The 'ALL OF 2023' Rapidfire

Nothing here!

They do a really bad job of hiding that they wrote this during questionable political times in America but it's otherwise really stellar
Need more games like this
Why the fuck did they put this bimbo on my mean bean machine
I cannot remember if this was better or worse than Tant-R
it's like bishiBashi before bishiBashi was a thing, it's cool
Raiden burning the casserole right as Truxton comes home and says he had a bad day at work
You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you never considered whether or not you should
top 10 walking sims
Life-changing moment
Very good handheld port, probably one of the best GG games (not a high bar)
Wait a minute! This isn't MUSHA! This is anal sex!!
Dogshit! :D
It's like 40 minutes longer than it has any right to be
Better than 2 but ehhhh
Is it sacrilege to say this one beats the arcade version?
It was mid when I played it but I know it's the kind of brainmulch I would rot myself on if I had hardware to play it on
The 2nd most I've ever sweated playing a video game (behind DDR)
It doesn't have Ralphie saying 'green cheese', they attacked me and specifically me
GOOD: It's Monkey Island with Scooby

BAD: It's Monkey Island with Scooby
Why did everyone gas this up so hard? This is the middest of the mid
Where's the gameplay?
Where's the gameplay?
Oh, THERE'S the gameplay.

...where's the enemy design
The bar is on the floor
THIS right here is the peak of video games. No structure, no consistency, no playtesting, just you and 100 goofy-looking guys on a parallax background
Man NES stuff deserves a lot more respect
Byotiful, a fantastic replay to end the year. Unfortunately, I can't speedrun this, and Terri is gonna kick my ass whenever we get around to racing it
Behind every cool/cute PC-E anime character is a dogshit kusoge
Peak of the entire PC-E Hu-Card library

But seriously seriously stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Wolfteam should've made more stuff like this instead of 7/10 RPGs
This could've been a new fav if not for like, 2-3 horrible maze levels and the worst boss rush in a game I've played in a while
Mid (affectionate-pending)
Accidental kino
Mid (unaffectionate)
Nourishment... 2!!!
Easy argument for the best kart-style racer if it didn't have such overbearing CPU difficulty
Evil to an excessive degree, proof that maybe Sonic Team shouldn't listen to the fans as often as they think they should
Honestly? This is the best Sonic game to come out of the post-DC era until Mania
This is one of the worst sequels I've played in my life
This is great for like the first 2 cups and then it keeps going and going. Good roster tho
Felt disrespected on a personal level by this one
It's good! It's damn good!! It deserves more credit!!
Waking up to this was a trip
Wtf it's actually good
idk it was cool
why is a 2D n64 game with like 6 sprites on-screen running at 20fps
shovelware-shaped kino
Very cute!!

JFC stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
A very tender and well-considered introspection into the vicious cycle of loneliness and intrusive thinking and how it takes us away from people who need help just as much as we do

But the gameplay sucks lmao
Dig dig a tunnel, quick before the hyena come
Imitating the Europeans sure is a way to go
i did Crab Rave doubles on this at a fun center and a dad came up and high-fived me, I'm winning at life
In the time since this released I went from loving it to despising its bloated single-player campaign to feeling nothing but animosity towards its monetization. It feels like Capcom is always gonna be the scummiest swine no matter how much they fix up their old franchises
Except these ones
Very good handheld port, pretty recurring theme of the best GG games being Genesis ports. There should've been even more tbh. Where's my 8-bit Bio Hazard Battle and Granada?
I ran through this in co-op with my older brother who never plays beatemups and it was one of the best experiences I had this year. And then I realized there's like barely any other beatemups that even get close to this and I got a little sad.
I'm sorry Maradona
i mean, it's bomberman
The courage macaroni bit but with platforming and combat
You hate Super Princess Peach because you misinterpreted its setting as calling Peach an over-emotional wuss. I hate Super Princess Peach cause it's a worse version of a dollar-store Yoshi game. We are not the same.
Stop putting obscene difficulty bumps at the end of your shmups Hudson
Mega > Super
Get your ass back in the mid mines, stupid
A special 'grasping at straws' kind of dogshit
Man GG fans will just lie about anything
This was really solid when in the spots where it wasn't obviously unfinished. I really wish I didn't have to say that about every new Sonic game.
This was awful, I was way too generous to this just on merit of novelty
This was also bad but more in a 'baby game with no meat on its bones' kind of way
It ain't even tetris!!!
Evil screaming incantations
I'm sorry Jenny
Peak kusoge
PLEASE buy our game! It has anime girls! Our penises our small and our dads left us!!
Why does everyone drop their pants for this MD port
Evil kino
Why is it called Twin Hawk if there's only One of them? bombs Oh shit now there are Seven of them, oh shit, oh ass, oh cock
i remember listening to this OST on my psp while visiting my uncle as a teen. He passed away a few years ago, there's no sentimentality between these two factoids but it's impossible to think about one without the other now. Life is odd.
Evil midkino? Idk they don't let me play as the ninja girl in this one :pensive:
This SHOULD be good but it falls apart really quickly
The worst kind of dogshit is dogshit with cute character designs


5 months ago

Tee hee, plane of existence I get it.

5 months ago


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