. Open world just felt dull and full of copy-pasted stuff. Wasn't fussed about the story. Saying "wretched dung-eater" is funny but that's all I've got.


Elemental Master
Elemental Master
This is what I wish wizards in movies and stuff were like. Just firing huge amounts of magic shit at everyone constantly. Doing a highest level Dragon's Dogma spell 50 times a minute. ZAP


Enderal: Forgotten Stories
Enderal: Forgotten Stories
Replay. I'd started this aaaages ago and gave it another bash this year. It's very impressive, but there really is only so much you can do with Skyrim. It's a great effort but it's just not built on a good base.


Another cool Cave (kool Kave) game. Not into the look as much as I am ESP Ra.De. but it's fine!


Espgaluda II
Espgaluda II
Again, didn't like it as much as ESP Ra.De., but it's still good!


ESP Ra.De.
ESP Ra.De.
Knocked me for six. What a cool game! Boss health is excessive but that's my only issue. This one really got me itching to go on a run of shmups.


ESP Ra.De. Psi
ESP Ra.De. Psi
I liked ESP Ra.De. enough to buy this. Some tweaks, more content, fine by me!


FAR: Lone Sails
FAR: Lone Sails
Cool little idea. I like games with boats.


Fashion Police Squad
Fashion Police Squad
Fun throwback shooter - I'd never heard of it but a friend said hey, you might like this and they were right. Nice!


Fighting Force
Fighting Force
Not very good, is it? There's a kind of charm to it though. I think I will go back and finish this at some point.


Fight'N Rage
Fight'N Rage
Genuinely astounding effort for one guy. Awesome combo system, this was walking the Streets of Rage 4 walk before that game existed. Only problems I have with it are the lighting is a bit much at times and the main girl leans way too hard into anime fanservice for my taste. Genuinely really good game.


Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
I have no love whatsoever for FFVII. This was free on PS+, so I decided to see if things would be different after nearly 20 years and a different combat system. Nope! I think I might like this even less.


Final Fight
Final Fight
Replay. The daddy. It definitely shows its age these days but it's still just so cool. Easy to see just how influential it was. What a game!


Final Fight 2
Final Fight 2
Doesn't really have any of the energy of the first game, sadly. Just kind of a slog. And it introduces Maki, who I think is chiefly liked by anime boys that you would not want to talk to. Not the fault of the game but it's hard to look past.


Final Fight 3
Final Fight 3
Better than Final Fight 2 for sure, but still pretty lackluster. There isn't even boss music! What the hell!


Final Fight: Streetwise
Final Fight: Streetwise
Completely odious game. I genuinely have no idea why or how this got made.


Final Vendetta
Final Vendetta
Pretty decent game! An oddity in that it's very clearly trying to ape the SNK/KOF look - not really something I associate with the genre. It's pretty basic, but short and sweet, worth playing if you can grab it cheap. You may also notice that this is the fourth game of this genre on the list so far that has Genzoman cover art. There can be too much of a good thing.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Did the Golden Deer route. Tooooo long for what it is. Not bothered about most of the characters either. I liked Awakening well enough but I don't think I have it in me to play Fire Emblem regularly.


Friday Night Funkin'
Friday Night Funkin'
Feel like I missed some controversy over this maybe? Had never heard of it but it showed up on an page I was on so I gave it a bash. Played it for 10 minutes and don't see myself ever going back to it.


DIdn't really care for the style and the forced walking segments are a totally nonsensical addition, but there are some good boss fights here even if they run out of steam towards the end (final boss is really shitty). Don't know if it was just my control setup or what but I felt like I was fighting against an auto-aim a lot of the time in the ranged parts.


Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Replay. Went through this again for Halloween. Cool game! Tim Curry's attempt at a New Orleans accent is very endearing.


Gaia Crusaders
Gaia Crusaders
Impressive amount of playable characters by the end of the game but otherwise not really all that great, I thought.


Gal Gunvolt Burst
Gal Gunvolt Burst
More Gunvolt Burst. It's still easy, still fine to zip through if you have 20 minutes.


Gang Wars
Gang Wars
I do not remember a single thing about this game.


