Ask me for a Top and Bottom 2!

Stealing this idea shamelessly but that seems par for the course here on this site.

It's simple. Just give me a category and I'll throw in my top 2 and worst 2 for whatever I think matches best.

Dark Cloud 2
Dark Cloud 2
Top 2 Sequels in comparison to previous game - Dark Cloud was an ok but brutal dungeon crawler that had a pretty sparse story and a lot of clunk that just made the early game really brutal.

This sequel just makes everything better. From attack variety, dungeon design, graphics, music, plot, sidequests and minigames along with a heap of quality of life features. It just leaves the first game completely in the dust.
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2
Top 2 Sequels in comparison to previous game - Mass Effect 1 isnt bad but its grain-filters, pretty basic story and clunky gameplay hasnt aged the best. ME2 still manages to be pretty damn good and is such an overhaul in every single way from the first game to the point where you could mistake them for two quite different games. It still works really well for its storytelling choices and more frenetic gameplay.
Perfect Dark Zero
Perfect Dark Zero
Worst 2 Sequels in comparison to previous game - Oof. While some elements of the original Perfect Dark have aged wonkily (though I argue better than Goldeneye), the sheer 90 degree drop in quality for this mess of a sequel/prequel thing just hurts.
Double Dragon IV
Double Dragon IV
Worst 2 Sequels in comparison to previous game - Technically the Double Dragon franchise is a mess but this could either be a sequel for Double Dragon III in the Arcades/NES or a sequel for Double Dragon Neon if we just go by actual release and not the Halloween 'Pick and choose what we keep' roulette of storytelling.

I feel the people who made this never actually wanted to make a Double Dragon game and they just looked at Megaman 9-10, went 'We want some of that' and bumrushed this slow, buggy and horribly paced game out of the door that not only misses the point of why other games in the series are liked, it also just falls on its face as a beat-em-up in general.
Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious
Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious
Things I Didn't expect to like but did (top).

I hated playing Forza and the like before. Too realistic, too fussy and stressful. If it wasn't for this being free on launch, I wouldn't have tried it. I'm so glad I did as the horizon series is gorgeous and I find it so chill and fun.
Gone Home
Gone Home
Things I Didn't expect to like but did (top).

I thought I hated walking simulator style games. Dear Esther, Proteus and public reception around many put me off. This was in humble Indie bundle and I gave it a shot. The interactiity, setting and plot really resonated with me. While it's still a short game, it's much better than the perceived 'walking sim' monkier.
Night in the Woods
Night in the Woods
Things I Didn't expect to like but did (bottom).
This game.... It's got so much that under every normal circumstance ticks every box... And yet I just couldn't make the game work for me? Two hours in and I just felt nothing for anything going on and I literally can't explain why.
Cooking Simulator
Cooking Simulator
Things I Didn't expect to like but did (bottom).

I don't know why I thought I would like this. I should know that youtuber wAcKy bait is always less fun than it looks and despite this my brain went 'yay mix food fun' like a child and lo and behold, it's boring.
Games on the first console you owned (top)

My brother bought Grandia just off a short video on a demo disc. Me and him played this a LOT, resetting at least twice because we stupidly got ourselves badly underlevelled for two particular boss fights. It's just such a charming and fun jrpg that I've since rebought twice over because of how much I adore it.
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!
Games on the first console you owned (top)

As a platformer/collect-a-thon fan this just ticks every box perfectly. From it's wonderful music, silly story, imaginative worlds and the occasional quite challenging segment. Love it.
The Simpsons Wrestling
The Simpsons Wrestling
Games on the first console you owned (bottom)

Oof. This is double pain because its the first game I bought for myself as a kid. Ugly, annoying and just flat out unpleasant to play in every single way.
Lone Soldier
Lone Soldier
Games on the first console you owned (bottom)

Yikes what a mess. Messy controls, boring gameplay and stages just chock full of invisible walls and crap collision detection. There's probably worse but I just have such horrible childhood memories of this that I have to pick this.
The LEGO Movie Videogame
The LEGO Movie Videogame
Top/Bottom 2 Based on how faithful they are to source material (Top)

Proof that being faithful to a source material isnt always a good thing. While the Lego Movie Videogame is technically quite close to its film, its clearly a thing that just needed more content and expansion.

