Popular didnt play bandwagon

Im not doing from the years Ive been alive, just arbitrary Ice Climber release year

old. hard.
Sorry retro heads! The Modern Gamer™ is here and they HATE old CRAP!
I can play the gaemboy version
I mean, I've played Tetris, but I'm not gonna play this version.
maybe... MAYBE? (epic mario piss goomba reference)
only zelda's i might care about are 2D, so maybe.
now if this game was 3D, we'd be talkin.
Sorry slightly less retro heads! The Modern Gamer™ is here and they HATE slightly newer old CRAP!
old. dont care!
sighs and takes the snes out behind the shed
Now as seen in my dueling reviews where I both simultaneously hate and love Mario; I will maintain that balance by not playing this game.
If this had a Steam release I would have played it already.
I don't really care about Zelda at all so I have no drive to play them except some 2D ones.
Little Mac already existed by then, and he wasn't in here? Stupid.
Okay I know what I just said about not caring, but this one is a little cool at least so I kind of want to play it but not super much. I;m also kind of bigoted against the n64.
Maybe, I've already played 5 though and I think I will just go "wow, 5 just feels better" and be disappointment.
I have no interest in GTA's unless they are modern or Saints Row.
same as DMC1
Yup, wanna play it. Havent had a Playstation since ps1 though soooo.
there is too much of this "Zelda" person
there are other kart racers I don't have to bust the Wii out for
rolls over in sleep
The Missing: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories is the only one of these I need to play.
snores like a wonderfully well behaved adult baby
yeah, this is gonna get played
no playstation and don't really care, watched it anyways.
Look im not putting Last of Us Remastered here.
I think I could just play Watch Dogs 2 and get what I want from the franchise, even though I will miss out on psychopath Aiden Pierce.
I probably will eventaully. Did watch it all.
Do not particularly care about life sims. I'm not much of a person when Im left to my own devices.
pulls up my blanket for extra warmth during my slumber
I don't think I had a good reliable quantity of friends who would play this when it came out. Maybe now?, but I would rather spend that time with jackbox or something. (also TTT clears)
There are many JRPG's I want to play, and I'm probably never gonna touch Persona or SMT. Don't care about the social link stuff in Persona, or this particular artstyle of anime.
same as Stardew Valley
I'm not gonna buy it, but if I somehow get it, yeah probably.
You know what! I actually would have wanted to play this if
1.) Blizzard didn't fucking suck gargly balls
I so fucking wanted cool single player missions to play as Hanzo in the first game, and they didint even do that, fuck off.
lurches up from bed with a start, my mind is racing from the beautiful dreams that I have just had and I spit out one phrase
"Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts"


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