Platinum/100% Trophies

Games where I have gotten at least every base trophy on PlayStation! Some of these do not have a platinum trophy, but were completed to 100%. Check notes for more details regarding platforms, DLC, etc.

There are some stinky games in here, and yes, I only played them for the trophies lol.

Vita (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4; DLC included.
PS3 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS4 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS3 (No Platinum, 100%)
PS3 (No Platinum, 100%)
Vita (No Platinum, 100%)


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