Its quite possible the shortest Lego game and because of its lack of content due to strictly following the film's course and adding nothing else, it just feels hollow and empty in comparison to other Lego games.
Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Rugrats: Search for Reptar
Top/Bottom 2 Based on how faithful they are to source material (Top)

Its really easy to dismiss this game outright as licensed fodder but on closer inspection, its weirdly full of detail and plot points lifted directly from episodes of the tv show. Whole locations and moments are replicated and while the game does have fun with those elements, it all combines to be a game that manages to be a big love letter to the first two seasons of the show. (Yes... I am a fan of rugrats. Shhh)
Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit!
Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit!
Top/Bottom 2 Based on how faithful they are to source material (Bottom)

This really was the era of 'Oh we have a license? Fling it into a platformer!'. This has no sense being what it is and its not fun to play either. Theres other just as weird platformers based off random things but this is probably the apex of that in action.
Home Alone
Home Alone
Top/Bottom 2 Based on how faithful they are to source material (Bottom)

This clearly is a completely unconnected game with the licensed just slapped on last minute to make a few extra coins from confused grandmothers.
The Sims 2
The Sims 2
games starting with the word "the" (top)

Still the best Sims title on a creative level and on a gameplay level.
The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island
games starting with the word "the" (top)

All hail Lucasarts, kings of the classic point and click and while this probably isnt the best Lucasarts classic game, its one that resonanes most with me due to having grown up with it.
The Sniper 2
The Sniper 2
games starting with the word "the" (bottom)

Oh boy. I dont know who thought having each 'Stage' set up like an episode in a TV show was a good idea but oof. Its a lot of badly voiced ugly cutscenes, 5-10 second gameplay sequences and a heap of irritating 'Credit' and 'Previously on' sequences. Its just horrid.
The Lady
The Lady
games starting with the word "the" (bottom)

Just a visual mess that barely resembles anything approaching an actual game. Its just noise and vauge in your face imagery.
The Witch's House
The Witch's House
Top/Bottom games to watch someone else play (Top)

I adore watching friends play this, especially if they know next to nothing about the game beforehand. Its just short enough to make for a breezy session with an unknowing friend. It also means if they get TOTALLY stuck, I can throw hints into the fray easily.
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Top/Bottom games to watch someone else play (top)

Honestly the sheer variety of things you can get from people playing this is huge. From standard game choices to modding, theres a lot here to see and its fun to find out where people go with this. Also im recently enjoying people using randomizer mods on this. Its just glorious.
Clock Tower
Clock Tower
Top/Bottom games to watch someone else play (bottom)

I recently found out while I love Clock Tower, I dont like watching friends play it. Especially those with no sense of direction as they just loop around the same few corridors repeatedly and get overly confused by everything around them.

For somebody whos cleared the game more than once, you just want to reach into the screen and go 'STOP OMG NOT THAT WAY' as if you're watching a slasher movie in real time.
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Top/Bottom games to watch someone else play (bottom)

Because you're constantly worried somebodys going to walk in on you watching the stream and they'll assume you're watching 'Special Japanese Anime' and you're forever tainted by that association.
Just Cause 2
Just Cause 2
games that start with the same letter as the first letter of your first name (top)

This was the perfect blend of over the top chaos, exploration and flat out fun. The sequels? Not as much as it seemed to dilute everything. Here its open world explosiveness at its best.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
games that start with the same letter as the first letter of your first name (top)

Naughty Dog sure know how to make a good platformer and this is darn near perfect. Loads to explore and collect but not too much to the point where it becomes a chore. It hits that sweet spot of quality and quantity.
The Juicer
The Juicer
games that start with the same letter as the first letter of your first name (bottom)

This game gives me carpal tunnel syndrome and reminds me of those clown robot shooting games back on neopets... But somehow worse.
Jill of the Jungle
Jill of the Jungle
games that start with the same letter as the first letter of your first name (bottom)

Im probably being overly harsh on this given the age but it really has just aged very badly. Its just too overly clunky to enjoy nowadays.
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Games from 1994 (top)

Still a classic after all these years thanks to its music, pacing, sense of exploration and overall action. Its still well worth playing.
Live A Live
Live A Live
Games from 1994 (top)

I really wish Squareenix would get off their butt and translate this for a proper re-release. Its a brilliant set of JRP games all based around different stories, all with completely different feels to them.

