Games I'm interested in December 2021

Nothing here!

Taking a look at these again after never playing 3 to see if it's really what I thought
I'm curious
I never finished it
One more go eh
Giving it another shot after learning to love Eva rebuilds
Wanna compare this to ME in how it approaches design goals of planet exploration
Must resume
Must get farther than the first hours
One more attenpt
I hated these games but what's one more go
I need to see it for myself
I've learned to enjoy this game and it's genre with fresh eyes
Gotta see what's out there
What did I miss?
This game continues to inspire every theory of design and film studies bone in my body
Never finished
Never finished. Interesting take on star wars. Where the big towns at tho
Avoided these like the plague for my entire adult life, but watched videos of heavy rain on (lol) in awe when I was a kid. I think it's time I face my demons


2 years ago

I think Heavy Rain just seemed impressive at the time because it was among the first of its kind. Once the novelty wears off...eeeeehhhhh. Also fuck David Cage.

2 years ago

Yeah I know. I just want the experience of playing it for myself (not to say that I'm gonna finish it lol)

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