Ranking Games of the Decade (2001-2010)

Isn't it crazy to think the games at the start of this list will be two decades old a week after this list got started? Here's my ranking of all games I've scored that came out from 2001 to 2010!

This is how I learned to play Chess and it is pretty good, with a variety of skill levels, tutorials and so on. It's hard to say much because...ultimately, it's fuckin' chess

The opening is oddly ominous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2YMu-7-lH0
I only had a demo disc but I played it enough to give a score.
Being a kid without a lot of money in the 2000s means a LOT of buying random bargin bin games for like a dollar when you check out a Gamestop. Like this one.
wtf why is this so good and why can't I think of, like, ANY games like it

I wish the online worked because I would LOVE to play people in it.
NASCAR was the first sport I fell in love with at a young age despite not living in the south. I saw Dale Earnhardt die on TV when I was young, Matt Kenseth put together one of the most impressive Championship runs I've seen, and hoped Jeff Gordon would get to 7 Championships. Alas, Gordon got robbed by the Chase, and the fact I got the game right before the Chase came into existence is a godsend. Even leaving that aside, NASCAR games fell off hard after around 2005 and it is wild to me this game has still essentially not been surpassed. Career Mode is INCREDIBLY fun and it has great emergent gameplay based on how well you, as a driver, are skilled at each track. Car customization is very nice. I was personally a Superspeedway and fast Speedway specialist who was also great at Richmond. Still come back to this one a lot.
This might have come out in 2007, but it remains the definitive Civilization experience. A big reason is that it hits that perfect blend of beginner-friendly and veteran-deep, much better at onboarding than Civ V or VI while having more intense gameplay. Also it doesn't have totally dogshit UI. The game I've put the most hours into, period. Even if as anyone on Realms Beyond might remember (I was Kuro on there), I wasn't good at staying on time for MP...
It mostly commits the grave sin of being severely outclassed by Madden 06 and particularly Madden 07 onwards adding a bunch of features that make it a bit obsolete, but honestly it is still quite fun. Also a truly great soundtrack.

Hoobastank - Same Direction (This was one of my favorite songs when I was younger)
Strata - Piece by Piece (so hardcore)
Green Day - American Idiot
Earshot - Wait
The Mooney Suzuki - Alive and Amplified
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Will.i.am - Go!
Wylde Bunch - Last Day of School
Hazen Street - Fool the World
Jazze Pha - Da Heavy Hittas
The D.O.C. vs. Earshot - The Madden Re-Match
Midtown - Give It Up
Still very good but I prefer the gameplay mechanics and setting of the first one, still it is criminal I've never finished this one. I remember the first boss as a difficulty spike, but I got past it and like 8 more hours in and then stopped because IDK.
Notable Songs:

From First to Last - Worlds Away (Personally, I am a big fan of Two as One from the same album)
Shinedown - Devour
Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop (too bad the entire album is pretty meh)
The Offspring - Hammerhead (yeah this is in a Madden game lmao)
The Fashion - Like Knives
Rev Theory - Hey Yeah (I actually prefered this censored version lmao)
Hollywood Undead - Undead (CW: slurs, which were ofc censored out in Madden)
lol this entry was a soundtrack decline
PS2 Madden was the height of Madden and, Hot Take??, top end Madden is a great game. Along with stuff like Civilization IV and Pokemon XD this is probably one of the games I've put the most time into ever, Create-a-Team allows so many possibilities, I have made entire fake leagues and love to make a team of just the absolute worst losers in the game and see how quickly I can make them Good.

Also this applies to a lot of Maddens but my god this era of Madden has BANGERS for soundtracks and I discovered so many bands through them! Cord should have been a much more well known band. Audioslave's Revelations is a personal favorite (RIP Chris Cornell, who was a crush I had from the music video). Woman by Wolfmother, Easy Way Out by The Pink Spiders, freakin' Rise Against is here! So good. It's so sad that for many later Madden games that just do old crusty rock + NFL Films music, though I think they've changed that up nowadays?

