250 Retro Bucket List

Games I played as part of a list of 250 titles I wanted to complete before I died. Not that I'm planning to die anytime soon, but...

"Retro" was defined for this list as anything predating 7th generation consoles, though there's only a handful of 6th gen games. Some games I've played before and wanted to revisit, or played but never completed, but the majority of the list were games that I never picked up due to lack of access or time.

Look I know this shouldn't count.
I... I know. I know.


1 year ago

Man, coming back to this list, I'm thinking how much I would enjoy making my own. It's such a cool idea. Thinking of how I'd do it (keep it retro? Same dates? Just 250 games I really wanna play?).

Good luck with this list, man, RIP Tomb Raider.

1 year ago

I tried to stick to games from the 1st through 6th generation of consoles, keeping 6th gen games to a minimum. The idea was to make a list of games that felt significant enough that I would regret not playing them in my lifetime and started building the list with games that I never played, followed by ones I never finished, and then games I just wanted to replay. It was actually meant to be 100 games at first, then grew to 150, then I felt I had enough for over 200, but topping out at 250 got a little tricky. I took some suggestions, which is why there's a few oddballs on the list too. There was a few times where I had to remove games from the list and swap in new ones, like Tomb Raider II and III because I knew I didn't have the patience for them, and Kolibri which is straight up busted in emulation, but outside of maybe 8 or so games, the list remained static.

In any case, they're all done now, I'm just retroactively reviewing them. I had a lot of fun with it. You should try it out, too.

1 year ago

I am only 25 games away from being done with all the retroactive reviews. Then I can sleep forever.

1 year ago

Only ten more to go...

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