genre taste testers

i don't usually like jrpgs but persona 5-

did you only have handheld systems as a child? are you biased towards one particular style of game? is your name bombad?
if you answered "yes" to any of the above, then this list is for you!

here i've chosen 3 titles per category to represent a variety of different genres. honorable mentions may be in notes. keep in mind that this isn't necessarily about what's popular or top-rated - the goal here is to have an eclectic enough selection of games so that there's something for everyone

suggestions, recommendations, and revisions are appreciated!


the alien is downright terrifying. most horror ai is dogshit, but this thing wants you fucking dead at all costs

by the way, you can play through the finale of the first alien movie in one of the dlcs. that alone is worth the price of admission on a decent sale
run 'n gun

pretty damn hard and has somewhat unwieldy controls, but once you get past that it's fucking nuts

one of the few games where even its diehard fans will usually tell you to play on easy mode (if only to have unlimited lives)
3d platformer

unparalleled atmosphere. the actual game design isn't the greatest in the world, but it's plenty competent and everything else far outweighs that

check out the sequel as well
3d platformer

features meticulously crafted levels brimming with life, and an overall atmosphere that's mathematically engineered to be as cheery and uplifting as humanly possible

point and click to control a nigh helpless woman as she evades a serial killer who wields a giant pair of 6ft scissors

extremely influential. definitely largely to blame for amnesia and the games like it
i don't recommend playing columns
3d fighter

slick, stylish, and offers a fair amount of depth while still being pretty accessible thanks to its rock-paper-scissors countering system

why doa4 over the others? because it has a halo spartan in its character selection - that's why

also check out virtua fighter 5 for a similar brand of kinda-simple-but-very-technical gameplay

diablo is practically a subgenre in and of itself. it sounds pretty simple and lame on paper, but killing enemies, gaining new abilities, and finding all sorts of loot is a pretty addictive gameplay loop

i'd recommend checking out diablo 1 first, but it's not necessary by any means

as basic as basic gets. it's almost like a program for songs to load into rather than an actual game with any kinds of gimmicks or twists

if you want a pure rhythm game with none of the additives, then this is for you
2d platformer

fairly unconventional and difficult due to its really weighty physics. kinda love or hate, but unique enough to mention

check out yoshi's island, rayman, and kirby's adventure too. they don't play similarly, but are all pretty left field
first person shooter

the quintessential boomer-shooter. kickass weapons, great levels, cool monsters, awesome atmosphere - you can't go wrong with doom 64

unless you're playing it on a nintendo 64 and can't see shit i guess
shoot 'em up

i could put anything by cave on here, but espgaluda is always my first recommendation due to its distinct graphical style and fun transformation mechanics

definitely something to kick back and immerse yourself in. the combat's bland and uninteresting, but that's not what you play something like this for

sidenote: og fallout has one of the best antagonists in gaming period
first person shooter

feels comparable to a source game like half life 2, except the guns have a lot more weight to them and everything feels about 100x better all around

it's really truly fucked up that this came out in 2005 and there hasn't been a shooter with better enemy ai since
character action

campy, tough, and unforgiving. solid combat backed by the atmosphere of a late 90s toonami program

i actually don't care a ton for this one but my friend garv told me he wouldn't play wetrix unless i said good things about god hand
point and click

great story. funny as fuck. generally avoids making puzzle solutions too cryptic, but there's a few dickhead design choices nonetheless
first person shooter

the pinnacle of arcade-y fps games. the campaign is short and sweet with little to no filler between, the multiplayer is absolutely legendary, and forge mode is one of the most revolutionary features for any game to have period
run 'n gun

contra except way more stylized and a hell of a lot more mechanically interesting. pretty hard, but has a mode that lets you gradually power yourself up
shoot 'em up

visually and musically a spectacle. absurdly difficult but proof that you can still enjoy a shmup even when you're getting your ass handed to you

methodical and plotting compared to something like metal gear, but a hell of a lot more dynamic and interesting in terms of actual stealth
point and click

deliberately cruel and nearly impossible to "win" without a guide. makes sense considering it's based on a short story which is just as fucked up

hate. hate. hate. hate
character action

disclaimer: start with kh1. it's more slow-paced and methodical, but fantastic nonetheless. don't listen to the reddit story takes without first giving it a shot yourself

anyway, kh2 builds upon its predecessor's foundation with far snappier combat, magic attacks that actually combo together, and drive forms which dramatically change the flow of gameplay

also includes a metric fuckton of superbosses to get destroyed by once the main game's over

trippy, entrancing, and mesmerizing. might be a little intimidating at first, but once you get into the groove it becomes hard to put down

then you realize an hour just passed

a simple little game that's escalated tenfold by having some of the most charming writing in the medium

granted a lot of that is because the localizers basically did whatever random shit they wanted, but hey it's fun
2d platformer

