Marty's Top 50

Viewer discretion is advised. Mostly in order, subject to change.

over 900 counted hours played as of writing this, this game has molded me into who I am today, I have been playing since 2006.
The story of 5 was a bit lackluster, but the gameplay makes up for it. So good.
I've probably put over 2000 hours into the rock band series, for years we played almost 3 times a week, with friends, with family. The perfect party game.
I cried.
Boneworks blew my mind, it opened my eyes to how powerful VR can be.
Gotta name your guppy Santa so everytime you feed it, it sings Christmas songs and give you extra money.
It just works™
Hi [FRIEND_NAME_HERE], you have to check out this game. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.

24 , listen to this and tell me you won't put it in your top 50
The HD mobile port is very decent!
I cried.


Love/Hate relationship with Dota 2, with over 1000 hours of playtime, this game has gotten me through many college nights.
It's like the first one but better.
Some of my friends and I's best inside jokes come from this dumb game and I'm sad nobody played it.


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