Games that would not have happened if one major character had just gotten therapy

This is my reminder to schedule a therapy appointment.

Once again, all the major characters need therapy
You can't give therapy via rabbit, guys.
See Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Junko made the problems, but 95% of the game probably wouldn't have happened if Toko had gotten therapy.
The audience counts as one character
Rather than getting therapy, everyone gets a dancing federal agent crew
Mom Hinasaki
I know Reika, like, WAS therapy, but there had to be a better way to do it. Also get Reika some therapy
This is I need therapy: the game
Literally please just get therapy guys, you were friends once
I'm not getting into the lore, go watch the movie
the dad
Get the King of the Underworld some therapy
Dunning Smith
A) Get therapy, 2) Are you sure you're not mixing up paint water and coffee again?
you've got mommy issues dear
Rather than getting therapy, everyone gets a dancing cheerleader crew
Travis get therapy
Damon, and also FU
Rather than getting therapy, everyone gets a dancing cheerleader crew
Alex needs therapy.
It's called innocent sin
Grandpa Kirijo
I feel like Izanami would benefit from therapy, but also please get therapy Adachi
If Akechi gets therapy, Shido doesn't get power.
Maruki needs therapy. I don't CARE if he's a therapist, he needs therapy.
Rei needed therapy. Poor Girl.
Self Explanitory
Self Explanitory
this game IS therapy, for me at least
Do I need to explain?
Ok in fairness, every major character needs therapy. That's the point.


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