easily the most accessible game in the franchise, and arguably the slickest too

definitely check out the other megaman games if you enjoy mmx
2d fighter

despite its source material being lost on most people, melty is one of the most accessible fighters you can get into thanks to its devoted community, fantastic netcode, and wide variety of character archetypes

more arcade-y than a lot of other stealth games, and a hell of a lot more cinematic, but still an essential piece of the genre for good reason
run 'n gun

the quintessential pick. incredible spritework, fantasic animations, great weapons - fucking play this game

check out alien hominid too - it's heavily inspired by metal slug

00s as fuck. maybe the best feeling cars of any game? an absolute must-play if you like racist games

great multiplayer game. a super clever spin on the groundwork laid by the magical drop series - which got the developers sued and led to their bankruptcy!

don't let the plagiarism deter you, but check out magical drop 3 while you're at it
point and click

one of the first cd rom games of this sort. groundbreaking adventure/puzzle game

check out its nine million different sequels too
2d platformer

fast, frantic, and challenging; ninja gaiden doesn't fuck around, and it'll kick your shit in repeatedly until something finally clicks and you start beating its ass instead

for a similar dynamic but much slower gameplay, check out castlevania and ghosts 'n goblins
character action

one of the best action games period. very challenging and hard to master, but still easy to pick up and play due to the combat being more based on agility and mobility than actual attacks

check out the sequel (ideally the 360 version) for more of the same but with the violence and ridiculousness amped up to 11

you may know this one as "dr. robotnik's mean bean machine"

argued by many to be the best puzzler period. there's nothing like creating a massive chain and sending a torrent of garbage to the other player

check out "twinkle star sprites" for a similar concept as a multiplayer shmup
shoot 'em up

hard as fuck, but not because there's a million bullets everywhere - rather than overwhelming you with shit on the screen, rsg encourages familiarizing yourself with its large assortment of weapons and figuring out when the right time is to use each one

play ikaruga as well - rsg's spiritual successor

warning: even the random encounters will mutilate you if you ignore the tutorials

once you're past the learning curve however, resurrection of frieza one of the finest jrpgs around. sports an incredibly likable cast and a really addictive/unique battle system to boot

some of the best drifting mechanics in the genre. stylish as all hell and boasts a soundtrack that absolutely fuckin cums
2d fighter

takes a different approach from most fighting games by being very focused on neutral. basic attacks hit like trucks and characters die very quickly

check out bushido blade to see this kind of concept executed in 3d to an even greater extreme

short and sweet. come for the intriguing narrative; stay for the kickass music (shoji meguro is a god) and solid dungeons

...leave in 20 hours cause it's short af

a fantastic narrative wrapped in an oppressive, disgustingly grimy, downright fucked up world with easily the most frightening atmosphere of any horror game i've played yet

for a similar style of gameplay but way more of a b-movie "action horror" vibe, check out resident evil
3d fighter

tired of playing as martial artists? here's a fighter where you can use weapons and also be darth vader. soulcalibur vi is newer, but you can't be darth vader in that so fuck it

pretty much everything i said about djmax except the opposite. sc5 is campy, narratively driven, and gimmicky as fuck. it's the kind of game you'll know your thoughts on just by glancing at it
beat 'em up

not the most technically marvelous game in the world, but if you're playing a brawler you probably don't give a shit about that in the first place

in that regard, splatterhouse delivers on gratuitous violence, b-movie tier campiness, and... a surprisingly captivating narrative?

also winnie the pooh voices the terror mask
3d platformer

while bfbb is from the peak era of spongebob, it's not just comedy and nostalgia that makes it worthwhile

super tight controls and great level design keep this game relevant. make sure to play the original as the remake has a lot of wonky imperfections and invisible walls

still the best star wars game (save for maybe the og battlefront 2) and a kickass rpg in its own right

be sure to play the sequel too. it's rough around the edges but in some ways it surpasses the original

a catch-all for taiko no tatsujin in general. such a fun, cute little game that's utterly sadistic and fucking impossible once you get to the higher levels
3d fighter

over the top and fun as hell. each character's a different kind of mecha parody, and there's a real pick-up-and-play nature to the gameplay that makes it accessible to anyone
beat 'em up

probably the top dog as far as old arcade-style brawlers go. just feels really nice to slam foot soldiers around and toss 'em at the screen
beat 'em up

noteworthy for being entirely 2d unlike most brawlers. this means the actual combat mechanics are a lot more detailed and versatile than those games too

remake is objectively better than the og by the way. the pixel art is in line with the snes version's style, and the unlockable characters are a hell of a bonus

also this version has couch co op

superb sound design. genuinely comes across as a horror game at times due to how reliant you end up being on the sounds of your enemies
2d fighter

fun just to mash buttons in! the super personable cast and simple controls make this a pretty easy sell to anyone interested in its aesthetic

