
Commentary when I feel like it

First played in 2014

Skyrim is Skyrim. It's janky as hell and only as fun as you make it. But whenever I hear someone say they don't like Skyrim, I just feel sorry for them. Skyrim is a weird game that scratches a very particular gaming itch that, so far, no other game has been able to scratch at all, let alone better. Not even similar games can manage to fill whatever strange void Skyrim has filled since its release. Perhaps the void was created by Skyrim itself, and nothing else will ever suffice.

And then there's modded Skyrim, which elevates a broken masterpiece to a higher plane of existence.
First played ~2001/2002

Playing this game for the first time was a surreal experience that I'll never forget, and one that is seldom diminished on replays. Dark, melancholy, and filled to the brim with expertly written side stories that all converge together to form the core of the main story. To date MM makes the best use of NPCs and sidquests I've ever seen in a game.



First played in 2004

A simple yet immensely effective masterpiece. Its spiritual successor gets a lot more love and praise, and for some good reasons, but there's always been something about Ico that elevates it above others for me personally.

The amazingly realistic character animations were enthralling back in the day, and in retrospect they have become even more impressive. How this was managed on the PS2 back in 2001 is beyond me. The subtle effectiveness of the two main characters speaking different languages and being forced to communicate through said animations just emphasizes how amazing they really are. The fact that Yorda's gibberish speech is not translated in the subtitles drives home for the player the otherworldliness of the situation that Ico has found himself in. Even the clunky controls that people so often complain about, are themselves a storytelling mechanic. Ico is a scrawny 12 year old boy, with no formal training at all. So of course when he picks up a large hunk of wood and starts frantically swinging it to defend himself and his new companion, it's going to feel awkward. Of course he's going to throw himself off balance. Is it frustrating from a gameplay perspective? Sure. But if Ico's atmosphere can successfully draw you in, this frustration becomes a vehicle of immersion rather than a product of bad game design.


First played in 2009

Jak II was our first taste of Naughty Dog as competent storytellers, and in my opinion, is still the best implemented story and worldbuilding in any of their games. Gritty and "mature" without devolving into pretentiousness, while maintaining the admittedly juvenile humor of the first game to balance things out. It definitely has a very early 00s style about it, which I understand is not to everyone's taste.

Complementing the writing is a strange mishmash of gameplay and story genres that absolutely shouldn't work, but somehow work perfectly. Is it fantasy? Sci-fi? Post-apocalypse? Dystopian? Yes. Is it a 3D platformer? Third person shooter? Action/adventure? Sandbox? GTA clone? Skateboading game? Also Yes. And I fucking love it.
First played in 2000

FFVIII was my first FF and my first RPG, and as such I suppose I'm a bit biased toward it. Nevertheless, even though I've claimed FF as my favorite game series for many years now, the 8th installment remains my favorite. Wonky junction system, batshit story, and all.
First played in 2014

This game was literally life changing. In a multitude of ways.
First played in 2004. (technically first played in 2002 but I didn't own it or beat it until 04)

The og KH did everything right. Its sequels would go on to greatly improve upon the combat and weave a complex narrative around the simple premise of the first game, but KH1 remains the best expression of the original idea behind the series.

KH has a special magic about it that none of its successors were ever able to emulate. Every aspect of this game is lovingly crafted with impressive attention to detail, every gameplay mechanic has an in universe explanation, and the integration of Disney properties, Final Fantasy cameos, and the original content is at its best here.
First played in 2005

I've never felt so hollow after completing a video game. (This is a compliment.)
First played in 2018

Perhaps the best open world setting in a vast sea of open world games. People like to rag on BotW for having no story but I beg to differ. For me, BotW has one of the best, most intriguing stories in any Zelda game. It is only the method of telling that story that has changed from previous games. Also one of, if not my absolute favorite art styles. At this point I'm sick to death of photorealism in games. More of this please.
First played in 2000
First played in 2019

God tier RPG. That rare masterpiece where every aspect of a game is equally magnificent. There's not a single weak link to be found. (Well ok, Geralt's romance options suck but that's more a personal preference thing than an actual critique.)
First played in 2004
First played in 2002

The first 6th gen game I ever played. Needless to say, it was mind-blowing at the time. Its story themes in particular resonate deeply with me on a personal level. The added ability to see the turn order, and swap party members in and out during battle make FFX's battle system one of the most strategic in the entire series. Impressive facial animations, gorgeous environments, and an amazing soundtrack round out a game that is pretty close to perfect.
First played in 2023
First played in 2019 (ogs first played between 1999-2000)

As someone who played the OGs back in the day obsessively, it's probably tantamount to blasphemy for me to prefer this remake/remaster over the originals. Fortunately, I am a certified blasphemer.
First played in 2011 (also very late to the party)
First played in 2011 (fashionably late)


First played in 2006
First played in ~2005-2007 (extremely late to the party)
First played in 2008 (didn't attempt it seriously until 2011)


First played in 2009

The undisputed king of skateboarding games.
First played in 2019

Probably the best purely turned based RPG I've ever played. How DQ as a series manages to be continuously fresh and engaging while changing very little of its core structure is a feat unto itself.
First played in 2012

There's a strange, surreal atmosphere about this game that provokes a dark, gloomy emotion in the player. There's a certain bleakness that permeates Dishonored's setting, story, characters, art style, and even gameplay. It left an impact on me back in 2012, but it hits a lot harder in a post-2020 world.
First played in 2011 (very late to the party)
First played in 2023

Fanfiction simulator (affectionate).
First played in 2006
First played in 2005
First played ~2005-2007
First played in 1993

The first game I ever claimed as my favorite, and the beginning of a life-long obsession.
First played in 1997
First played in 2009
First played in 2011
First played in 1996
First played in 1998
First played in 2011
First played in 2002
First played in 2018


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