Notable Songs:

Audioslave - Revelations
Keane - Is it Any Wonder? (This was one of my favorite songs as a teen)
The Pink Spiders - Easy Way Out
Less Than Jake - A Still Life Franchise
Dashboard Confessional - Reason to Believe
Cord - Go Either Way (PLEASE give their full album a listen! I particularly love Stay With Me Now)
Wolfmother - Woman
Sparta - Future Needs / Taking Back Control
The Rapture - Whoo! Alright - Yeah... Uh Huh
Feezy 350 - Playa What
30 Seconds to Mars - Battle of One
Lupe Fiasco ft. Jonah Matranga - The Instrumental
The Panic Channel - Teahouse of the Spirits
This was simultaneously a game that got me interested and frustrated me. All the fun characters to recruit! And then finding out most of them are worthless. The story doesn't particularly interest me despite some real good early hooks. I eventually got stuck for some hours and never returned to it.
Back when I was first young, I couldn't complete this game because the bee enemies scared me as I had basically a phobia of bees. Rather love this one, Kattlelox Island is very lively! The final boss is cool.
A certain friend of mine (thanks Elby!) talking about this game and seeing like two screenshots got me interested in this back in The Day, and thankfully a game like this was cheap to get at Gamestop so it fit right into my non-existant budget. Very worth the price as it not only has replay value but is an incredible game, but has been my favorite game for a long time (whenever I finish Trails in the Sky SC I suspect it may be surpassed) and very influential on my personal writings. I'm pretty sure this was the first time I really saw same sex relationships portrayed positively in something I actively was engaged in and not, I dunno, seeing random Will & Grace commercials on TV or something. Pratty/Sugar OTP.

Sometimes I've felt very awkward about this game being my absolute favorite because to me it feels very 7-8/10 game that simply resonated with me, but at this point I've recommended it to a few people and while one didn't like it, multiple of them have given it high scores, including one guy (R2D2 on HLTB) who was flipping between 9 and 10 for it. Maybe I should be more comfortable with my love sometimes.

The aesthetic is hella strong, the floating industrial self-created island and steam and the very nice clothing (just look at Pratty's design) and all of that I think is a huge part of why I liked it. Honestly, I don't think I've seen many games hit that aesthetic quite the same, and Swordcraft Story 2's hit less.
Byakuren is my 2nd favorite Touhou character behind Utsuho (my beloved), and in general I think UFO has a really strong cast. Very distinct styles, some real anti-villain vibes, Emotional Skyscraper is SUCH a lovely final boss song and I am quite fond of the high inter-connected boss nature. I've gotten as far as Shou but never got to Byakuren with 1 CC, would love to try sometime. (I've never really used Continues in Touhou, sometime I should just do so and see if I beat it)
“When people encounter sorrow, they try to forget it, and pretend it never existed at all."

For the most part I grew up on Nintendo consoles save for getting a PS2 in my teenage years, but I'm not someone who has interest in just being a Nintendo fan. I want to experience the breadth of gaming, and it isn't like Nintendo is the only one putting good stuff out or even that they just put out bangers.

I bring that up because I had always heard of Klonoa as one of the best underrated platformers on Playstation consoles and was very excited to try them because of that. I played through both this and Klonoa 1 with a friend and they had played Klonoa 2 but a looooong time ago, and I gotta say I LOVED this game. The final boss is not difficult (unlike Klonoa 1's hard one), but it is one of the best platformer final bosses because of the story. The dialogue. Oh my god, I freaking LOVE it!

The game is also a really great puzzle platformer that reminds me kinda of Yoshi's Island, and I feel like it advanced what it was doing much more than the first. And compared to the first it feels like the Sonic Adventure 2 of the series in attitude and style.

C'mon if you heard Sonic Adventure 2: Yoshi's Island you'd play that shit. Absolutely depressing it didn't sell well in its time despite critical success.
I gotta say, it feels like Symphonia -> Abyss -> Vesperia is a high point the Tales series has yet to reach again (even if there HAVE been strong games after). In my opinion, Vesperia's last third showed an unwillingness for the series to grow and advance in how it handled a bunch of its plot, which caused the series to be stagnant for a while.

Anyway Abyss is a game a friend really liked and a big reason I wanted to get a PS2. I really enjoyed it and the main villain is great, but I never finished the game because there's a non-healing save spot behind a boss and I saved there while low on health. My last save was like an hour behind so I went to go play other games.
Is it weird this somehow feels underrated even though I don't love it? It doesn't reach the heights of Star Fox 64 from the previous decade, but outside of 64 remakes it is the 2nd best Star Fox game around. Controls are nice. I remember being happy it came out after Adventures disappointed me, but then Command came out and just seeing what it was like (I didn't own a DS) was enough to sadden me.
I purchased this game after it came out and I was well aware of the fact it is a Legend of Zelda style adventure game. Honestly I was rather excited since the blue foxy lady seemed neat and, hey, I DO like adventure games!