Theres one entirely about combat, one that has zero combat at all. One that emphasises stealth, one thats entirely dialogue-less and more. Its really really wonderful to play through.
Sonic Drift
Sonic Drift
Games from 1994 (bottom)

For a sonic racing game its weirdly dull and pedestrian with nothing really going for it at any point.
Robinson's Requiem
Robinson's Requiem
Games from 1994 (bottom)

Muddy, messy and really far too mean spirited to be any fun at any time. This is the sort of game you give to people who are real masochists and even then I dont know if they'd find the slog here any fun.
Rayman Legends
Rayman Legends
Top 2/Bottom 2 Games Not Developed in America, Japan or Britain. (Top) Rayman Legends (Ubisoft Montpellier - France)

Honestly one of the best 2D platformers around full-stop. The game is a total charm full of speed, great flow and amazing artwork. It makes me sad that Ubisoft dosnt seem to want to do anything with the series anymore outside of mobile cashgrabs and cameos in other things. A real shame.
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Top 2/Bottom 2 Games Not Developed in America, Japan or Britain. (Top) - Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Moon Studios - Austria)

Another gorgeous 2D (well 2.5D) title and an absolute shining star of a Metroidvania game full of exploration, engaging combat and incredible music.
Bad Rats
Bad Rats
Top 2/Bottom 2 Games Not Developed in America, Japan or Britain. (Bottom) - Bad Rats - INVENT4 Entertainment (Brazil)

Yeah its the Meme game everyone used to buy for each other as a troll gift before Steam really let the floodgates open. Its still appallingly shit and broken in every single manner though.
Painkiller: Resurrection
Painkiller: Resurrection
Top 2/Bottom 2 Games Not Developed in America, Japan or Britain. (Bottom) - Painkiller Resurrection (Studio Med-Art - Not 100% sure but Poland/Eastern Europe based)

Oof. The original Painkiller skirts close to overdoing some of the arena rooms but this is insulting. Kill 100+ enemies? Unlock a tiny silver of a room before doing that again. Then another tiny piece. Then again. And another tiny piece. Its a mod-pack made retail that should have never been put out.
Forza Horizon 4
Forza Horizon 4
Multiplayer Games (top) - Probably one of the best recent multiplayer games thanks to just sheer amount of support, updates and modes on hand be it through standard racing, co-op adventuring, casual playground style games or through sharing/creating tuning setups, paintjobs and custom courses. A lot here and very well done.
SoulCalibur IV
SoulCalibur IV
Multiplayer Games (top) I had to pick a fighting game and I spent so many hours on the online for this game, both playing with groups of friends but also through creating and showing off my custom characters. It was incredibly fun.
Random Access Murder
Multiplayer Games (bottom) - Launched via Humble Monthly, barely worked, nobody played it and had a grand total of one tiny map, one game mode and was a waste of everyones time.
Crash Boom Bang!
Crash Boom Bang!
Multiplayer Games (bottom) - Yuck. Horrid graphics, barely working minigames. This is not just an insult to the crash franchise but also to the DS, Mario Party and the idea of having friends.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Video game girls you find cute - Isabelle. Isabelle is best girl, is super hardworking and deserves all the adoration, respect and paid time off galivanting with Doom Slayer.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
Video game girls you find cute - Yuna - Yuna's entire story arc across FFX and X-2 is an absolute joy. We originally meet her as a timid and tentative individual who knows that her time is limited and is trying hard to build up her resolve, to somebody much more outspoken, free and ready to fight for everything she believes in.

No the audio drama is not canon and does not exist. No.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Video game girls you find cute (Bottom) - The entire cast. OH GOD. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

You have...
Reimi whos blandy McBland and never does a single thing to make herself any less of a blandy McBland.
Lymle whos waaay too young to be doing this journey and keeps ending every sentence with the word 'KAAAY?'.
Meracle whos catgirl cling extreme and wont shut the fck up.
Myuria whos here to act cold and show tits and thats pretty much all her character.
Sarah whos stupidly suicidally naïve and speaks in the most earshattering voice ever.

And then there Welch whos the worlds worst and is a complete jerk at all times.

