
list of games i want play and beat before inevitable heat death of the universe.
only games i currently own.

very good. like 20 hours in, but others stuff came out and distracted me.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
i want to play the entire yakuza series that is in the west on pc. i have like 25 hours in yakuza 7.
when i conjure up the needed time to play an 80 hour game.
sadly this game came out at the same time as my crippling lost ark addiction. a bit unfortunate.
i want to play the entire dmc series. even 2 because i am a psychopath.
i have never played these games and i want to.
i really love these games. i have no idea if or when I will find the time to play them, though.
at some point i should finish this trilogy.
i wish they would release this on pc already so i do not have to deal with 25 fps.
i played like 2 hours of this and it seemed really cool.
i got like 20 hours in on pc before other games dragged me away. i am sure one day i'll come back to it.
tbh its probably not as good as dark souls 2 but i still wanna play it.
played like 2 hours of it, game seemed sicko mode.
i want to keep playing these games in hope that one day they will continue after the cliffhanger.
i want to keep playing these games in hope that one day they will continue after the cliffhanger.
it seems cool idk lol
i played the shit out of dishonored 1 and never touched this for some reason. one day, i am sure.
i played the shit out of dishonored 1 and never touched this for some reason. one day, i am sure.
it seem cute.
hell yeah.
boomer shooter kino.
boomer shooter kino.
yeah i'll be honest i'm not sure I like this enough to want to beat it, but i'm close enough to the end I think.
I started this back an eternity ago and had fun with it.
boomer shooter kino


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