The "Disc Golf in Golf Story" Honorary Society of Games That Make You Say "Why Am I Doing This?"

My criteria:

1. Game has a side quest, mini game, etc. that is completely different from its main… ahem, gameplay loop.
2. That mini game or side quest is unintuitive, excessively challenging, not fun, or all three.
3. That activity will not let you progress until you begrudgingly beat it.

As usual, taking suggestions

Want to play pool?
"Reset the game, but not too hard!" isn't technically a mini game or whatever but it is headass enough for this list I think
And now, the subWARine
And now, golf
The (god)dam level
Look at me saying "cyberspace makes no sense" as if any of its gameplay actually does
If nautical nonsense be something you wish…

What’s that, it’s not? It’s not something you ever wished for in a Sonic game?
He’s Sonic, he’s gotta… er, drive fast
Still never wished for nautical nonsense
Now that’s what I call a big boner
What's worse than one timed marketplace fetch quest? Why, another one of course.
Quick, Rayman! Get in this arbitrary rail-shooter!
Quick, Rayman! Get in this, uh, boat
Want to play darts?
It ends with a thrilling chase scene! With tank controls. And it makes you fight the final boss over again if you don't do it right.
Okay but why do they have to keep walking forward like Mr. goddam Magoo? Can't they just wait for Amaterasu to clear the way so they can safely find the place to dig?
jump, jump! slide, slide!
Hurry, Sir Daniel, we have to do “nonsense punch out!” There’s no time to lose! There’s also no time to explain how it works, apparently!
Those sharks ain't gonna kill themselves!
Goron dance revolution
I mean take your damn pick, but my favorite one is “bring a blue flame all the way back here from way over there via Olympics-ass torch run, and oh yeah halfway through it might start to rain for no reason”
A skateboard level in every world
A skateboard level in every world, again!
Kirby as a car is pretty cute and fun, huh? Okay, now do it FAST
The mini games in Disneytown, doo dah, doo dah

Platforming in an RPG? Far out man
Mandatory disc golf, given to you by dipshit losers who you wish would just go away, who also don't tell you how to do it
A tie between bullshit-tetris and rollerskate-race that gives you carpal tunnel
To be fair, you don't have to win the blitzball game. But to be fair to me, you still have to play it
And now, card games
Before you head to the crater and fight sephiroth, let me ask you something, what do you think about chocobos?
More card games!
Puppy Love, three whole goddam times
Tube Race. If you know you know
Mario Kart with horses. Super Dragon Quest Horse Kart. Mario Quest Kart? Dragon Horse Kart?
You like the original donkey Kong, right? Sure you do, that’s why you’re playing 64. Want to play it again? For a very long time? Instead of the game you’re playing now?
More like Devil May Fly. A plane. For some reason
Asteroids (1979, arcade)
If you really want me to beat someone in a go-kart race in a medieval fantasy Zelda-ripoff world, the least you could do is make the go-kart easy to control
The wall crawl upgrade that you can't turn off, while technically still a part of its gameplay, so thoroughly ruins the rest of the game that I'm going to allow it
Those olives aren't going to collect themselves, buddy!
Ma cose? Shoot! Shoot the flying demon!
The whole first half is completely different from its side-scrolling action platformer second half. Both are awful
Top-down Batmobile chase with Two-Face


1 year ago

Pretty good list idea. Here's my suggestions:

Wario Land: Shake it!! Has annoying submarine levels.
Wario Land 3 has a few mandatory golf levels which aren't fun.
Sonic Adventure 2 puts you in a car once for some reason.
Final Fantasy IX has an obtuse card game called 'Tetra Master' game that I believe is mandatory once.
Devil May Cry caps off with an on-rails shooter and playable plane escape sequence.
Rayman 3 caps off with a sub-par turret section.
Rayman 2 has mostly good variety but at one point you have to steer this big boat through narrow streams.
Crash 3 has pretty mediocre biker levels
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex is filled to the brim with this kind of stuff: Water levels, car levels, plane levels, etc...

1 year ago

Depending on your familiarity with arcade games, DK64 requiring you to beat the arcade versions of both Donkey Kong and Jetpac could fit here.

1 year ago

For the record, this is how I feel about the vast majority of games with [forced stealth sections[( The worst ones that come to mind are in Gravity Rush 2 (love how a game that emphasizes freedom of control has sections that artificially limit your control), the snow level in Zack & Wiki (moving in 10 second intervals in a point and click adventure game), and the barrage of forced stealth near the end of Stray which you can basically cheese by just running at full speed and then hiding in a box for a solid half minute.

1 year ago


1 year ago

@thealexmott I CANNOT BELIEVE I forgot that one

1 year ago

@DJSCheddar got you fam

1 year ago

Dujanah makes you play through an intentionally shitty Metroidvania to progress the main story

1 year ago

Sorry for the double post by the way, but I just remembered the ship battles from Sly 3 which took a solid 8 minutes or so every time while traveling in the 5th episode between islands for objectives. There doesn't seem to be a way to escape ship fights once you get spotted so you're stuck enduring hits until you finish off your opponent for some coin. And there are a lot of roaming ships on the map. I have plenty of other complaints about Sly 3 but this was the big thing that soured me over the game in comparison to Sly 2 as something that felt "gimmicky"

1 year ago

Shooting asteroids in Dead Space. Great list!

1 year ago

Oh yeah and the jet ski in Resident Evil 4!

1 year ago

To be fair on Dream Champ Tournament, you can just skip the skateboard levels. But to rag on the game, they’re needed for 100% and collecting items in them is really stupid and in some ways worse than EoD’s already obnoxious autoscrolling gem collection.

1 year ago

Jump Jump! Slide Slide! Jump Jump! Slide Slide!

Thanks Mega Man 8.

Zero Time Dilemma’s forced RNG moments are really dumb and break the pacing. Somewhere out there, there’s a poor soul who failed one of the 50/50s like ten times in a row.

1 year ago

@drax you can post on my lists as many times as you want!

I’ll also limit it to your suggestions so as not to cannibalize your own list too much

1 year ago

When Yakuza 5 got remastered it fucked the physics of some of the minigames (at least, at the time I was playing it) which means the mission in the game where you must either 1. pay 50k yen, or 2. beat a guy at billiards to progress was the fucking worst, even though your opponent isn't actually that good at pool. I wouldn't have been good at it anyway, but the jank made it so much worse

1 year ago

i feel the Darts mini game in Persona 5 Royal almost made @sketchitcat break her PS4 LOL

1 year ago

incredibly haunting list! for your consideration, shadow of the damned's lane shooter segment with the most frustrating recoil period imaginable paired with a targeting speed which mostly cannot match the mobs' delicate vulnerable spot. recipe for disaster, absolute replay-killer. while it is still TPS gameplay in line with the rest of the game, it's stationary nature and higher focus on exacting accuracy i feel finds a spot on this list.

1 year ago

Hylics (turn based RPG) has some tough as nails platformer segments, 1 of which is required to beat the game

7 months ago

In both YGO 5D's World Championship 2009 and 2010, there are stealth section where you have to avoid security

7 months ago

The fucking Tron biking minigame in KH2
Also all the disneytown minigames in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

1 month ago

you are no fun

1 month ago

Wonderful 101 has an aggravating minigame every four or five levels and you have to execute them perfectly to get perfect ranks for the entire stage

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