Extremely good Boss themes that live rent free in my head

Because who doesnt love a good boss OST? Suggestions are welcome because I fucking love Boss themes

Hopes and Dreams

Everybody knows about Megalovania at this point, come on now
Dude, I could make an entire separate list out of FFXIV songs

but if I had to pick three BOSS themes right now: [SHADOWBRINGERS SPOILERS] Who Brings Shadow + Invincible, To the edge and Heavensward Spoilers


Shadowlord (NieR gestalt)
Battle for everyone's souls (Persona 3)
Brahman and also hunting betrayal(digital devil saga 2)
The final battle (smt nocturne)
Zanza (xenoblade 1)
Big battle (digital devil saga 1)

3 months ago

3 months ago

Good recommendations! @NOWITSREYNTIME17 @Armakeen
I just finished including them o/

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