Favorable Role-Playing Games

RPG's I grew up playing, including Action-adventure adjacent. omitted ten popular franchises since I haven't played all the way through them yet; Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Phantasy Star, Dragon Quest, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Suidoken, Pokémon, Atelier Iris, Yakuza series.

HM: Brain Lord
HM: Robotrek
HM: Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
HM: Soul Blazer
HM: Breath of Fire III
HM: Tales of Destiny 2
HM: Star Ocean (SFC)
HM: The Legend of Dragoon
HM: Guardian's Crusade
HM: The 7th Saga / Elnard
HM: Tales of Symphonia


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