My Physical Switch Game Collection

All my games I own in a physical copy displayed on my shelf. Do I regret this? Kind of. Some of these games were from Limited Run, which I learn too late that they aren't that good... at all. Not my place to explain why, you can look it up on your own time.
Regardless I'm really proud having such a bizzare collection of Switch games. Some of these I've been curious of playing them for the longest time, some were games I already knew I loved but wanted to own them in a physical form, and others I saw for sale and thought "ok" and bought it for >$60 without a thought for any ramifications.

uh... i can explain...
Was only interested in Bioshock 1, and that'll be a trend for a few of these collections.
I heard this port was greatly improved in recent years and... I'd hate to see what it use to be since this was still rough, but loved it regardless
Probably the most expensive one at over $100. Why yes, I do indeed make bad purchasing decisions. How'd you know?
So funny story: I somehow ordered a Japanese copy by complete accident. And I was so deflated by it that I haven't attempted to get an english copy since. (If that ain't the best villian origin story...)
This had Resident Evil 4 on a physical cartridge and 5 & 6 were codes only. Guess which one game I actually got this collection for?


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