extremely fast, sleek, and exhilarating. the different hovercrafts handle like butter and the environments are killer

check out f-zero as well. most notably gx


2 years ago

what kind of setting is diablo 2 in? it's more of a gothic dark fantasy, isn't it? I noticed the other two are scifi and post-apocalyptic so I thought it'd be kinda weird if none of the three wrpgs were standard high fantasy seeing as that's what the genre kinda built itself upon. maybe fable: the lost chapters or oblivion? again I haven't played diablo so I dunno the setting outside of just seeing random screencaps a few times

myst is also a gigafilter choice for a point and click, though i don't know the genre well enough to suggest anything better (maybe a nancy drew game like curse of blackmoor manor? I curse myself for not having played old sierra titles to see if they'd work either...). as i don't have a lot of better ideas, i'd push for the resident evil 1 remake to take clock tower's spot for accessibility and it being fairly likely for someone to try, and replace myst with clock tower. (as i've also not played i have no mouth i'm not really sure if there'd be overlap there, though)

i'm not sure whether you're intentionally trying to push for less mainstream titles but stuff like mgs1, banjo-kazooie, kh2, and halo 3 seem super out of place compared to most other stuff on here (admittedly putting re1 here would be kinda eh too but sh2 is so whoooo knows). also-also not sure whether you're intentionally skewing toward older games, but personally i'd rather throw something more recent like rayman origins or celeste in for 2d platformers than dkc1 or mmx, particularly the former if you'd want to achieve an 'unusual, tough, but fair' concept in that slot while not also keeping all three games within one decade of each other.

i also noticed simulators seem to be a notable missing genre here as well as rts and metroidvania (crappy genre name but ye). while the latter has gotten notably popular in recent years it's probably one of the biggest cases of 'haven't played anything besides the most well known few' syndrome that i've seen around so it might be worth adding in

2 years ago

diablo 2's setting is like a simple high fantasy town that's in the process of being hit by some dark fantasy shit. i'd compare it more to oblivion except on a smaller scale. i mostly opted for it over an elder scrolls title because i figured it'd be a little more left field, but also because of the massive impact it left on the genre itself

myst is a filter pick yeah, but that's kind of a filter genre lmao. i was gonna place something like sam & max there instead but i didn't want two heavily comedy-driven games. re1 i wouldn't place over clock tower because mechanically it has a lot more in common with silent hill. i did just add it as an honorable mention sorta deal tho

i'm mostly pushing for less common things (hence no mario) but i'm also trying to sum up the history and diversity of each genre at the same time. halo and mgs are mostly there because they're such revolutionary titles. it felt contrarian for the sake of it to put say, splinter cell over mgs. i actually considered using rayman instead of ninja gaiden or dkc, but i ultimately decided against it because i felt the former was too unique, and the latter was more offbeat

i'll probably add a few more genres. towards the end it was getting real late and i wanted to go to bed so i cut it a little short

2 years ago

I will play Wetrix with you now chandler.

2 years ago

this fool sleeps

also damn i didnt realise columns fit in so many genres

2 years ago

could you recommend me a wrpg that doesn't look ugly as shit

2 years ago

you could check out divinity 2. i haven't played it but it looks pretty colorful and decently flashy with its battles

2 years ago

fair enough on your general reasoning. glad re1 could make the cut as an honorable cause that's kinda big. i'll still lobby for rayman origins over dkc, or at least an honorable because it's particularly good to cater to modern sensibilities while also not being baby easy or too vanilla.

2 years ago

also glad to know about diablo 2! i've had that on my bucket list for a long time but pushed it back a few times cause i was under the impression that it was a lot darker in setting, which is pretty anti-me

2 years ago

No disrespect but reeling at those FPS picks ngl

2 years ago

Reading this list on mobile was a trip lmao

2 years ago

i'd argue doom 64 has the best level design/weapons of the original games (an opinion only further reinforced by me getting a friend into it even though they hated doom 1) and i'd also push for halo being the pinnacle of arcade-style shooters. as for fear: you're gonna seethe, but i'd argue it's very similar to half life 2 except with all the killer and none of the filler - no shit pacing, no boring 3d puzzles, and no weapons that feel like nerf guns - moreover the ai is damn near immaculate and far outshines any other fps before or after its 2005 release

also yeah mobile is cucked. they should really change the grid layout so that it actually works at least on landscape mode or something

1 month ago

the fact that a spongebob game is generally considered one of the best 3d platformers is so sad. the genre is such a wasteland lol. its getting 1% better. id argue for mirrors edge being a great genre taste tester for 3d platformers because it offers such a different unique perspective from almost everything else in the genre

1 month ago

@jeffbackloggd it's really not a condition of the state of 3d platformers. it's just a really damn good game. licensed games can be good

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