So please take this as saying while Star Fox Adventures was maligned for being so out of Star Fox's wheelhouse, there were other reasons to. It just...isn't a very good adventure game. I do rather like the vibe of it, but the dungeons are generally uninspired or annoying, you don't get many cool powerups, General Scales gets completely undercut as a villain particularly by the end (not giving us a fight with him is SO bad), Andross is unnecessarily shoved in, Krystal should have had more screentime, it was just kinda bad. I enjoyed Star Fox Assault a good amount but sadly this heralded the end of Star Fox's potential rise, where the even worse Star Fox Command would put a bullet in the head and spiral Star Fox into its modern dormancy.
chess, famous game that came out in the 2000s
I grew up very poor (and am, in fact, still very poor!), but this was a game I REALLY wanted for Christmas. My mom ended up working extra time as a Christmas donation ringer in order to save up additional money, which she used to get me the game that Christmas and stayed up all night wrapping it and some other gifts. It is something I always have cherished in terms of memories.

It's also one of the games I've spent the most time on in my life (no joke, one save file I have of the game is 468 hours playtime!) and in general a great time. This era was extremely good for Pokemon and I'm a big XD/Colosseum stan, where Colosseum has a stronger vibe but XD has better gameplay.
I think this game gets a bad rap due to the 3D remake, which is actively worse gameplay-wise and in some senses script-wise although the cutscenes are excellent. Riku Replica was a character that really got my brain turning when I was younger and the isometric-style gameplay is rather fresh feeling (even if the shield enemies can be a bitch). Reverse Mode with Riku is very fun where you have to deal with whatever the game gives you, although on the easy side. It has a strong story, nice intrigue, back when KH was just 1, CoM and 2 it wasn't really a confusing story like some people make it out to be.
2001 to 2010 represents a large portion of my childhood and teenage years, from 6/7 to 16 roughly, and Pikmin 2 is a game that I replayed a TON back then. It has particular meaning to me: My internet history largely begins on GameFAQs with the Thousand Year Door and Pikmin 2 forums. The Pikmin 2 forums were where I first got into roleplay and helped plant the seeds of my desire to be a writer.

The game itself is excellent. I actually feel it is easier than the first one (oooh, controversial!), but it has snappier controls, the cave system is very fun and in some ways feels prototypical of Switch era Nintendo games, it has the best monster encyclopedia in gaming. Boss fights are fun and often frantic and you really gotta keep your wits about you. All around fantastic.
Fire Emblem came out swinging but I do find Sacred Stones worse than FE7 over time. FE7 has a much better story (even if I like the Lords and Lyon a good deal), more secrets to unlock, and IMO better map design. Sacred Stones has a much better classing system (it feels ideal for GBA FE honestly), somewhat better graphics, and I do like how it feels atypical for a Fire Emblem with more of a classical fantasy with demons. Still highly recommended.
Not all games here are ones I played when they came out and Fire Emblem here is a case of that. I did try emulating it back then, but I never got through Lyn's tale. To be honest, I don't think I truly got onboarded into Fire Emblem until Three Houses despite my username coming from a Fire Emblem character thanks to Smash. But it has only grown on me more and more with time. An excellent and actually underrated story with some of Fire Emblem's best antagonists, strong character writing (even if people way overstate the quality of supports vs. later games here in aggregate), and a really fun gameplay base. I feel like Sacred Stones later improves on the gameplay, but Blazing Blade has much better maps and encourages a wider variety of gameplay with stuff like Ranking.
PPSh-41 spammer right here.
When I think of this era of Nintendo, in my mind largely defined by the Gamecube and Game Boy Advance, Pikmin is one of the games that I would say "defines" the era for me. Extremely quirky and creative, how many console RTS games did you see around, with some nice and surprising depth to it. Olimar is one of Nintendo's underrated protagonists for being very well characterized and Pikmin 1 + 2 are the core of that. Although Pikmin 2 supercedes it as my favorite, the original Pikmin also holds a close place in my heart.
When I think of definitional FAN events from this era, this is what I think of. Mother 3's fan translation was the kind of thing that made eternal rounds on the internet back then, truly one of the first major fan translation projects that I can remember that had insane hype when it got released. It also completely lived up to the hype, with Mother 3 being beloved in the western internet gaming scene on release. I don't think it is a stretch to say that most fan translation projects owe something to it, even if it is just the fact it got a lot of people interested in trying them out. The game itself truly lives up to the hype and is one of the personal hard hitters for me.

