The 'ALL OF 2023' Rapidfire

Nothing here!

Man they should make one of these with nothing but sidescrolling, there's no way they could screw that up
Great start to one of the best series I got into this year, wish I knew about mech spam first time I played it
Fantastic sequel in about every respect and peak of the series
A good, different direction for the series to end on, but it's poorly balanced in the exact opposite way every other AW game is. Very odd.
Abominable, downright rancid balancing, thoroughly miserable, weakest of the Advance games, but still had some cool moments
Kaneko did right once i guess
I'd rather not think about this one again
Heyheyheyheyheyhey what if, heheheh, what if, heheheheheheheh, the queen, heheheheh, her clothes, hehehehehehehehe, the clothes, heheheheheheh, they go OOPS, uh oh, eek! My clothes! Ooohhhh my goodness gracious! I am Nakey!! OOooooooh my!!!!
her ass cannot Roll it is like she is afraid of Breaking a Fingernail like and subscribe
Was really cool until it buckled down on the bullshit, rounded out to mid in hindsight
Have you ever been 'aw shit I wanna buy a new game on the eShop but I don't wanna spend too much' so you settle for an 80% off 1.99 indie platformer with no sauce and no ideas and no future? Then you've played AVGN 1&2, unfortunately.
It's just bad NBA Jam!
Tank controls are cool but this is a little overkill
Best new game I played this year maybe. I want to be hopeful and excited for the future of expansive AAA experiences at a time where 99% of studios are bleeding out at the hands of their corporate ringleaders.
Super scaler racers need a comeback
What is she exploring for? The "kitchen"? Lol! Biden 9/11 gas prices phones insurance moon pies
It's just bad NBA Jam!
grappling hooks: the cornerstone of video games
grazing so close to God's light
I don't remember if I actually sincerely liked this or if Yoshi's Safari left me all vulnerable and frail, oh heavens
that goofy-ass :0 the enemies make when you slam your head into their stomach
Clinger winger 2 is the second worst thing I've experienced in my life
early beatmania has a sound that commands respect. not a good sound, mind you.
Why is there so many got dang menus? I just wanna play some songs by good-cool
I paid 200+ to import controllers for this and one of them stopped working after a week, fuck you buyee and fuck you bemanituber that shilled for them
we must realize that our people will do whatever we do !
i thought ddr games didn't change up much between sequels, damn iidx makes that series look like a never-ending string of reboots
These games are so fucking hard how do you guys have enough time to learn this shit
Dogshit but the shield mechanic deserves a second attempt
Ridiculous and very cool
After so many countless accolades from PC-E-heads (including Kanye???), I was blown away that this was identical to every other Compile game but maybe a little worse.
It did the 'rescue your player character with a second player character' thing years before anyone else, pretty mid otherwise
Tetris for indie devs?
Mid. Turns out the bootleg pikachu music came from here. Huh.
A bootleg JRPG could be worse, but it could be good, too
It's quirky - but with a dark SECRET!! OooOOOOOoooOOooooohh!!

Boobs?!?!?? I mean, Dogshit
I think this is the only time I've ever heard the N-word used in a japanese video game
Kino to the ends of the earth
the pink girl is cute
phoenix games
I'm not being an N64 boomer, this was actually really solid
How do you gentrify an N64 game
Jenny and I discovered the guy that made this lives somewhat close to me I need to get in touch with him somehow
this is what people think altered beast is (they're half-right)
It has The Vibes and that's all that matters. It's kind of dogshit when you're actually playing it
Gorgeous mid is still mid unfortunately
A big mixed bag but worth a look if you like MKDS
Curse? More like, could be worse :)
Damn good, one of the better SNES things I played this year
My first self-published game, I look back on it with a lot of bitterness, but doesn't everyone do that to their first big project? Learned a lot from the mistakes I made here as I look ahead to my next game
And ya think it's bout time ya die, and I agree
Amazing sequel, not a big songlist but everything here slaps.
Every DDR game has a song about hard fucking but I didn't expect this game to have a song that's literally 'stop cumming early' and its album art is a dude in tightly-whities clutching a gun near his dick
Great bridge-point between the early and later 573-era games, but the song selection could be better on PS1
Thank you konami but also fuck you konami
SOUL. The worst beats known to man
We've got to ceeeelebraaaate our differenceeeeees
Solo and 4th Mix Plus in the same place, a damn steal
Where the fuck is ska a go go???????
Something about playing 'If You Were Here' at home on a real DDR game with a real DDR pad did something special to me. It's the small victories.
They took away my jangling keys but they gave me my ball-pop lawnmower thingy instead, all is right with the world after all
Had me in the second half ngl
Good Darius 1 port, but not as good as MD Extra Version
The Blowjob Brothers
Gorgeous, ambient, but not something I'd return to probably
JaFAR, this actually IS the better one!
JaFAR, there's TWO of me
it's good but nintentubers really neglect to acknowledge how bizarrely unfinished it is
It exists, lord knows I don't have any attachment to this incarnation of Pinocchio on a gameplay projection level
This and Zero Wing continue proving that whenever Toaplan tries to do art direction, horrible game design isn't far beyond the corner
i remember nothing about this other than it being incredibly cheap even by dragon's lair knockoff standards
Cool progenitor to a whole Japanese genre, don't have any interest in coming back to it
Great game, used to think super and IIDX were just superior but this port really shows how its reservations make it shine.
That's some good MS soul right there
Pac-Man... with a GUN!


4 months ago

Tee hee, plane of existence I get it.

4 months ago


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