2023 in Review

year of the co-op games


why did i sleep on strategy games for this long? this game got me into so many turned based strategy games that I can’t believe I’ve missed out on. the other AW games, Fire Emblem, Jeanne D’Arc, I would’ve never given them a shot if I never played this, I’ve barely scratched the surface and I can’t wait to find more. AW1 is addicting and timeless, it was so much fun learning the mechanics, discovering strats on my own, obliterating the enemy with perfectly placed troops, the list goes on. While AW2 is much more polished, the unbalanced-ness of AW1 was a fun obstacle to overcome. Some COs suck, Fog of War is unfair, some units are useless, but its fun when you’re still able to overcome the comp with these handicaps. The perfect strategy game


an amazing sequel that was just as addicting as the first one. difficulty and COs felt more balanced in this one, and overall was more polished


cant go wrong with any AW game, but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the dual strike system


fun roguelike but lacks mission variety


using gyro and requiring frame-perfect inputs, blegh


enjoyed how challenging it got towards the end but the levels were pretty repetitive


in some aspects this is better than JSR, was a blast playing for hours


a co-op staple


decent in co-op


got the platinum and i love those silly little roblox-esque obbies


played it for the platinum and its a pretty fun match 3 game, just very grindy


enjoyed the gameplay a fair amount but everything else felt one dimensional and had a forgettable story imo


pretty solid narrative driven game that kept me engrossed the whole time


this and the ps2 counterpart are some of the best tennis games ever, so much content and very fun mechanics


this game stuck with me after i finished it for a while, its a gorgeous and stunning rpg, and honestly one of if not my favorites on the psp


a very competent and respectable handheld shooter


While the sequel was a step up in every way, I still adore the original so much. MediaMolecule were still finding their footing with this but it still is jam packed with love and creativity that I can’t find elsewhere. It’s a very wholesome game and even better in co-op, jankiness included with the physics. Every world is so memorable and the soundtrack is iconic. This game brings me happiness like no other game can


Pure childhood joy playing this in co-op. Improves on the original in every way, the new power-ups are great, and the level design is much more refined. It did well introducing new levels that weren’t strictly platforming but showcased the power of LBP2 and how you could make literally anything


like a disappointing son


charming rpg but most of the mechanics were a bit shallow


underrated? overrated? overhated? this game is so polarizing but I loved it, a top tier NFS game that I couldn’t put down. Criterion had a vision and they stuck to it to a fucking T, and that street aesthetic fit nicely with the series. It’s what I thought Underground 2 was going to be, cheesy story included. the soundtrack gets too much hate, rico nasty is my goat


felt like racing with hot wheels and the progression system sucks


the perfect co-op game here, chaos included. Trying not to fuck up everyone else adds another layer of difficulty that I loved, and every world has enough variety to it, which I feel isn’t true in the recent 2D Mario games. Has some of the best power ups in the series, best level design, everything about this game is perfection


very fun battle system but i wish nintendo would stop doing “go do this 8 times” in ever single mario rpg


the first two Patapon games are some of my favorites, but the 3 is incredible for the sheer balls it has. Switches up the rhythm battle formula it had going to a rhythm based rpg that has more content and variety than most modern rpgs. The gameplay loop is a blast, you can min/max quite literally everything to the point where no 2 runs would ever feel the same. It’s one of the best RPGs ever imo and I wish it got ported over like the other 2 entries, as I feel it deserves more than just the PSP


done about 5 playthroughs at this point and it hits every time


addicting as hell


a classic


barely any variety for singleplayer content


its eh, a DS micropuzzle collection wrapped up nicely but didnt really keep me engaged


fun and quick game


neat little platformer


I always thought this game was weaker than Origins due to the Murphy levels but after finally finishing it in co-op on PS4, this game is just so much stronger than Origins in every regard. For one, the level design in legends is genuinely some of the best in a 2d platformer, they’re stunning to play through and the soundtrack is wonderful too. The Murphy levels are weak yes but I think keeping in mind this was supposed to be a Wii U exclusive rationalizes them, and I’ve played them on vita before and they were fine. hands down the best rayman game to date and it deserves all the praise it gets


beautiful game and another co-op essential, level design was a bit weak though


A game so good I played all the other titles in the series in the span of a few months. This one has some very difficult minigames that stress me out even thinking about it, but that adds to its charm. I would spend hours trying to get a superb on the minigames, and there were so many unforgettable ones. The touch controls also felt intuitive and engaging to use as opposed to just pressing 2 buttons


so many great minigames and songs, a top tier rhythm game


having all the minigames in one game is convenient but they pale to their original counterparts, the difficulty was nerfed too much


some minigames are weak but still so much fun


got the platinum and yeaaa this game was mindless


highly recommend this game in co-op, was a blast


they went crazy with the soundtrack


i appreciate this game but damn did i have to play this with a guide opened at all times


like most SMT games i’ve played, the story is passable but the gameplay is pure crack


nothing compares to playing this in co-op for the first time and actually sticking to it


levels were quite easy and short, picks up in the second half of the game though


im glad this game exists as its great in co-op and a needed twist on the mario 2d platformers, buuut i definitely prefer traditional platformers


stellar platformer with some of the most memorable mario levels


A masterpiece in storytelling, every chapter was unforgettable, great character development between Ellie and Joel, this game has been discussed and praised to death and rightfully so. Can’t believe it took me so long to finally get to it


I’ve been so used to following checklists and completing objectives as efficient as possible, playing this game rewired something in me. I don’t think there’s any other game that offers you this much freedom, so I was making my own objectives and exploring everything just because I could! It was incredible, and the only thing that could’ve made this better was if the game didn’t look extremely muddy and there was more to do than just shrines


pretty game and great soundtrack, but very repetitive gameplay loop and the dungeons were meh, felt gimped due to the motion controls


enjoyed this at first but got stressful towards the end


perhaps i shouldve spent more time with it as i only spent about 3 hours with it, but i did all the minigames a few times and didnt feel compelled to come back to it


the definition of joy


the definition of a 7/10, fun gunplay and a cool story


button mash the game


very repetitive mission structure but the core story was great


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