2001 AGC Priority List

This is my personal list that I'm using to manage and track my progress for a Discord server gaming event where my friends and I will be playing through games from 2000 - 2006 for prizes: the full list can be found here. I'll just be posting high priority games for now, and linking them to my reviews as necessary. The list isn't exactly ordered, but it does serve as a rough estimation as to how I'll be getting to things.


Still every bit as strange and yet nostalgic as before. I feel like Amanita's only improved since then though.

I don't have any new insights to bring to the table when it comes to discussing Ikaruga (you can read my old thoughts here, but I was marginally better this time around and beat every boss except for the last boss's phase!

Puzzle mode was definitely a strain on the brain but I'm glad I went through with it. Gonna have to bring this back when the friends come over for a trip though!

It's still as much fun as I remembered bodying opponents for not knowing how to deal with fast volleys, though those last grand finals vs Shy Guy will forever haunt me...


I would play this all event long if it meant I still got points for this. I might almost like this more than Ys VIII. It just gets better every time I pick it up again.


6 Old review

I don't have any additional insights on this one, Rez is just one of the coolest fucking games ever made

Was really excited for this but the super frame tight execution constantly demanded by the game (as well as how much it punishes you ever time you make a mistake) really soured the experience.

Nothing new to add about Katamari, it's just happy go lucky comfort food.

My poor left hand

Had to play a Randomizer so it was a little scuffed, but fortunately I found a pretty overpowered Tentacruel that carried me to victory

I suck at this game so no review for now but it was a pretty fun experience all things considered. Except for Launcher. Fuck Launcher.

This is now my favorite dumb horror game, strikes just the right chords in its pulpy feel and I couldn't put this down.

My friend tells me this is sort of a low budget adaptation of the kids movie Bionicle: Mask of the Light, but I stopped watching after 10 minutes because I got bored so I'll just choose to believe him. It was definitely one of the 3D platformers of all time

Best 3D platformer I've played in a long while; does everything the original does while simultaneously being even more badass.

A great quick & silly spiritual successor to Swampy's Revenge with added wrinkles thanks to the zap ability.

I am very bad at this game and thus do not feel qualified to review it but it was pretty fun honestly, and had some banger tunes!

Fucking masterpiece.

A great follow up to Combat Evolved and the alien weapons are a damn fun time. AND I can actually drive the tanks this time!

Very inspired by the heroic bloodshed action movies of old, the original Max Payne's presentation and influence is almost untouched, but the difficulty felt quite unwieldy at times.

A metroidvania inspired take on classic Kirby games that could stand to have fewer one-way doors and perhaps more movement ability abuse.

Peter Molyneux has many ideas and tried many things. Most of them didn't work but at least it's fun breaking the game.

Sly Coops and the gang get into another craaaazzzy adventure with tons of gimmick levels oh no!!!!

I hate the villagers but they also hate me so it evens out. Fishing is fun.

Max Payne but it's actually a good game and adaptive difficulty doesn't destroy your experience this time.

The ideal comfort food fantasy JRPG, for better or for worse.

Ys can be relaxing? Apparently so! A bit rougher around the edges but it's still pretty fun.


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