games made out of spite

aggressive games where it feels like the developer doesn't exactly hate you the player but they sure hate something (this is not a bad thing). these can also be made with love mixed in too.

i'd love suggestions!! it could also be based just on vibes


3 months ago

ninja gaiden 2

3 months ago

@lenz which one!

3 months ago

i feel like nobody talks about this, but we love katamari gives me those vibes even if it kinda loops back around on itself to being a celebration of sorts (im pretty sure takahashi didnt want to make a second one? idk, just feels like the gremlins 2 of video games to me)

3 months ago

@Mewtsukki o original de X360

3 months ago

@theia you're right that's a good one!

3 months ago

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 made out of spite of people who re-interpreted Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. "If you are going to perform Death of the Author analysis of my game wait until I am actually dead" - Tactics Advance writer probably.

3 months ago

as much as i love the series, every tomb raider after 2 was made with a pretty legendary amount of spite. tomb raider chronicles being the biggest example.

3 months ago

Ratchet & Clank Size Matters is weird to me, the way it ends is so anticlimactic and unimpressing I thought it was bugged. Definitely feels like they had to have a R&C game on PSP.

Honorable mention to Koudelka for being a game that softlocks the ending behind a missable item with a thankless and gross bad ending cutscene 😭

3 months ago


Last of Us Part II, Spec Ops The Line and YIIK

3 months ago

Twilight Princess.

3 months ago

Very cool list! It's kind of insane how many amazing games were made by people who utterly despised what they were making XD

As for a personal suggestion, I feel like Crash Team Racing would a perfect addition for a list like this: Naughty Dog have stated on numerous occasions that they were completely fed up with working on Crash Bandicoot as a series after Warped for multiple reasons such as a feeling of milking the series for all it was worth, a desire to create something new and the strained relationship they had with their publisher of Universal Interactive. As a result, for their final game with the character in CTR, they decided to try and kill any and all interest in the series by making the antagonist (Nitrus Oxide) an alien that came completely out-of-nowhere which, in their minds, was such a massive departure from what came before that people would immediately hate the games after they did it (ironically, enough though, the exact opposite happened and Oxide would go on to be a fan-favourite in the series to the point where he made came back in Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time XD).

This video provides a pretty thorough explanation on just how much they hated this marsupial by the time of CTR's development/release XD:

3 months ago

takeshi's challenge has to be on the list

3 months ago

Mighty No. 9 after Inafune got fired from Capcom

3 months ago

Conker's Bad Fur Day

3 months ago

Ooooh I've got some from my recent binge I can vouch for

Haunted Castle and Akumajou Dracula for the X68000

3 months ago

@petro_sino i was going to put Koudelka but this guy quit his job just so he could make a high profile videogame and even with all the discussions he had with the staff i don't feel like the game is too agressive for it. of course he also left directing and went back to composing after this game so who knows ahaha

@fizza omg that's a really good story, i didn't know that!

@mapache thanks can't believe i forgot this one!!!

@DoctorIssa i'm gonna sit on this one for a bit since Inafune wasn't fired from Capcom, he just left. But the man really was spiteful about a lot of things and i do wonder how much of that made it's way into how many projects he wanted to do at the same time, especially with Mighty No.9

everyone else i didn't respond to i've either added to the list or i played the game and personally didn't feel like it fits, thanks for all the suggestions!!

3 months ago

Every Yoko Taro game could fit here I guess. Also Travis Strikes Back, it even has a whole section dedicated to Shadows of the Damned.

Aaand Bubsy 3D: Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective

3 months ago

Majora's Mask (they spite Shigeru Miyamoto)

3 months ago

missing Zelda 2

3 months ago

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.

2 months ago

Doom (1993)

2 months ago

This list would be incomplete without Rainworld

2 months ago

DK64 is arguably as much of a spite game as Conker since Rare essentially split in half developing both games.

2 months ago

No fucking way you put Tactics Advance, Tactics A2 and Disco Elysium on the level of Drakengard

2 months ago

Final Fantasy XVI clearly hates being a Final Fantasy game. Not only do you aim to destroy the crystals, but more blatantly the villain's theme is Overworld from FF1.

I would also suggest the first Zone of the Enders. The game feels trapped in itself. It hates being so short, it hates being overshadowed by MGS2, but "it needs it done to itself" so it can reach its audience. Victory can only be hoped for, but not achieved.

Finally, Metroid II. Pure genocide in a Game Boy cartridge. A hopeless claustrophobic descent. The first game in my memory to explicitly adress the incentivization of murder in video games.

2 months ago

I remember seeing a game on steam that was literally called something like "oh you want to play those shitty fake mobile game ads huh? Well then here you go bitch it's real now!!" And I think that has such an aggressive energy that conveys a deep frustration on the developers part
Also I second banjo kazooie nuts and bolts

2 months ago

danganronpa v3 would fit this pretty cleanly

2 months ago

@Aziamuth yeah

2 months ago

@Kirabochips i think FFXVI is the exact opposite actually, it enjoys FF so much that it wants to "subvert" it, but like, it's 11 too late Bravely Default did that already and as a celebration too, in a much more cynic tone even.

loved the other ones though thanks for the write-up!

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