Although it was never finished, I recommend reading Clyde Mandelin's translation comparison that gave thought process on why choices were made in the translation, technical hurdles and more that they went through: https://legendsoflocalization.com/mother-3/

His Earthbound translation comparison is also amazing.
Man this was a great time for Mario. I've never gotten much into Superstar Saga and it never jelled with me, but I really wanna finish it sometime and see if it fully clicks for me or not.
The first Bioware game I ever played, I've beaten it multiple times, maybe still the best Star Wars game? Probably one of the best RPGs I could have gotten in my teens and helpful for making sure I didn't only have JRPGs when I was younger, I've beaten it again as an adult, some bits have aged but I feel like it still largely retains its quality. Strong gameplay, a fun story that really builds up some good mystique, lots of ways to tackle it and great use of the Star Wars universe. Malak is a bit of a lame final villain, but I have appreciated him some more later.
This era for Nintendo felt very daring and The Thousand Year Door, with its gameplay that shows you a noose in a town square within about 5 minutes of gameplay, feels like it was a daring step forward from the much more normal Mario game on the Nintendo 64 in Paper Mario.

I think one thing all of the first three Paper Marios have is a great sense of sincerity, and that helps a lot with TTYD. The story combines serious and silly in a very varying way, usually firmly planted with at least some silly, but a strong earnestness helps tie it together. The entire Glitz Pit levels mix of murder mystery and wrestling promotion is great. I love the way you can gather background lore and little bits of knowledge throughout the game, like finding out about the Four Heroes in the past, to go with the main plot. The Bowser stages are absolutely hilarious. The Peach/Tec-XX scenes are actually a bit heartwarming. I joined multiple RPs entirely based on the Thousand Year Door and along with Pikmin 2 it forms the start of my internet forum experience, I LOVED making fan battles for the game in badge challenges!, and so this is a game very close to me.

Incredibly underrated Metroid entry, it isn't quite as open ended as stuff like Super or Dread but still has primo Search Action gameplay and the ways it is different enhance the experience I feel. SA-X might be stupid but it is used in good ways to induce stress. The 2000s were a great time to be a Metroid fan...though I only played this recently.

Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/FrozenRoy/review/376176/
The first M rated game I ever owned, along with Persona 4, and I did at least somewhat twist my mom with it and got it via my grandmother. This, Persona 4 and Tales of the Abyss were the main reasons I wanted a PS2. I already knew a lot of the plot and I played this game nearly non-stop for a month after getting it because I was entranced, I didn't stop until I beat The Answer and then moved on to Persona 4.

Still the best version of the game (sorry Reload), The Answer is actually really good story-wise and the gameplay is fine dungeon crawling fun, the best Persona Awakenings in the series and somehow this is the only game that doesn't remove the animated cutscenes for some reason. I want to give this a very long review because it is the kind of game that sticks in my mind and where I will use Burn My Dread to motivate myself if I feel depressed. The themes about living in the face of certainty, about what it means to live the fullness of life, are very well done. To this day it has the best Persona plot. Also the best style sorry Persona 5. I probably need to go into a full review to say all I'd want, but this and Persona 4 are a great 1-2 punch.
One of the few games I returned. The 2000s weren't the kindest to Sonic, but it did give us Sonic Adventure 2 so all is forgiven.

Honestly, Sonic Heroes wasn't really bad, it just felt boring and unmemorable. I do love the music because this entire era of Sonic music is bangers.
I probably need to come back to this one, but as a kid I was never huge into it. I think the dreadful tutorial, which I got stuck on, was a huge reason why. It also just didn't quite hook me the way something like Majora's Mask or Wind Waker did outside of Midna.
Super Mario 64 is a game I have more appreciation for as I get older (even if below Sunshine still), but when I was growing up? THIS was my Mario of choice. Still one of the tightest damn feeling 3D platformers of all time! I spent hours just jumping around this fella, and some of the harder challenges may have been frustrating but it was also fun to beat them. I didn't realize you could go through The Goopy Inferno from the bottom and strategically used water from getting Mario wet in the ponds and stuff to clear out the goop. Was supremely difficult but did complete the level. Ended up never beating the game due to the infamous Corona Mountain Boat.
Top/Jungle Tank Main.

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1 month ago

Realized with Neoquest and Neoquest II being in this decade, plus remembering I that a game I played a demo disc of a bunch was 2004 Axis and Allies, I've now hit over 100 ranked games on this list! :o That feels like a lot, although this IS the most prominent era of my gaming due to encompassing my childhood and teen years.

I decided to go through and put more notes in although I haven't updated the description. The Madden ones turned into me listing some stuff from their soundtracks (w/ links), so hopefully people enjoy that. I do hope to catch a lot of franchises from this era I missed with at least one game like Sly Cooper or something as it could use some variety I feel, although this is still a pretty damn eclectic mix.

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