Games that people have liked more with time

Inspired by Tucks' more downbeat version of this list. Probably a bit up for debate but then again, what isn't. Comment if there's some you want included, or tell me if you disagree :D

This might be due to re-releases, critical re-examination, patches or whatever, I don't really care.

Ok obviously doom was always massively successful and im not saying it wasn't - but in a critical space and from the point of view of games criticism and design, I feel it's getting more attention from that angle than ever.
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
ESP Ra.De.
ESP Ra.De.
One of a couple games re-evaluated through re-releases from M2's STG line that gained a lot of clout from it. I'll spare you and only include the one though. Also it's heavy influence on Touhou plays a part.
Darkstalkers 3
Darkstalkers 3
One of a couple of fighting games to get a big load of attention in the starved year of 2020. Good for VSAV.
System Shock 2
System Shock 2
No one bought this game initially. Probably revived by bioshock. I think consensus has probably turned a bit on it as of recent years though.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Has gained a lot in recent years thanks to an improved translation that doesn't just blatantly lie to you, and more presence in FE in general (Heroes, etc).
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Gamecube exclusivity and the tide pushing towards more action horror games stimied this one for a while.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
Another debateable one, SH3 I feel had a pretty rotten reputation until pretty recent times, at least compared to SH2.
Yume Nikki
Yume Nikki
influenced recent games (Lisa, etc), puts it back in the spotlight.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
God Hand
God Hand
3/10 - IGN
Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls
Deadly Premonition
Deadly Premonition
I mean, it's never going to be the most popular thing but DP has clearly built up some clout over the years.
Metro 2033
Metro 2033
Ok, this might just be projection or something, but what seems like a generic fps in 2010 is now a fairly successful franchise and a cool game in it's own right.
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
I'll be honest I don't really get this one at all, but I have to say i've seen people warm to this one a lot.
Pokémon Black Version
Pokémon Black Version
Seems to be much more well liked now than it was at the time, i agree with the commentors - probably helps that it has the sick as fuck sprite art.
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Its very easy to forget how scuffed the launch of NV was. Still probably liked overall at launch but clearly not in as good of a light as it now is.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3
Probably wouldnt go as far to say is well liked now, but definetly earned a bit more clout over time. I blame raycevik.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Original launch was incredibly scuffed and borne out of an arguably console focused release. Took a lot of time and iteration to become one of the most popular PC games.
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R
Bless rollback
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV Online
Ok this is mostly down to the game itself just getting a lot better rather than public perception.
Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8
Alternatively, any Wii U game ported to the switch.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Shit was absolutely derided for it's launch model. Well liked now.
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
Destiny 2
Destiny 2
Destiny 1 as well, frankly.
Among Us
Among Us
Game basically dead for 2 years springs up massively out of nowhere.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Frankly a lot of Suda's stff could be on this list - FSR and the Silver Case both feel like they've gone through re-evaluations to me, but TSA definetly fills this one. Seeing what people say about it now compared to launch is a mile apart.
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition
I still don't like it, but its definetly a lot better than it was.


3 years ago

i'd say Silent Hill 4 has gotten an even bigger increase in appreciation than 3, I distinctively remember it being called the black sheep of the series when it came out.

3 years ago

- earthbound!!!
- i think a lot of people turned on super paper mario after they saw where the series went. still has its haters but a lot of people see it as the last actual paper mario now
- castlevania rondo of blood/bloodlines are getting more recognition lately i think. super 4 overshadowed them for the longest time and rondo stayed in japan for a while
- i think a lot of people 180d on demon's souls after dark souls came out
- maybe it's just me, but i feel like it's way cooler to like ff12 these days especially with zodiac age lol
- pokemon black/white didnt do that great sales wise compared to the other pokemon games. many fans bashed it at the time for being too different. gen 5 is now considered the best by many
- suda's stuff? i think killer7/nmh have always been p big cult classics but they feel bigger these days

3 years ago

max payne 3, drakengard 3, kane and lynch 2, travis strikes again: no more heroes, metroid fusion (?)

3 years ago

breath of fire dragon quarter!!!

3 years ago

Majora's Mask, more so than Wind Waker, represents the biggest change of perception in the Zelda franchise. I clearly remember it being belittled at launch (fans expected a straighter Ocarina follow-up and didn't get that at all). But time has made Majora's Mask one of the most beloved Zeldas for both fans and critics, I would say even to the point of surpassing its predecessor, which at the time and for many years has been considered one of the greatest games.

And then there's The Legend of Zelda (1986), which was hugely successful and influential at launch but got underappreciated as the next generation hit the market, with greater production values and new design sensibilities breaking through, until maybe the beginning of the last decade, when its critical status (rightly) skyrocketed to the point of becoming an influence for the franchises's change of path that was Breath of the Wild, in some ways a return to its roots.

3 years ago

Marvel vs Capcom 3 got some flak when it came out due to the roster choices and the lack of content, not to mention Ultimate coming out the same year, but after the release of Infinite people look back on 3 a lot more favorably.

3 years ago

does no man's sky really count? Its not like people reevaluated the old game stuff, it just got completely overhauled to the point its a completely different game that people like now
also i second pokemon black/white, the pokemon fanbase was full of way more "genwunners" at that point so i distinctly remember everyone fucking hated it cuz it had like, ice cream pokemon n shit. also yeah sh4

3 years ago

chulip, flower sun and rain, binary domain, resonance of fate (those last two maybe not as strongly but i definitely see more appreciation for them now then before)

3 years ago

i just didnt read your note for tsa as it relates to fsr sorry -_-

3 years ago

I guess Mega Man X4 counts for this list as well. I suppose back then it was like "yeah sure another mega man game" but nowadays it's often regarded as one of the best Mega Man games out there. Also check out the Wikipedia page, the person who edited it clearly loves this game lol (

3 years ago

^ "Next Generation suggested that those interested in the game should instead 'pick up Mega Man X3 in the used bin for a third of the price, since you won't miss much.'" is so hilarious in hindsight

3 years ago

Mega Man Legends and Sonic Unleashed

3 years ago

Along the same lines as Earthbound, I'll say Yume Nikki, as I think a lot of people hadn't heard of it until much later when other games taking inspiration from it came along.

3 years ago

Also Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, aka the game that was sent out to die with a buggy release and being released on the same day as Half-Life 2.

3 years ago

Added a few more based on suggestions - Thank you all :D

3 years ago

I'm not sure what the general consensus is but I'm sure Hbomberguy's video "In Defense of Dark Souls 2" must have swayed some people. It would also be very funny to see it on both your list and Tuck's lol

3 years ago

Ooh, KOTOR II is a good entry for this list! It wasn't as well liked as the first when it came out but over time I feel like there's a good portion of people who like it more than the original now due to its writing and a great villain.

2 years ago

Does Mass Effect 3 count?
You should include Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and DOOM 64, thanks to the amount of games and ports of the original DOOM and SF2 got, a great amount of players felt franchise fatigue, similarly, due to not being completely 3D, neither critics nor gamers cared about them, ¿Nowdays? Expect a great amount of fans of both franchises telling you how both games are awesome and even contender for the greatest game

1 year ago

Sea of Thieves?

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