"Liked" Games

Backloggd doesn't have a Letterboxd "Heart" feature yet so this will have to do for the "Not the best but still particularily like games". (I don't have anything rated 4/5 - 5/5.)


2.5/5 Unique enough to still stand out in my mind.
3/5 Looks and plays like a free shovelware title but genuinely stellar performances and atmosphere.
3.5/5 Extremely clunky but still got plenty of the Remedy charm I love.
3.5/5 Literally the thing that scared me the most when I was 5 was Monster House so this got me good.
3.5/5 19/05/2021 - I got a PS5 and platinumed this first in one sitting. Great demo.
3.5/5 Won't play ever again but I think about it regulaurly and often rewatch essays about it so it did have a impact.
3.5/5 Uneven pacing aside the gameplays still great and the story has some fantastic moments despite the weaker cast.
3/5 Potentially my favorite game of the series if it were anything but a 2 hour prologue for Episode 2.
3/5 Cool concept and execution. Love to see more of this world.
3.5/5 Shouldn't have been sold as a DS Successor. Aesthetically similar but otherwise its own thing that starts off rough with reliance on the overly simple melee combat but settles into a nice rhythm by the end with a full toolset and stellar atmosphere.
3/5 Love the atmosphere and visuals so much I just about managed to get through the abysmal combat.
2.5/5 COD1 is so different in design that I think 2 is just a far better introduction to the series despite 1 being a solid game on its own.
3/5 Basic combat and while I enjoy the story it defitnely has weird choices, but overall I still like it. Zack and the OST in particular being outstanding.
2.5/5 Great point & click gameplay, the action set pieces in particular being genuinely amazing, with cool ideas and set-ups that unfortunately will never have payoff and have been left in the dust. Still a fun experience despite the lack of closure.
3/5 I love Ariandel, the presentation and Sister Friede but there just isn't much content to it. Boggles my mind thinking about how you can still purchase this seperately.
3.5/5 Way more surreal and interesting then the original.
3/5 Very nostalgic for me.
3.5/5 I get the discourse surrounding this but I still enjoyed myself.
3.5/5 A DTL game that's ALSO Spongebob? Yes Yes Yes!
3.5/5 Honest. Don't see myself replaying but enjoyed as someone whose had many of these thoughts/feelings.
3.5/5 Don't care for the story but top notch atmosphere, visuals and classic HL2 gameplay.
2.5/5 No point in playing now but still a solid level.
2.5/5 Favorite Halo multiplayer. First time a Halo campaign hooked me in the first half. Then the 2nd half happened and I was immediately let down.
3.5/5 Easily the best Halo game, even if I prefer 2's gameplay.
3.5/5 5/5 story, atmosphere and visuals let down by 2.5/5 combat and puzzles.


