favorite characters from games i like :)

i hold these characters near & dear to my heart. these are not ranked except for young mr. vivi ornitier you will always be a legend

Some slight spoilers might be in these entries, but for bigger ones i put a warning in the notes so don't worry

Mother 3
Mother 3
The entire main cast. I got very attached to Duster especially for some reason. I like that he gets to just have a bad leg without it being used for some important plot point or something, it's just a part of who he is (I really loved Itoi mentioning that in an interview, it was so nice)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
SKULL KID and tatl (+ tael, because i like him and would feel mean to leave gim out). Skull Kid is my favourite antagonist in any Zelda game and Tatl is so rude, I adore her. I think most of my favourite loz companions are a little mean, actually (tatl, linebeck, ezlo...)
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
(SPOILER WARNING) Hornet is the coolest character ever. Spider-God-Royalty with dubious morality who runs around killing vessels and guarding a dying kingdom. She's just great. Garama and such.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Wander is so cool and sharp... a mystery. I think about him to this day, to the point that I imagined Wistan in Kazuo Ishiguro's "The Buried Giant" as Wander the entire time I was reading it for some reason. Also read "The Buried Giant". Del Toro is apparently planning on making a stop motion adaption of it which is everything I could have ever dreamt of. Be sure to read Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go" while you're at it, absolute masterpiece. Wait, were we talking about Shadow of the Colossus?
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI
Terra. She is cool. She is powerful. She is aroace.

Also I love Gau, so all of you gau dislikers have to meet me in the pit unfortunately
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy IX
Vivi of course. Named my cat after him. There is no one in this world who even slightly dislikes Vivi and if you do, no you don't.
The World Ends with You
The World Ends with You
I love the main cast immensely, Neku is fantastic of course and so are all the others. Minamimoto is my favourite as well just because of how weird he is. I feel like i say this about every character but he's just really funny.
Ness my sweet potato child. Both Mother 1 and Earthbound's characterizations are on the light side but they charm me a ton, and the little glimpses of characterization that we DO get (a dialogue line here, a memory there, etc.) is just enough for me to form my own little ideas about them as characters. It's nice :)
Octopath Traveler II
Octopath Traveler II
Same as with Octopath 1, I like them all pretty much equally. But I started with Osvald and I'm very fond of him. And Castti is just the coolest. Ochette has so many good support convos as well as just being fantastic, and Temenos is really funny.... I CAN'T DECIDE (but probably osvald or castti. or ochette.)
Persona 3 FES
Persona 3 FES
Yukari and Ken!! Yukari is such an incredibly written character (and her english VA is so fantastic that it elevates her character even higher) and Ken is one of the best child characters ever written imo (also Nemesis is just the coolest persona ever do not @ me she just is). Yukari & Ken get behind me i will defend you from the weird haters
Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley
Elliott is such a funny character to me so of course I love him most. And Krobus of course for being a perfect creature.
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Shin Megami Tensei IV
Isabeau was my favourite while playing the game but it was Jonathan who really stuck with me. I just think he's funny. And it's always fun seeing really flawed nice characters.
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Harry Mason, the icon, the legend. Sometimes a character just charms me for some reason and Harry is one of those characters. He's not a cool special strong protagonist, he's just trying to find his kid man. Loved when he used an alien spaceship to destroy the town of Silent Hill.
Breath of Fire IV
Breath of Fire IV
Ershin. First jrpg creacher I ever loved. Their design is so cute and they have such an interesting role in the story, as well as being funny. Perfect robot.
Final Fantasy V Advance
Final Fantasy V Advance
Bartz and Krile. Bartz is so genuine and funny and silly, and I got super attached to Krile and felt for her. They have such a wonderful sibling-like dynamic that I adore. I like to think the two of them travel around the world together post-game.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Linhardt. I always like when male characters gets a healing role because it's a breath of fresh air, but also I just like his weird set of characteristics. Sure he's lazy but more than that he's also insensitive and often even mean. Love him lmao. And the idea of a healer who can't stand blood charms me.

Honorable mention goes to Edelgard, she'd be my favourite if Linhardt didn't exist... probably.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Leon, who is just fantastic and such a breath of fresh air. Clair because I adore her. Luthier for having an incredibly cool design and also for being the funniest character in the game (if you've seen the other entries on this list you might see that I have a great love for funny characters)
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Lucina of course... Libra... Stahl for some reason... HENRY... Panne... FE Awakening has a lot of characters I like.
Hyper Light Drifter
Hyper Light Drifter
I saw Alt Drifter and said this is my character now. No i don't know why i'm so attached to her. She's a weird silent protagonist wolf person(?) in a cool blue cape what else can i say
Pokémon Gold Version
Pokémon Gold Version
I love Silver lmao he's the best rival (and arguably character) in any pkmn game for me. Love his dramatic family history and his delinquent ways. I think his remake design is great but I like his og design even more (long hair!!!)
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy IV
(some spoilers in this entry) I like FFIV a lot but I also think it has a lot of missed potential. I think I like it more for what it COULD be rather than for what it is. I find Cecil, Rosa and Kain so intruiging I want to cut out like half of the other cast (mostly everyone who have unneccessary fakeout deaths) so they could concentrate more on the main trio (+ Rydia... Edge can be there too I suppose) because they ARE already such great characters and I wish the game used that more. I want to REALLY get into their heads. Anyway with that said Cecil is one of my absolute favourite protagonists in the entire series, love my dramatic moon paladin boy
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
The Wayfinder Trio and especially Aqua. The three of them are so tragic, I love it. I really feel like Birth By Sleep's main trio had the most emotional journey overall in KH, and all of the final battles in BBS really reflect that to me. The final FINAL boss in BBS is so augh (positive)
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts
KH1!Kairi where did you go, come back :'( She was so mischiveous and mysterious in this game, I miss her
Wilmot's Warehouse
Wilmot's Warehouse
wilmot is just like me fr
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army
Ninten my talented 4th dimension-slipping child (see additional info on Earthbound's entry)
Octopath Traveler
Octopath Traveler
Every single character in the main party, though who is currently my favourite changes day by day. Primrose is definitely the coolest, but I feel such a connection to Alfyn as well so I often think of him as my fav. But then again I have a fondness for Olberic and Therion was my first protag so I love him as well... I CAN'T DECIDE (but probably primrose or alfyn)
Kirby's Dream Land 3
Kirby's Dream Land 3


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