Infinite Replayability

These are games I can revisit an infinite number of times and never tire of them. In fact, a lot of these games are so approachable to me that I just need to think about them or see them on my shelf before I start thinking about replaying them again. In order to make this list, each game has to be something I've already played more than once and still frequently consider playing, otherwise it would be filled with way more titles I want to replay but which might not hold up a second time or have the same kind of longevity.

This shouldn't be confused as a list of my favorite games of all time (though a number of them do qualify) as there's some games I think are bad that I find myself wanting to play again and again despite it.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Contra: Hard Corps
Contra: Hard Corps
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 also qualify here. But NOT 4. Maybe the first two chapters but then I'm out.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Complete
Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Complete
You can also count Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Mania, and Sonic CD in this. I'm going to save on space and just put Complete here.
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Tetris Battle Gaiden
Tetris Battle Gaiden
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
Yoshi's Story
Yoshi's Story
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
Mega Man 8
Mega Man 8
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Alien Soldier
Alien Soldier
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
Super Metroid
Super Metroid
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
GoldenEye 007
GoldenEye 007
Super Castlevania IV
Super Castlevania IV
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII
Nights Into Dreams...
Nights Into Dreams...
Sports Talk Baseball
Sports Talk Baseball
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
I keep playing this and I keep trying to like it more, and I'm going to be trapped in this loop until I DIE.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Knuckles' Chaotix
Knuckles' Chaotix
The more I play this the more mad I get. The more I think about it the more I want to play it.
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2
Pokémon Blue Version
Pokémon Blue Version


Dark Souls
Dark Souls
Like Sonic, I feel this way about the whole trilogy, but I think Dark Souls 1 is interesting because I do not like it very much and yet even as I write this... I kinda wanna play it again.


Resident Evil
Resident Evil


Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne


Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Unleashed
The night stages are horrible but hear me out, the daytime stages are the best 3D Sonic has ever been.


Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time


Dead or Alive 2
Dead or Alive 2


Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls


Pokémon Silver Version
Pokémon Silver Version


Tetris: The Grand Master
Tetris: The Grand Master
I think pretty much any Tetris game kinda works here. Even the Game Boy and NES versions. I'm sure there's a bad Tetris out there, but I'd probably like that, too.


The House of the Dead 2
The House of the Dead 2


2 months ago

I got two modes in life: playing shinobi III and thinking of playing shinobi III

2 months ago

@curse god, same

2 months ago

I actually bought a Retro Blaster recently and have been eyeing some Genesis boards and cases and considering making my own repro of Shinobi III. This is what I've been driven to ever since my repro guy took the money and ran.

2 months ago

wanting to replay dark souls 1 but not really being sure if you actually enjoy playing thru it or not is a mood, literally me like every couple years or so (also same deal with ff10 for me lol)

2 months ago

Whoever decided to add the Master Key item to Dark Souls derserved a raise, it makes replays so inviting and approachable if you know the game and the right paths. Also I haven't even played Sonic 3 & Knuckles yet and I'm itching to replay CD, I may not love most of the games I've played so far from the series but when one hits it REALLY hits
some good picks here mr weatherby

2 months ago

alien soldier blew my mind when i first played it. like...damn...i could play this all day.

2 months ago

If I did this list I think it would only have Streets of Rage 2 and Monster Hunter World.

Good choices here though!

2 months ago

Crash 2 sweep!!!

2 months ago

One day you'll go from a Seymour hater to a Seymour lover I know enough playthroughs of FFX will finally open your eyes to peak!

2 months ago

@TransWitchSammy I'd sooner walk into the ocean to play a little bit of real life Blitz Ball (drown)

2 months ago

@gruel Alien Soldier rules. I think I see in it what others seen in like, Ninja Gaiden Black.

@FallenGrace I almost put Shredder's revenge in but I think that's one where playing it with others is specifically what makes me wanna go back to it. The Streets games are all great but I don't quite feel as compelled to play them as the rest of these. Closest might be that fixed version of 3, that one is pretty good.

@MiraMiraOTW The best Crash, some would say (me, i'm the crash 2 defender)

2 months ago

@Weatherby also you're the fucking man for including Nights. the best of all time.

2 months ago

@gruel To be fair, that's one of the ones where I'm like "I'm not sure I like this but I keep playing it."

2 months ago

@Weatherby that is called "Sonic Team's Trick." make a game that you can't stop playing despite not having formed an opinion on it.

2 months ago

personally i think those beans are a little too mean... just my humble opinion.. .

2 months ago

@LarryDavis I think they could be meaner.

2 months ago

@LarryDavis i bet those beans were good kids until they started hanging out with Robotnik. sad to see.

2 months ago

Such a solid list. There are some amazing titles on this list. I’ve replayed so many of these. Sonic 3 and knuckles is my game. I can play that again and again.

2 months ago

knuckles chaotix on this list is based people generally seem to hate it but i find it fun it has good atmosphere and i don't think the controls/mechanics are terrible like people say

2 months ago

@perhapsmoose Oh no, I hate it. But for some reason I keep playing it thinking I'll hate it less each time.

There's stuff I like about it though. I find it novel in some ways, there's some great music in it, I generally like the aesthetic of the game a whole lot, but the way it's structured and how its designed are sticking points for me.

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