They all suck.
Mortal Kombat X
Mortal Kombat X
Video game girls you find cute (Bottom) - D'Vorah. I mean this is pretty intentional though this IS the internet, im sure theres at least one person out there with the hots for bug lady.
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
Last games in a series (top). Technically there's the HD Xbox 360/PS3 but that's more a port. This is such a slick racer jammed full of content with a kicking soundtrack that all combines into a thrill ride and a summery feeling that can't be beat.
Rayman Legends
Rayman Legends
Last games in a series (top). Yes Rayman again but I can't help it, it's just such a damn good game.
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire
Last games in a series (bottom). Oof. Sierra really hit 3D hard and badly. While its not as bad as the mailing Kings Quest got, it still horribly clunky, obstructive and really poorly made.
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever
Last games in a series (bottom) It's... Just so BORING. Good lord what a lifeless, thankless borefest that's more interested in titty jokes Vs actual gameplay.
Kind Words
Kind Words
Games you'd use to bring about world peace (top) - Am I being weird calling this a game when its really more a helpful tool/community thing? Meh. Its a lovely thing with a community to match. A great way to get your feelings out there.
Games you'd use to bring about world peace (top) - Make ALL the friends! All of them. Everyones so happy. Even if the message of making friends doesnt sink in properly, the rest will be too transfixed by the sheer oddness they'll be unable to do anything else.
League of Legends
League of Legends
Games you'd use to bring about world peace (bottom) - Have you met the LoL community? OH BOY. ALL THE FUN. Hope you know exactly what everyone else wants you to do psychically.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Games you'd use to bring about world peace (bottom) - Either you'll rage too hard at the difficulty of the game or you'll rage too hard at the countless 'Get Gut' memes.
Plot twists in games (top) - Would you kindly not spoil this game?
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Plot twists in games (top) - Ok the 'Midgame' explosive twist isnt as shocking now but then? Oh my word. Theres a reason the series kicked off from this point onwards..... For better or for worse.

No for worse.
Twelve Minutes
Twelve Minutes
Plot twists in games (bottom) - If you know why this is here, you know why this is here. Gross.
Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando
Plot twists in games (bottom) - So. The Arm. Yeah. Why was this a plot point? Im still baffled.
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
minigames (top) - I could put most of the Yakuza series here and get away with it. Gambling games, darts, bowling, dating, car racing, fishing. Theres so much here.

Oh yeah. Also arcade games, mahjong, kareoke, dancing... The list goes on. Its great.
Ape Escape 3
Ape Escape 3
minigames (top) - Mesal Gear Solid. Having a fully voiced and over the top ridiculous Metal Gear Parody in this was honestly just cherry on top of an already packed sundae and is anothe reason as to why Ape Escape 3 is amazing.
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy X-2
minigames (worst) Sphere Break. Urgh. Maths and random mechanics. I dont wanna.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
minigames (worst) - Speechcraft. Urgh. This sucked. Random chance and random pressing to reload/load just to see if the potato face man will smile or frown at me. No.
A Plague Tale: Requiem
A Plague Tale: Requiem
Unreleased games that you're excited for (top) - Oh boy. I really really enjoyed the original Plague Tale game and have high hopes going forward for the sequel.
Unreleased games that you're excited for (top) - This game looks GORGEOUS. Just stunning. I want to dive into the artwork here.
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Unreleased games that you're excited for (bottom) - Just cancel it already Ubisoft. Put us ALL out of our misery.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Unreleased games that you're excited for (bottom) - Similar reason. This had its opportunity and between developer switching, lead changes and complete reworkings, this is never going to be what anyone wants it to be and feels like a car crash in slow motion.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Opening videos (top) - Cheating here but both openings, while tonally different, set up both titles perfectly.
Opening videos (top) - Ok so when do I start playing. At the moment the cutscene is just showing me in the water. When does the game start.

Wait. It has?
Hotel Mario
Hotel Mario
Opening videos (worst) - I get this is sort of like shooting fish in a barrel... with a tazer. But it is so bad and it isnt even memeworthy unlike the Zelda ones. Oh dear.
Ultra Balloon
Ultra Balloon
Opening videos (bottom) - Im sorry what? Babys room? The Toy world? A weird god figure and a blonde haired booby lady? A super baby thats never seen again? wat?
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Game titles (top): A good pun is always appreciated, a great pun makes me want to know more. This has that and oh boy does the game sell that title.
Game titles (top): Sometimes a name just drills itself into your subconscious. Sometimes it's done subtlety. Sometimes it's done with the force of a nuclear weapon. This is the latter and we are all better off for it.
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[cl-r]
Game names (bottom): I feel there's this subset of Japanese games that just staple random English words together than hope it works. This game name is that in full force and it's ugly and annoying. This also is a upgrade... Sequel...ish thing... But the only way you can tell is there's a slightly different bit on the end of the word salad.