Gate of Thunder
Gate of Thunder
A better game than Lords of Thunder despite coming first.


It was good, but it's possible that Gaiden has ruined me for the rest of this series.


Don't have much to say about the game, but Joe Madureira should be outlawed.


Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge
Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge
Beatemup/adventure game hybrid that isn't too great but has some real slick animation. There's one kick in this that I've absolutely seen before but I can't place where from. I think it might be a KOF2002 animation.


Getsu Fuuma Den
Getsu Fuuma Den
Gave it a bash because of the associations it's had with Castlevania, but I wasn't that into it. That one track is still a banger though.


Giga Wing 2
Giga Wing 2
Fine I guess, but it can be really hard to make out what's actually going on in these polygonal ones.


Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Another great OST. Game is extremely hard, though.


The up/down/middle system of blocking and attacking is interesting enough for the time I guess, but this is too jank to really be fun.


Golden Axe
Golden Axe
Replay. I like this game still! The not-Conan world is really cool, love the big turtle village and the eagle stage.


Golden Axe II
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe II - it's like Golden Axe. I like Golden Axe. I like Golden Axe II!


Golden Axe III
Golden Axe III
The Golden Axers Once Again. It's still much the same, I still enjoy it, and I think the stage on the back of the giant eagle is badass. Good music here.


Golden Axe: The Revenge Of Death Adder
Golden Axe: The Revenge Of Death Adder
One of the best - maybe the best-looking arcade games of the era. Seriously, it's ridiculous! I'm amazed this has never had a home release. Gameplay-wise, well, it's yet more Golden Axe. If you like it you like it. I like it!


Golf It!
Golf It!
Replay. Golf It night with the boys. Get a solid custom map and it's a great laugh.


Gourmet Warriors
Gourmet Warriors
Looks really cool, but I wasn't too bothered about finishing it. I'll pick it back up at some point.


Gradius Gaiden
Gradius Gaiden
Another one that I think I need to go through again to really click with.


Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou
Gradius II: Gofer no Yabou
I'd probably be interested in checking out some of the later Gradius games, but this one didn't do much for me.


Indiana Jones shoots hordes of animal poachers and also an alien (?). I dunno, I think this game is pretty cool!


Guardian Heroes
Guardian Heroes
Probably would have liked it a lot if I played it at the time of release, but this ended up being a big-time disappointment. Just felt sluggish and killing things took forever. Obviously looks awesome, though.


Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Guardians: Denjin Makai II
Much better than the original. Weird, kind of grotesque designs and Winkysoft doing a Winkysoft as hell soundtrack. Final boss music just sounds like a Masou Kishin track, which is a-OK by me.


Guardians of the 'Hood
Guardians of the 'Hood
Digitised guff.


Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Don't like Guilty Gear at all but played this with some friends who were trying to get into it. If I played it I would main Venom.


Definitely seems like Psikyo games follow a formula. Not my preferred style but this game still has some charm to it.


Gunbird 2
Gunbird 2
Same as Gunbird.


Gundam Evolution
Gundam Evolution
Not interested at all in Overwatch and its ilk but I gave this a go because it's Gundam. Looking down ironsights? In a Gundam game? You're having a laugh mate. Also if someone picks the suit I want I can't pick it? Seriously? Is this what these games are like? I thought we solved this shit in Champion Edition. Absurd.


Gun Force II
Gun Force II
Metal Slug-ish, but before Metal Slug, by the folk who would make Metal Slug. Covering a wider arc because of your dual guns is cool!


Gun & Frontier
Gun & Frontier
Every ship just being a flying gun is incredible, but I didn't much like it beyond that, partner.


1 year ago

I adore the dedication to adding notes to everything, even if they're just like two words. Hachoo sweep.

Bayou Billy is one of the most unfun NES games I ever played, goddamn what a slog-filled and mean-spirited game.

1 year ago

Damn this is impressive

1 year ago

Did you complete Ring Fit?!

1 year ago

@Vee this took me days lol
@Dalaamclouds that's not the word I'd use but thank you!
@letshugbro good lord no. new years resolution though!

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