3.5/5 Just solid. Cute idea that's well handled.
3/5 Neil Cuckman simulator about hating your characters and making them suffer. Except this one has a good ending lol. Of course I love the art.
3/5 I feel like this should be inserted into the actual game honestly in a directors cut of some kind since on its own it's just kinda there.
3/5 It's the video game adaptation of "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture". Solid little title with great atmosphere, especially the tunnel sequence.
3.5/5 Lacks 1's cohesion and some annoying controls, but otherwise is more of what I liked in 1.
3.5/5 Lot of special memories in multiplayer with being introduced to a friend through it and I still remember having fun in the campaign.
2.5/5 Like the atmosphere and visuals but is clearly just a proof of concept. Interested in the follow up tho.
3/5 This developer only has one idea but this was the best version of that idea.
3.5/5 Classic "Game I probably like to think about more then play" title. Even if it is "THE POINT" it does get repetitive, especially realising that Assassination Gig 07 is easily the most profitable one, and the combat is nothing special.
2.5/5 It pisses me off way more then the original (Worse pacing, even easier combat despite the SOL improvements and weaker story/set-up) but it still has so much style and maybe unearned confidence in itself along with the best soundtrack ever that I'm still glad I experienced.
3.5/5 MA CHILDHOOD. Why the fuck does no other horror game have as thick an atmosphere as this.
3/5 Will be keeping a eye on this since I really enjoyed what was here.
3/5 Easily the worst OG Quake episode and I liked Episode 4.
3.5/5 Going into this with my only impressions being that of ZP, I was surprised with how much I really enjoyed this. Arguable quality as a "Quake" sequel but as a general FPS is just solid.
3/5 Remedy's weakest but still better then most.
3/5 Butchered story and completely emotionless R&C aside, the gameplay is still fun and the level design is still some of my favorite of the series.
3.5/5 Most underrated R&C entry. Janky but enjoyed the platforming and story fair bit.
3/5 I know this is usually a disliked entry but the platforming and levels are pretty creative and the story, while basic, is more of classic Ratchet. Let down by weak combat and controls and spikes in difficulty. Awful final boss too.
3/5 A wasted chance to make RE3 something more special then just glorified RE2 DLC but is still at least fun and has everything from RE2R production wise, if less of it.
3/5 Rehashed 4 but great co op.
1.5/5 Leon - 3/5, Chris - 2/5, Jake - 1/5, Ada (Played as Hunk) - 0.5/5. Leon is rehashed 4, Chris is rehashed 5, Jake is awful and Ada is literally the most worthless experience I've ever had in co op.
3.5/5 Love the story and 1st half, even if the gameplay is basic and the 2nd half a slight slog.
3/5 Rides the line between just a lazy rehash of 7 assets and also interesting metroid vania level design with more variety then most of RE7 in less time.
3.5/5 Worse the more I think about it but still remember overall having fun.
3.5/5 Mechanic goes underused, aside from the literal 1 ending puzzle, but the atmosphere and experience were pretty cool despite the shit ending.
2.5/5 Guilty pleasure. Legitimately has cool stuff going for it though.
3.5/5 Solid game in its own right as something completely different from the main game.
3/5 The best Lost World level. Genuinely charming and honestly the best LW Sonic feels to control in. Basically a Frontiers demo.
Just fun. FBH is way better tho.
Fun with friends. Enough variety to keep interesting.
3/5 Worse Max Payne but has enough self identity and style to be worth a go.
3.5/5 Cat Vibes. Lot of the complaints I've seen around the game talk about what they want it to be and not what it is. Would be nice if the platforming was less automatic but focus is on aesthetic and the world which are both handled very well.
Didn't get into the narrative but the concept is cool and well executed.
3.5/5 Way too many memories and time spent on the 3DS with this.
3/5 Liked it largely as a fan of Berserk. Shallow combat and barebone levels but the ST, visuals and bosses are all pretty cool.
3.5/5 Lot of flaws but still commendable in a lot of ways for attempting so much and to be fair succeeding in a fair few.
3.5/5 Just randomly felt like playing some TOTD. Beautiful and confident schlock.
3.5/5 Very alone in how much I still like UC1. Love the simplicity of it all taking place on 1 island for a continuous adventure despite that leading to occassional dull downtime and lack of standout set pieces compared to the sequels.
3/5 Liked the story and visuals but the gameplay quickly runs out of ideas.
3/5 Still a fun ride with some incredible moment's, Episode 3's climax, despite the worse pacing and less developed cast.
3.5/5 Solid cast, Lee and Clem obviously the best, with early but still solid choices thanks to good pacing.
3/5 Sweet experience.
3.5/5 First Telltale game. Love the story and cast with the gameplay, while basic in traditional Telltale ways, at its best being genuinely engaging especially in the last case.
3/5 Easy and boring open world but the combat is fun with a enjoyably stupid story.
3.5/5 If anyone should hate the fact that they turned Wolfenstein into a "Looter Shooter" it should be me... but I honestly don't. Still has Colossus's superb combat with even better level design that's really fun in co op. Although the story is dissapointing.


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