Very helpful.
Touch Dic
Touch Dic
Game names (bottom): Tee-hee penis jokes. I still don't get how this made it onto shelves with the name intact.
Wii Fit Plus
Wii Fit Plus
motion controls (top)
Honestly its easy to see why Nintendo dominated the more casual market this generation and stuff like this that not only worked brilliantly but felt good to play too just sealed the deal completely.
Just Dance 2022
Just Dance 2022
motion controls (top)
Another casual giant with Just Dance. Im using 2022 as this is the last one that was compatible with the Kinect and quite frankly it still feels better to play with that vs just holding a phone.
Fighters Uncaged
Fighters Uncaged
motion controls (bottom)
Absolutely not. Just a game that has no intention of ever matching any input you give it to the point where you're better of flailing madly.
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor
Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor
motion controls (bottom)
Its.... a novel idea sure. But having so many virtual controls where the slightest of arm movements can accidentally ruin your entire game is awful.


2 years ago

Top/bottom 2 games as compared to the previous game in their series?

2 years ago

@gyoza - You mean like just best sequel in comparison to the one before it?... Er... Lemme think

2 years ago

@gyoza - All done! Four sequels. Two that completely outstripped the previous title and two that took a swandive into a paddling pool.

2 years ago

Top 2 Video Games You DIdn't Expect To Like When You Started Them

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - Done! I wasn't sure how to do the bottom though. Do I go with games I didn't expect to like and I was right, or games I expected to like but was wrong?

The latter is more interesting. So I went with that.

2 years ago

Sorry for picking something a bit hard and confusing, heh, but I like how you did it!

Top 2/Bottom 2 Games from the first console you owned

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - aaand updated! Four more in the list.

2 years ago

How about top/bottom 2 based on how faithful they are to their source material (if any)?

2 years ago

@gyoza - Done! Though I wouldnt say these are the best games, these are certainly games. That exist. Somehow.

2 years ago

games starting with the word "the"

2 years ago

@mellorine - Done! Just got to put in descriptions which I'll do later.

2 years ago

Rather enjoying the creative ones! How about "Top/Bottom games to watch someone else play"?

2 years ago

@gyoza - There we go! Four more games to the listing!

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2 games that start with the same letter as the first letter of your first name (so if you were bob, games starting with b)

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - And another four! Going through these quick now.

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2 Games From 1994

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - done! (Though it was mostly me copying and pasting from my 1994 ranking list)

2 years ago

Phew. Added some descriptions for the 1994 games finally.

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2 Games Not Developed in America, Japan or Britain.

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - Done!

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2 Multiplayer Games (AKA the Top 2/Bottom 2 games based solely on their multiplayer content / gameplay / etc)

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - Done! I was tempted to have Overwatch as one of the top top, I did plug HOURS AND HOURS into it but..... Activision/Blizzard... Also the support dried up, the sequel is nowhere near and I cant bring myself to say nice things about it right now.

2 years ago

Makes sense! The Crash Boom Bang one is so funny but true.

Top 2/Bottom 2: Video game girls you find cute

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - That was tricky. I had to also decide what you meant by cute.... So I went with 'I have only been with her for five minutes but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in the room and then myself' sort of level. So less sexy, more you want to give them a hug and tell them everythings going to be great.

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2: Last games in a series

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - done! I only consider a game series of it has more than 3 games to its name. Had to really think of the bottom ones.

2 years ago

Friend of mine added one 'Top/bottom 2 games you'd use to bring about world peace'

2 years ago

Also two more from the same friend Top/Bottom 2 plot twists in games and top/bottom 2 Minigames in games.

2 years ago

Top 2/Bottom 2: Unreleased games that you're excited for (Bottom 2 = games that are coming out you're dreading, disliking, or if not ambvient towards)

2 years ago

@FrozenRoy - Done! Sorry I missed your comment for a little bit. Backloggd seems to not want to alert me to things at the moment for some reason.

Last updated: