Games I've Beaten For The First Time 2023

From top to bottom is the order I played them throughout the year. Only notable exception would be UltraKill. Played quite a lot of it, and really love it, but I won't count it till it's fully released.

My Comment from 12/11/2023:
"So apart from Pokémon's DLC this week, I think my list for this year is more or less complete. I am playing Baldur's Gate III, but I don't see myself beating it by the end of December. Not because I don't like it, literally the opposite. Just that my monkey brain likes to keep making and experimenting with new characters constantly. This exact same thing happened with me when I played Divinity II. I'm having fun without a doubt, but my overall progress through the story is glacial.

Considering how busy I was, I'm shocked by the amount of games I finished this year. This list only includes the new ones, I replayed so many other games like NEO: The World Ends With You, Wonderful 101, Elder Scrolls IV, and UltraKill. Unless I decide to binge several series of short games, I don't see myself ever topping 44 games. Also happy to say that I've enjoyed most games on this list, and the few I didn't are ones I respect deeply (maybe except Ballistic Zen, I found a handful of enjoyment from it but I wasn't big on many of their core systems in terms of control and handling). But with buying and maintaining a new house, free time is getting tossed out the window for a while. Yes I found another place and things are going far smoother then last time. Won't say it's in the bag like last time, but I'm a lot more optimistic about this one.

By the way, this really isn't a call for more game suggestions. I private that one list for a reason, it causes me stress. Some of you might be confused since you only told me of games I should give a try, that doesn't seem like a big deal. Well my brain is big lump of anxiety and loves to create unrealistic scenarios and how I'll disappoint people whose suggestions I either don't get to immediately, or ones I do get to but end up disliking. I know, it shouldn't be a big deal. I wish knowing that won't stop my brain from being dumb. I've also learned that I'm incredibly particular in the games I like. That isn't to say I won't ever go out my comfort zone, but I've found it harder to see the value in myself playing games I know from the start aren't ones I'll like very much. Doesn't help that my interests, while not really niche, can be annoyingly specific. Like, I love action RPGs but don't care much for Diablos and the like. I love difficult games, but it needs to be a specific level of "hard but not deranged" level. Stuff like that.

That said, while a bit early, thank you all for the amazing year here. Lot of good discussions to be had, lot of great reviews written by so many people (both the thorough, the comprehensive, and the hilarious), and the stories that were shared. Here's hoping 2024 is easier on us all."

Fantastic send-off, albeit it makes it impossible to discuss the finer details without spoiling not just Xenoblade 3, but the entire trilogy as a whole. Great RPG, just do not play it as your first Xenoblade unless you don't mind having zero clue what is happening and why it's important.
My first and second Resident Evil games are both Resident Evil 4.
Like Octopath 2, I tried writing up a review but couldn't manage anything. I don't know, sometimes you can't get off on the right note when writing and have to move on rather then bash your head against your writer's block.
I did have a review in the works, but when I re-read my first draft it felt too long and meandering. It became difficult compiling all eight main stories into a read that didn't overstay it's welcome, so unfortunately you'll just have to settle on a vague rating for this game. I really loved it, and maybe that's all that needs to be said.
A good game, even if it isn't something I'd normally play. I'm more into the exploration kind of 3D platformers, but I still had fun. Not enough to replay with the extra characters, though I didn't regret buying it. Especially with the small price.
Includes the Onnamusha DLC. In fact, my first complete playthrough was using Onnamusha. I got an early ending when I was playing the default character and had to start all over again, so the DLC was a nice change of pace.
Introduction to the more modern job system has its growing pains and odd design quirks, yet still allows an addictive level of customization with the kind of party you can make. Story is humorous while still containing enough intrigue to not be overly satirical. Third act looses a lot of steam while having some pretty obnoxious boss design (they put a superboss in a random chest, the sickos) but the remaster has autosaves that makes game overs not hurt too badly. Won't lie, I did use the Exp. boosters several times.
Pretty good. Balances humor and storytelling immaculately. Isn't too big of a game, but makes it less of a commitment to see the end. Almost got the true ending, but one of the requirements would've had me backtrack through the entire game. It can be avoided if diligent on the first playthrough, I just wasn't expecting something so innocuous to be needed to see a post-game cutscene. Combat is solid and gets really fun when obtaining a certain spell. Did think some enemies and either too subtle telegraphs for attacks or almost none at all. Not the hardest game but you certainly can't beat it without a bit of effort.
Story and themes really elevate as a whole.

Not my own review, but they do sum up my thoughts, more or less.


1 year ago

ugh... I really don't like doing this, but I'm going to comment on this list because Backloggd hasn't shown my two latest reviews on the activity feed (Stardew & A Hat In Time), and I guess I have to bring attention to them myself. Don't like how this makes me feel like a shill, but I'm not sure how else to fix this. Will delete this comment later
Hey, don't worry! If the website doesn't show them, it's understandable to try and share them in another way, especially when they are so good.

Really great reads, both of them!

1 year ago

@DemonAndGames Thank you kindly!

1 year ago

There's a workaround for this. After leaving a review, click the controller icon on the game's page and then select "mark as unplayed," then click the controller again so it highlights as green. I've noticed the site is better about kicking reviews to people's feeds if you set the completion date close to the date you're leaving the review, but I'm not sure whether it's a feature or a bug for Backloggd to not favor reviews with old or missing log dates. Either way, it's stupid and ought to be fixed, and not doing so is only going to make people feel more discouraged that they're not gaining traction and ultimately leave.

1 year ago

@Weatherby Oh, thank you so much! Hopefully we won't have to keep doing workarounds like this in the near future.

1 year ago

@curse I'll give this a try too. Thanks for the help.

6 months ago

So apart from Pokémon's DLC this week, I think my list for this year is more or less complete. I am playing Baldur's Gate III, but I don't see myself beating it by the end of December. Not because I don't like it, literally the opposite. Just that my monkey brain likes to keep making and experimenting with new characters constantly. This exact same thing happened with me when I played Divinity II. I'm having fun without a doubt, but my overall progress through the story is glacial.

Considering how busy I was, I'm shocked by the amount of games I finished this year. This list only includes the new ones, I replayed so many other games like NEO: The World Ends With You, Wonderful 101, Elder Scrolls IV, and UltraKill. Unless I decide to binge several series of short games, I don't see myself ever topping 44 games. Also happy to say that I've enjoyed most games on this list, and the few I didn't are ones I respect deeply (maybe except Ballistic Zen, I found a handful of enjoyment from it but I wasn't big on many of their core systems in terms of control and handling). But with buying and maintaining a new house, free time is getting tossed out the window for a while. Yes I found another place and things are going far smoother then last time. Won't say it's in the bag like last time, but I'm a lot more optimistic about this one.

By the way, this really isn't a call for more game suggestions. I private that one list for a reason, it causes me stress. Some of you might be confused since you only told me of games I should give a try, that doesn't seem like a big deal. Well my brain is big lump of anxiety and loves to create unrealistic scenarios and how I'll disappoint people whose suggestions I either don't get to immediately, or ones I do get to but end up disliking. I know, it shouldn't be a big deal. I wish knowing that won't stop my brain from being dumb. I've also learned that I'm incredibly particular in the games I like. That isn't to say I won't ever go out my comfort zone, but I've found it harder to see the value in myself playing games I know from the start aren't ones I'll like very much. Doesn't help that my interests, while not really niche, can be annoyingly specific. Like, I love action RPGs but don't care much for Diablos and the like. I love difficult games, but it needs to be a specific level of "hard but not deranged" level. Stuff like that.

That said, while a bit early, thank you all for the amazing year here. Lot of good discussions to be had, lot of great reviews written by so many people (both the thorough, the comprehensive, and the hilarious), and the stories that were shared. Here's hoping 2024 is easier on us all.

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